Hunt eat sleep repeat! #catbehaviour
When you decide to sit in your car for 30 seconds after you get home from work…. #catbehaviour #catbehavior #catbehaviourconsultant
New toy alert! My daughter and I made a trip to the pet store this week and came home with a few fun things, including Da Bird, a bird-like toy attached to a long wand that is excellent at allowing you to simulate predatory play. Cats are neophilic (they like new things) when it comes to toys, so rotating toys is important, and they like toys that allow them to carry out their normal hunting sequence which involves stalking, chasing, pouncing and biting. What is your cat’s favourite toy these days?
Behold… a fly! 🪰
Patoot loves to hunt flies but has learned they are hard to catch. In this video she is chattering (also called chittering) which is a behaviour cats often perform when they see prey they can’t catch, such as when they see birds outside a window. Note the sudden burst of grooming behaviour as well. This is called a displacement behaviour, and can be seen when cats are anxious or, in this case, frustrated.
Playtime with a toy she can catch would best follow this episode, though I would love it if she could catch the darn thing!
#catbehavior #catbehaviorassociates #catlife #catlife🐾 #catlife🐾❤️
#catsofinstagramcatslovers #cats#
Ever notice when you are shopping for pet toys that the dog section is so much bigger than the cat section? I ended up finding this beaver for Toot in the dog section, and it’s one of her favourites! #cats #catsofinstagram #catstagram #catbehavior #catbehaviour
KitKat and Kibbie are showing affiliative behaviour, which includes resting in close proximity, grooming each other (called allogrooming), and generally acting relaxed around each other. Many cats living together will simply tolerate each other by keeping their distance or in some cases show passive or active aggression towards each other. See for great resources regarding making multi-cat relationships work!
Need a second use for one of those disposable cups you get coffee or ice cream in? Wash it out and make a food puzzle with it! Creating a food toy to challenge your cat’s mind doesn’t have to be expensive or even permanent (once Toot figured out how to tip the cup over, we moved on to something else) 🧩