On our morning walk before the day starts, working for their breakfast has been a game changer, enjoyable walks they can do anywhere anytime is all they ever strived for in the beginning. Now we have that it’s time to push further, both dogs have different drives but agility is high on the wish list for both of them.
Took Bane out for an off leash walk and chuck it ball time this evening, he is a very operant dog who offers behaviours classic conditioning works with him but not as well. This time he offered a behaviour after I don’t know how many times repeating recall, he laid down did I push it, no because it’s a behaviour I like and want so we marked and rewarded it. Down stays are important and if he offers it I’m going to take it. It meant I had to walk 30 feet to pick up the ball which is hardly a great hardship for me. After a couple of times we redid recall and it was 100% so nothing lost and everything was a win.
Rachel’s announcement
A new beginning and journey