Parkland Poultry

Parkland Poultry Welcome to Parkland Poultry. Raising poultry for exhibition, pets and pure pleasure! Our farm is located in the southeastern Parkland area of Saskatchewan.

Some of our favorite breeds we specialize in are Mottled Houdan, Buff Laced Polish, Tolbunt Polish, Crèvecoeur and Sultan for their crested head feathers, beards, and docile personality. They make a wonderful addition to any backyard flock and will provide you with fresh eggs regularly. We are not a hatchery, but really enjoy hatching eggs. Unfortunately we are not able to keep every one and frequ

ently have chicks of various ages and breeds to rehome. On occasion we will offer individual pullets and cockerels or pairs and trios after selecting the ones we retain for improving our lines. Hope you Like our page as much as we love our chickens!

💘 Valentine’s Day 💘 Mottled Houdans and Buff Laced Polish hatched February 7th.We also will part with a few Tolbunt Poli...

💘 Valentine’s Day 💘
Mottled Houdans and Buff Laced Polish hatched February 7th.
We also will part with a few Tolbunt Polish (2 frizzle & 1 smooth) hatched January 17th to make room for next week’s hatch.
Local pickup at Esterhazy or Stockholm.

Test batch  #3 out of the incubator 🐥This week hatch includes buff laced polish, Houdans, white polish and more BBS poli...

Test batch #3 out of the incubator 🐥
This week hatch includes buff laced polish, Houdans, white polish and more BBS polish with 2 really light ones. I’m not sure if they’ll be a pale blue when feathered or maybe possible splash?

Coop  #4 - Mottled Houdans and Crevecoeurs Last but not least. Mottled Houdans and Crevecoeurs are two heritage breeds w...

Coop #4 - Mottled Houdans and Crevecoeurs

Last but not least. Mottled Houdans and Crevecoeurs are two heritage breeds with rich histories and a reputation as dual-purpose fowl, valued for both meat and egg production. While both breeds originated in France, their unique characteristics and historical importance make them standout choices for conservation and sustainable farming.

**Mottled Houdans**
The Mottled Houdan is an ancient French breed that dates back to the 17th century. It is named after the town of Houdan in northern France, where it was first developed. Known for its striking black-and-white mottled plumage and distinct crests, Houdans are eye-catching birds that combine beauty with utility.

Traditionally, Houdans were prized as table birds because of their fine-textured, flavorful meat. Their relatively large size and broad breast make them excellent for meat production. However, they are also productive layers, producing 150-200 white eggs per year under good management. This dual-purpose capability made them a staple on French farms before the rise of specialized industrial breeds.

Houdans are hardy, adaptable birds with calm temperaments, making them ideal for backyard flocks. Despite their historic value, they are now considered a threatened breed, and raising them helps preserve their genetic diversity.

The Crevecoeur, one of France's oldest chicken breeds, originated in Normandy. Named after the village of Crèvecœur-en-Auge, this breed has a striking appearance, characterized by its solid black plumage, a V-shaped comb, and a full, upright crest.

Historically, Crevecoeurs were developed as gourmet table birds and were highly regarded for their tender, flavorful meat, which remains a highlight of the breed. Though slightly smaller than Houdans, Crevecoeurs were also appreciated for their moderate egg production, laying around 120-150 white eggs annually.

Crevecoeurs are hardy birds that thrive in cooler climates, thanks to their origins in northern France. They are calm, docile, and easy to handle, making them a good choice for small farms and exhibitions. Like Houdans, they are a rarer breed, and raising them is an important step toward preserving their legacy.

Coop  #3 - White, Black & Blue Polish VarietiesThey may not be as colourful as Coop  #2 but black and white are still my...

Coop #3 - White, Black & Blue Polish Varieties

They may not be as colourful as Coop #2 but black and white are still my favorite colors! To add a little variation we added a line of BBS (Black, Blue and Splash). This pen has one white crested black and two blue pullets with a darker blue c**kerel. With breeding blue to blue the offspring could be blue, black or Splash. So far we’ve hatched half blue and black though more are currently hatching and perhaps we’ll get a Splash 🤞

Our other two pens are dedicated to the Bearded White Polish and the White Crested Black Polish varieties. Some of these birds we exhibited at APA sanctioned shows in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Not only did they meet the breed standard, but they also placed exceptionally well in their class.

Coop  #2 - Our Colorful Polish VarietiesFor 2025, we’re excited to introduce something new—*Candy Corn Polish*! One of t...

Coop #2 - Our Colorful Polish Varieties

For 2025, we’re excited to introduce something new—*Candy Corn Polish*! One of the pairings I’m especially looking forward to this season features a trio made up of a Candy Corn c**kerel and two pullets: one Candy Corn and one Golden Frizzle. All three come from different breeders that we hatched last year, so I’m eager to see the results of this genetic combination.

Another pen in this coop has Candy Corn pullets paired with a double-barred Candy Corn c**kerel. This mating allows us to hatch s*x-linked chicks, making it easy to determine their s*x by color at hatch.

This coop is also home to our favourite Tolbunts. Each pen is securely divided to maintain the purity of our breeding lines. One pen contains all smooth-feathered hens and a smooth-feathered c**kerel. In the other pen we have two of our original Tolbunt hens paired with a frizzle c**k. This trio consistently produces outstanding chicks, with a 50% chance of frizzled offspring.

