Saffron is such a pro! She has gotten used to yearly cashmere combing, and now she just hangs out and chews her cud.
Those snacks in front of her are mixed grain and a few raisins - great treats (in small quantities) for goats!
Look at all that cashmere on the hoof!
Megan's goats are at peak fluffiness, and already there are signs that a couple of them are getting ready to start loosening their winter (cashmere) coats. It won't be long now before it's combing time!
Any guesses as to what's happening here?
Aaaaand that's (almost) a wrap!
Cashmere combing season is drawing to a close - look at all that luscious cashmere! Stay tuned to see what Megan made with last year's harvest.
It's almost cashmere combing time! Saffron is one of Megan's cashmere goats, and she has the softest little face 😍
When you have been trying to dry fleeces and yarn in a summer like this one ☔☁️🌧, we will take advantage of any sunny breeze and every surface we can find .
Hopefully everyone is experiencing a sunny Saturday too.
It is our Spring Fling! today!! We are at the Cornhill Hall and open from 10am-3pm! We are already welcoming lots of visitors and hope you can come by to check us out!! Loads of great local vendors and products and we have delicious food for purchase that is lovingly prepared by Corrie DeGraaf of One Field Farm! Hope to see you today!
See you tomorrow, fibre fans! Here's a quick video showing you what to look for and where to park.
Until 5pm today and noon-5pm tomorrow!