Working on Kaiser’s reactivity is a slow process. It’s not flashy, it’s not cool, it’s boring and long and repetitive. And that’s what reactivity work really is.
It’s not like those cool trainers on tv shows where it’s a one and done thing. It takes weeks of conditioning, hours on hours on confidence building. Its doing the same things over and over again.
It’s arduous, there are good days, bad days and better days. Sometimes the dog takes a few steps back, and sometimes you can almost see the end of the tunnel.
Kaiser is up to a point where I can confidently take him to a festival but still have to stay on high alert to look out for any dogs and see them before he does so that we can work through his emotions as the dog gets closer.
I’m amazed at how he did, the tulip festival has always been something I loved going to, it’s were I took Bagheera and Luna last year. I love the flowers and the stands, so it was a no brainer for me to go with Kaiser and Bagheera this year.
While we are taking slow steps in Kaiser’s trainer, those slow steps are steady and his confience is growing. I don’t doubt that a month from now he will be even further along then where he is now. I’m excited to see him progress so much, and I’m proud of us both.