Coop  #1 is dedicated to our Buff Laced Polish, all of which are bearded and bred to the standard of perfection (SOP). W...

Coop #1 is dedicated to our Buff Laced Polish, all of which are bearded and bred to the standard of perfection (SOP). We have established four pens for strategic breeding purposes. One pen features mature hens paired with a young c**kerel. Our veteran c**k has been placed with two frizzles and will be rotated to the pen housing the 2024 pullets to provide the frizzles with a respite. Additionally, we have another pen containing frizzled pullets that are part of a new project initiative. Here’s a few recent pictures and some from the poultry shows. We anticipate sharing chick pics this weekend 🐣

We will be offering chicks and limited hatching eggs from our exhibition line of Mottled Houdans, Crevecoeurs, bearded B...

We will be offering chicks and limited hatching eggs from our exhibition line of Mottled Houdans, Crevecoeurs, bearded Buff Laced Polish, bearded White Polish, and White Crested Black Polish.

Other Polish varieties available are Tolbunt, Candy Corn, and BBS (blue, black, splash). Frizzles are possible from the Buff Laced, Tolbunt, Golden and Candy Corn Polish pens.

Last year we expanded our coop space to allow for more breeding pens. We still have the permanent exterior runs to build this spring, but the interiors are set up. Follow along as we show you what's inside these buildings.

Test hatch batch  #2 this weekend - more white polish, tolbunt polish with chance of frizzles, mottled houdan and some f...

Test hatch batch #2 this weekend - more white polish, tolbunt polish with chance of frizzles, mottled houdan and some from the BBS polish pen 💙. Looks like we will have 2 blue and 2 black. Next week there should be buff laced polish.

One week old chick update - 2 out of 3 tolbunt polish are frizzled and the white polish are feathering in nicely.

One week old chick update - 2 out of 3 tolbunt polish are frizzled and the white polish are feathering in nicely.

First test hatch of 2025 🐣Tolbunt and White Polish fertility is almost 100%! More hatching next week, and also some Whit...

First test hatch of 2025 🐣
Tolbunt and White Polish fertility is almost 100%! More hatching next week, and also some White Crested Blue/Black Splash.

✨ **Happy New Year from Parkland Poultry**✨  Wishing health, happiness, and prosperity to all our fellow breeders and po...

✨ **Happy New Year from Parkland Poultry**✨

Wishing health, happiness, and prosperity to all our fellow breeders and poultry enthusiasts.

Not only did we bring home some ribbons from the Moose Jaw show, but we also added a pair of Beltsville Small White turk...

Not only did we bring home some ribbons from the Moose Jaw show, but we also added a pair of Beltsville Small White turkeys to add to our flock courtesy of Wendy Kopeck. The hen seems content gazing out the window at the snow, while Tom wasted no time finding the highest perch to claim as his own.

More photos from the Saskatchewan Prairie Poultry Fall Classic show. Thank you Allison Nielsen for offering your time an...

More photos from the Saskatchewan Prairie Poultry Fall Classic show.

Thank you Allison Nielsen for offering your time and talent!

We wrapped up the 2024 show season at the Saskatchewan Poultry Association’s provincial show in Moose Jaw. It was a fant...

We wrapped up the 2024 show season at the Saskatchewan Poultry Association’s provincial show in Moose Jaw. It was a fantastic weekend with a great turnout of exhibitors showcasing a wide variety of poultry, rabbits, and pigeons.

Placed class champion with a Mottled Houdan pullet and reserve champion with a white Polish pullet. We also exhibited buff laced Polish, white-crested black Polish, and Crevecoeurs, though we didn’t take many photos of all the birds this time. Looking forward to sharing better pictures once we get them from the show photographer!

What a fantastic turnout today at the Cluck and Quack, Manitoba’s APA-sanctioned poultry show in Portage La Prairie. It ...

What a fantastic turnout today at the Cluck and Quack, Manitoba’s APA-sanctioned poultry show in Portage La Prairie. It was great to see so many juniors and new exhibitors showcasing a wide variety of chickens, turkeys, and waterfowl.

Poultry shows offer an incredible opportunity to learn and connect with others who share the same passion. We exhibited our Mottled Houdans, Crevecoeurs, and Polish—just a few of the breeds in the Continental Class that we raise. Though we ended up competing against ourselves in this class, it was still a valuable checkpoint to ensure we’re staying aligned with the Standard of Perfection.

This show taught us a couple of important lessons. First, grooming: While I’m usually thorough with conditioning, I rushed things this week to prepare more birds than planned. As a result, we had our first disqualifications due to stubs—small feathers that can appear on the feet or legs of clean-legged breeds.

The second takeaway is to always remove feed and water before judging. We typically use ni**le waterers or small bottle cups to prevent our crested breeds from soiling their beards and crests. However, the club had pre-filled water glasses in the cages upon arrival that I left them in place instead of switching to our cups. As I learned later from the judge, our white-crested black Polish pullet was in the running for show champion until she dunked her head in the water and messed up her crest!

It’s encouraging to know we were that close to show champion instead of only class and these experiences motivate us to keep striving and improving. I also need to get better at picture taking but here’s a few from today.


Esterhazy, SK





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