Shock collars work because they hurt. That's their intended purpose. Let's not be shy about calling this what it is. They inflict pain on your dog in an attempt to reduce behavior. But, behavior suppression is not behavior modification. People that use shock collars are looking for quick fixes, not long term behavior change.
There are no quick fixes in behavior - for dogs or humans! So while it may seem like your dog is barking less at things that scared him, unless we address the underlying emotion, and help him feel better about those scary things, he's still scared. He's just not barking. We haven't fixed anything AND we have possibly made it worse because he's not communicating he's scared and that increases the likelihood he will now just bite without other warning signs like growling.
Aversive training methods do not result in long term behavior change. Not sure what methods you're using? Reach out and ask. Let's - positive reinforcement and force free training methods to help educate and raise awareness.
Read more about Behavior Suppression Is Not Behavior Modification here:
And, download my free guide: 3 Reasons Not To Use A Shock Collar here: https://rescuedbytraining.com/3reasonsshockcollar/