I know how you feel girl :)
Do you want to go vegan, or are you still new to being vegan, but have all of these questions? Wouldn't it be nice if you could ask them all in one sitting and have knowledgeable and caring vegans give straight-forward answers back?
Well, you're in luck!
"Help! I'm Going Vegan" Workshop - In Person!
Thursday, December 21, 6:30 - 8:00 PM CST
317 48th Street, Mpls MN 55419
Seasoned vegans love answering each and every question you have. Yes you. You know who you are. Come on out, hit us with your best questions and we'll hit you with our best answers. Nutrition, ethics, environment, social justice, how to gently explain to Grandma that her banana bread isn't vegan ... and how to teach her to make it vegan! With the holidays coming up, this is a great opportunity to learn how to navigate family meals, holidays, and more.
These workshops are fun, laid back and informative. Join us for an informative conversation and discussion with others in the same spot as you! Vegan treats will be served!
Let us know you're coming by filling out the following form: https://forms.gle/M22sef2VEZj7qgxFA