PAST CUSTOMERS/CLIENTS!! I need your help!! 😃😂
I’ve spent most of this week working on getting a website put together, up, and running. It’s far from ready, so it will be a while before we go live with it. But stay tuned - once it’s up, I’ll post the link here.
As I stated above, as part of this endeavour, I need your help, as past clients/customers! If you’ve got a CKM Horse, I’d love to see some pics, and would like permission to use some of them on the site, for our Photos/Updates page! Feel free to post anything you’re ok with me using on our website here in the comments for this post. I will pin it to the top of our page, so it’s easy to find! Past clients who have brought mares here for breeding, are welcome to post your “resulting foal/horse” pics here too, but name the sire, and the year the foal was born!
Thanks so much! 😊💜👍🏼