The REAL Snowball removal "hack"
Tools used:
-Common Sense
-Grooming Comb
-Lukewarm towel
No kitchen utensils (whisks) or any other non-grooming tools used or needed.
A Yorkie’s Lament
I’m not just a dog groomer. I’m also a therapist, a cuddle provider, an entertainer and a treat dispenser❤️❤️
Theo took full advantage of this today ❤️❤️
Cruella was SO over my antics before we even began.
I cannot repeat what she said. Though meekly orated, there was some strong Sh*tZU profanity uttered. 😬🤣
Every floof has their own unique grooming routine . For Stevie it’s run into the kitchen and shakedown Auntie P for the "good treats" before her spa treatments.
Who am I to break this time-honoured tradition? 🥹
OKAY Shelagh Gravelle come on down! You’ve won the grand prize for answering correctly!
Dogs CAN get hotspots in the winter!
What did she win Johnneh!?
[Imaginary Johnneh]: Shelagh has won 10% off all grooming appointments for 2025!
Congratulations Shelagh!!!!
True or False:
Dogs can’t get hotspots in the winter.
7 correct guesses or until 2:15 PM
The return of Cruella.
Cruella tells it like it is and is sure to remind me of my place. 🤣
Stevie knows how to accomplish the treat shake down like the boss lady she is
Cruella shared her feelings (as she should) with me today.
When bath time hits just right
One of the biggest rewards is seeing my floofs with big feelings making themselves at home ♥️
My Stevie-Girl, needs a little coaxing at drop off time but when she’s inside she takes over house and salon like the Boss Lady she is ♥️
Cruze definitely shared his thoughts about being bathed and dried. Dishonour on me, dishonour on my cow…