Best Kitten in show, MN Burm Lydia Deetz of Purranormal with Susanna Shon, all breed TICA judge
MNBurm Lydia Deetz of Purranormal #burmese #burmesekitten #kitten
CCA judge Kim Monkhouse with LaRiMi Renfield of Purranormal
#burmese #burmesecat #catshow #showcat #pedigreecat
We had a great time showing LaRiMi Renfield of Purranormal and Seasedge Ogopogo of Purranormal at the CCA cat show in Whitby! Renny was 2nd best of the best on Saturday, and got 3rd best in Agility. Oggie got out of Open and now is officially a champion after her first adult CCA show. We also got to see 2 of Siren's kittens, Freddy and Bernie, compete and got some great feedback from several of the judges. We are looking forward to doing it again next weekend in Fredricton!
Aline Noel Garel's 5th best kitten in show, Seasedge Ogopogo of Purranormal #bombay #bombaycat #pedigreecats #showcat
2nd best champion with CCA judge Andrey Kopylenko! #burmese #sable #pedigreecats #showcat #catshow #purebred
9 week old Bombay kittens are so fun! #kittens #blackcat #bombay #bombaycat #pedigreecats
Eight weeks old! #kittens #blackcat #bombay #bombaycat #pedigreecat
#motherhood is cleaning a butt while feeding another baby and your two other kids are rough housing on your head. #bombay #blackcat #pedigreecat #kitten