This site is for anyone who has any problem with EI, WCB SGI insurance ,this site will and can help you through most of the problems with there sabotageing your claim against any insurance company.I am not paranoid or hatefull, misguided but I will tell you they have a staff just to make you injuries and problems look.like your a lieing sack of crap and the Doctors they hire are paid guns,for the Insurance companies like WCB ,SGI EI,and most of the system that controles Welfair dissabilaty, And all this from an office that's in Ottowa and has nothing to do with anyone other then there profit margins.the first trap they will send you too is physio therapy where they work and get paid buy who ever your in dispute with,then there specialists who only look at the file and not you and if they do exammin you it,s painfull discomfortable,and demmeening.record every phone call on magnetic tape they jam electric recordings with sound canceling frequency,get all paperwork in triplicate and if you can get ahold of your x rays never let them go even if they threaten you or say they need to look and get anothers opinion but that's not what happens they steal your x rays and then start fakeing up your medical reports and testimony all never under oath.and always bring a other person with you even if they say there not aloud it,s not ileagal to be in the same room as you and the doctor at the same exam.record this on video if not bashfull and get everything he says openly and recorded and make shure it,s adoable.