Hi everyone! Here is a little video of our first chick order! It seems we do know a thing or two about chicks. Healthy, happy, chicks! If you want to order any specialty breeds from us, stay tuned for the updated availability list.
Ever wonder what our Production Brown Layers are like? Turn you sound on and watch these happy girls eating their warm winter day treat!
This is a mix of 1 part Oyster Shell, 2 parts 18% Lay Pellets, and 3 parts Chick Scratch. Add enough hot water to make a mash and let the at it! They love their warm mash on a cold winter morning!
VC: Leaning Pine Farm
Wondering how much to water your trees and shrubs?
These are of course in pots, but the theory is the same in the ground. If you watch, you can see the air bubbles rising to the surface of the soil. This means there are dry pockets present in the soil of the pot.
As you can see, I fill the pot to the top, move to the next, then top up each tree until there are no bubbles.
I am watering like this thoroughly every other day. The trees are finally starting to push some new growth. So, water your trees and shrubs, but…don’t drown them as this can also happen when there is not enough growth to use up the water.
A rule of thumb, poke your finger into the soil to make sure that you need to water. Some of us have a soil that is heavy clay, and it will not drain so when you do water, this may lead to overwatering which is also detrimental. Sound on for the water bubbles and birds!
🧑🏫AgriSupply garden session 🧑🌾
We have 4 tools being featured today! The Scuffle Hoe, Garden Hoe, Action Hoe and the Cultivator.
1️⃣ Scuffle Hoe: With sharpened edges, designed to remove weeds by a push-pull “scuffle” motion that cuts just under the soil surface. Does an excellent job of getting rid of small, just emerging weeds in loose soil.
2️⃣ Garden Hoe: The common garden hoe, a hand tool primarily utilized in farming, gardening for tilling, hoeing weeds, or loosening soil around various plants.
3️⃣ Action Hoe: Their narrow, stirrup shaped blade allows you to work closely to desired plants without fear of uprooting them. Action hoes are known to cut time for weeding in half without causing strain to the shoulders or back!
4️⃣ Cultivator: The 3 tooth cultivator, a multi-use tool for mixing soils and deeper cultivation. Great for loosening topsoil, incorporating amendments and cultivate tougher soils with an easy push-pull action. Sharp teeth are spread perfectly for working the top 3 inches of your garden beds.🌱🪻🪴
We had to wait until our Valentine’s Roses arrived to post this contest!
Pick your favourite rose, share our post and tag us, tag 3 friends and you could win a lovely bouquet for Valentine’s Day! (Sorry guys this doesn’t mean you don’t have to buy flowers if your Valentine wins!)
Names of roses will be posted in our stories. Winner will be announced at 5:00 pm on Monday February 13th, 2023
Bouquet will be available to be picked up only at our store, 1935 East Trans Canada Hwy, Kamloops.
(No shipping or delivery available)
Pick up must be done by 5:00pm February 14, 2023.
We had to wait until our Valentine’s Roses arrived to post this contest!
Pick your favourite rose, share our post and tag us, tag 3 friends and you could win a lovely bouquet for Valentine’s Day! (Sorry guys this doesn’t mean you don’t have to buy flowers if your Valentine wins!)
Names of roses will be posted in our stories. Winner will be announced at 5:00 pm on Monday February 13th, 2023
Bouquet will be available to be picked up only at our store, 1935 East Trans Canada Hwy, Kamloops.
(No shipping or delivery available)
Pick up must be done by 5:00pm February 14, 2023.
We had to wait until our Valentine’s Roses arrived to post this contest!
Pick your favourite rose, share our post and tag us, tag 3 friends, and you could win a lovely bouquet for Valentine’s Day! (Sorry guys this doesn’t mean you don’t have to buy flowers if your Valentine wins!)
Names of roses will be posted in our stories.
Winner will be announced at 5:00 pm on Monday February 13th, 2023
Bouquet will be available to be picked up only at our store, 1935 East Trans Canada Hwy, Kamloops.
(No shipping or delivery available)
Pick up must be done by 5:00pm February 14, 2023.
To all the amazing ‘chicks’ in our life, we wish you a Happy Day!
Celebrate Foliage Friday!
Shiny, happy, new leaves!
Loving on our houseplants!
Fall is on the way so we’ve changed our window to give you all a sneak peak of a few of the items that we have in stock now.
Spending time inside this summer to beat the heat?
Bring your garden back inside to stay cool.
We always have a great selection of houseplants! Check out some of the great plants we have for ‘Foliage Friday’!
New drop of 6” Tropicals looking fabulous!