A good look at one of the babies (there are 3 from what I can tell). I love their little purple tongue flick! They are already chasing crickets alongside the parents.
This never gets old!! One female galeatus laid a late clutch so these are officially the first 2023 babies!! So cute!! 🥹
More epsisolus cuteness! 🥹
Love the bright yellow head and tail on this guy!!
Granite leaf tailed gecko from Australia. I love how her skin looks like rock, and the purple tongue of course. If you want some, some babies will be ready soon!
Chomp chomp chomp!!! Healthy foods for the herps!
This one just shed. This is every bit of what I hoped my Shasta’s to look like!
Geckoella deccanensis deserve more love! This male is on 🔥🔥!!
Christmas has come early!! I just unboxed a fantastic pair of Blue Beauty Anoles! These along with another pair thats residing with @robsiguanas are the first in 🇨🇦 Canada I think. Very excited!!! They are simply gorgeous!
I think he’s looking for food!
Me and the kids working on taming the Kenyan Zebra Skinks. These guys are so entertaining, and my youngest daughters favorites!!