Who are some of We Grow Food’s community partners, and suppliers…
Peacock Lumber Ltd 328 Ritson Rd N, Oshawa, ON L1G 5P8 (905) 725-4744
Kamstra Landscaping & Garden Supplies 1460 Taunton Rd, Hampton, ON L1H 8L7 (905)-579-5571
Kingsway Greenhouse 111 Clarence Bisenthal Drive
Oshawa, ON L1K 2H5 905-434-3851
Sheridan Nurseries 410 Taunton Rd W, Whitby, ON L1P 1T8 (905)686-0844
Veseys Seeds [email protected]
West Coast Seeds [email protected]
Please go show them love by supporting them as well.
Don’t forget to FOLLOW WE GROW FOOD, LIKE, SHARE AND COMMENT on our post please❤️
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@villageunionps sent @wegrowfoodosh today a photo of the lettuce they grew for their SALAD DAY‼️
They’re loving each bite, while enjoying all the fresh and healthy foods.
We are looking forward to their upcoming day of workshops, growing seedlings that will be ready for planting in the spring.
@wegrowfoodosh believes you are never too young to start learning how to grow your own food :-)
Way to go Village Union Public School🥬🥕🍅
#wegrowfoodediblegardenproject #sustainability #funforallages #kidsandgardening #outdooreducation #dcdsb #ddsb #education #IndoorGrowing #SaladDay #FreshVegetables #CulinarySkills #FreshVegetables #SecondarySchools #PublicSchools #PrivateSchool #oshawa #whitby #ajax #pickering #SchoolBuilds #healthyfood
Happy Family Day Everyone‼️
What have you been doing to prepare for the upcoming season?
This winter we completed a Certified Fruit Tree Care Program with @orchardpeople. Now we are doing a Master Class Pruning Program. SO EXCITING🧑🏻🌾.
We would love to hear what you’ve been doing this winter, also what your plans are for this growing season?
Please don’t forget to LIKE, SHARE and COMMENT on our We Grow Food posts.
#wegrowfoodediblegardenproject #sustainability #funforallages #kidsandgardening #outdooreducation #dcdsb #ddsb #springplanting2025 #barrierfree #education #durhamregion #Oshawa #TownOfWhitby #CityOfPickering #TownOfAjax #brockTownship #KnowingWhereYourFoodComesFrom #Secondary school #PublicSchool #PrivateSchool #BookYourSchoolNow #FinancialSupport #Volunteers #CommunityHours #Teambuilding
Carol and I (Michelle) from We Grow Food wanted to hop on here and say HELLLOOOO :). Some of you may know who we are and some may not..
follow along with us as while we plan, book, teach and build the next round of We Grow Food Edible Garden Project builds at Durham District school board, Durham Catholic District school board, local housing and nonprofit housing locations.
#wegrowfoodediblegardenproject #sustainability #kidsandgardening #outdooreducation #dcdsb #ddsb #LearnWhereFoodComesFrom #SaveSeeds #SpringPlanting2025 #Volunteers #BarrierFree #FunForAllAges #GrowingFood #Education #local
Installing the netting row cover
How many people does it take to install the garden netting …… a village.
See how beautifully they work together to get the job done.