🤩 Suitable for All Stages of Life 🤩
One of a Kind Digestive Supplement on the market 💥
#handmadepostbiotics #Postbiotics #purelycanadianmade #GutSupport #vitamins #profloraeq #guthealthchangeseverything #restartandreplenishmicrobiome #Microencapsulation #londonontario #enhanceimmunefunction #probiotics #bioferscience #equinenutrition #FreeFecalWater #flora #gutnutrition #FFW #postsurgery #performance #equine #allergies #freefecalwatersyndrome #hairandcoat #canine #ulcers #medicationsupport #microbiome #probioticsupplements #stress #EnvironmentalChanges
🎄 ❤️ 🎁 Such an amazing gift for Christmas this family has. A customer can now enjoy their horse, rather than spending hours each day cleaning their tail and hindquarters. For the last couple years, each day was spent cleaning and washing the tail and hind legs due to severe FFW syndrome. Many changes were made, countless supplements and multiple medications, spending hundreds a month trying to come to some sort of relief, but still unsuccessful. ProFlora EQ was added into the diet a few months ago and the results were beyond belief. Check out pictures of before ProFlora EQ and after; along with the owners comments below ! 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 “WOW. LIFE. CHANGING. I am so thrilled with the results from this product! It’s such a relief to see him comfortable…..” #profloraeq #FreeFecalWater #enhanceimmunefunction #restartandreplenishmicrobiome #FFW #GutSupport #flora #gutnutrition #handmadepostbiotics #probiotics #Postbiotics #vitamins #guthealthchangeseverything #equinenutrition #Microencapsulation #purelycanadianmade #londonontario #bioferscience
Limited Time Offer… Purchase one ProFlora EQ and you will receive one bottle of ProFloraSA for canine and feline capsule probiotic for FREE 💞 Contact us directly to receive this Gift to you from ProFlora #profloraeq #probioticsupplements #Postbiotics #vitamins #proflorasa #GutSupport #rebalanceandbalance #equine #canine #feline #freefecalwatersyndrome #ulcers #hairandcoat #allergies #performance #postsurgery #medicationsupport #microbiome #handmadepostbiotics #purelycanadianmade
👀 Check out some comments we’ve received from our customers 💜 #profloraeq #bioferscience #probiotics #prebiotics #postbiotics #DigestiveSupport #canadianmade🇨🇦 #immunesupport #proflora #16billioncfu #vitamins #weightgain #stressmanagement #anxietyrelief #microbiologist #nutritionist #vetapproved #microbiologylaboratory
🦠 ProFlora EQ speaks louder than words 🦠
Deerpath Breeding and Development founded and operated by Robert Fera, an animal health advisor, researcher and equine nutritionist, for over 25yrs. With Robert’s continuing education and extensive knowledge, he made the decision to transition their stallions and mares to ProFlora EQ 🦠.
Breeding programs regardless if you own a stallion, broodmare or foal, becomes physically and mentally exhausting. To help with this stressful time, Robert will have ProFlora on hand for his clients requiring more enhanced digestive support during their horses stay.
“Highly palatable, most probiotic strains and CFU's on the market for digestive supplements.
Probiotic, prebiotic and post biotics.
The next evolution in digestive supplements”
~Robert Fera~
Video Credit:
Deerpath Breeding and Development- Equine Reproduction of “Sailors Spirit”
Why is ProFlora EQ the next generation of digestive support? 👀 What do you think your equine would prefer? 🤯 🤩 Keep your eyes open for upcoming news #profloraeq #digestivesupport #nocomparison #preventativesupport #microencapsulated #postbiotics #fermentation #harvested #grown #100%madeinontario #plantbased #probiotics #patent #BackedbyScience #bioferscience
We all need probiotics to maintain a healthy gut and a strong immune system.
ProFlora EQ is fully plant 🌱 based. ProFlora EQ not only has probiotics but also contains postbiotics; all with a patent technology of MICROencapsulation. ProFlora EQ is not only a one-of-a-kind product, but is cost-effective and safe for all stages and ages of equines. #100%canadianmade #100%plantbased🌿#probiotics #postbiotics #truetolabelclaims #microencapsulation_technology #vitamins #guthealth #digestion #boostsimmunity #preventativecareiskey🗝️ #rebalancemicrobiome #guttobrain🧠🧐 #balancegutph #weightgain #maximizesnutrientabsorption #bioferscience
⭐️ Are you a trainer, barn owner or manager of a BOARDING, TRAINING, or LESSON facility? ⭐️
Extreme weather shifting or seasonal changes to the diet make sure your horses gut is balanced.
ProFlora EQ restores and balances the microbiome 🦠 of the gut, while enhancing the immune function, and boosts nutrient digestibility which brings harmony 🎶 to the gut.
Two sizes to suit your needs.
✨ Starting from $57 a month per horse ✨
🔬Have you seen “your” probiotic under a microscope? 🔬
Let’s show you ProFlora EQ under the microscope just for you.
While under the microscope, we then MICROencapsulate for maximum protection. Our microencapsulation method is designed to protect microbial cultures with their metabolites from air, humidity and protect them as much as possible against the gastric juice of monogasterics!
💭 Did You Know 💭
🌱 🌱 Our method is 100% plant-based 🌱 🌱
#profloraeq #nutrition #bioferscience #nolimit #Postbiotics #probiotics #prebiotics #vitamins #guthealthchangeseverything #healthyguthealthyhorse #guttobrain #freefecalwatersyndrome #purelymadeincanada #gutsupport
🌺 Show Season Is Around the Corner 🌺
Is your horse prepared as much as you are ???
💭💭💭🤯Did you know???🤯💭💭💭
ProFlora is a local company creating innovative products for equines.
ProFlora EQ is a product fermented in London, Ontario. All microbial cultures and their byproducts are fermented and extracted from BioFerScience bioreactors in their animal microbiology laboratory. This ensures that all microbial cultures are pure, active, fresh and ready to grow.
Professionals know ProFlora!
Follow us for exciting, upcoming news from ProFlora EQ