I'm excited to participate in this wonderful clinic!
Never before in time knowledge has been so easy accessible as today. While many years ago, getting lessons from Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup was only possible once a year during the local weekend course, today we can livestream clinics to people all over the world. And this is what we do twice a year.
This weekend, Bent is showing us the importance of shape when we are working with our horses. He also explains us the difference in between a physiological shape, and an unphysiological shape. Courses with Bent are always a practical approach to learning theory: How can we teach a horse the aids in the softest way? How can we make a horse understand instead of react?
This weekend, we will team up again with riders from all over the world, sharing their journey with us. And you can watch from home, and enjoy the recordings for 14 lovely days for replay.
Get your ticket on https://shop.equidemia.com/s/Equidemia
and join Ember Johnson-Neuroth Meg Brauch Carrie Stem Kohlun from the US, Merel van Duijn from Canada, Søssa Jørgensen and me from Norway, Bri Kuch and Anna Eichinger from Austria, Stefanie Valline from Luxemburg, Claudia Wolters and Rebecca Hollenbach from Germany.
We are looking forward to a wonderful weekend!