So many floofs! Big and small, I love them all.❤️🐾
My sweet Frodo, listening patiently and trying not to fall asleep sitting up while I tell him about my day and those “other dogs” I walked.🐾
Watch for the moment she notices the other dog approaching down the block. Her ears perk up and she starts pulling. We stop, I say “oops” and redirect her to do a 180 and we carry on with our walk in the other direction. Timing is essential—if we had gotten too close to the other dog, she may not have agreed to do the turn and ignore it. I gave her the opportunity to make a good choice (to not have a full blown reaction), and she chose wisely. I’m so proud of Miss Lola. Even a senior dog can learn new behaviours and adapt to the handler. Good girl, Lola ❤️🐾
***I am not a professional dog trainer.***
Here is a lovely example of LLW (Loose-Leash Walking) aka not allowing your dog to pull.
Mr Benji and I are just getting to know each other, but he’s quickly catching on that I won’t allow him to be the leader on the walk and let him pull me down the sidewalk. We are working on creating a mutually respectful relationship with eachother, with my giving him some freedom to sniff when appropriate, but also requiring him to stay by my side and maintain a loose leash. He responds beautifully to leash pressure and verbal cues. Corrections look different for all dogs, and creating a comfortable and pleasant outing with a dog requires the handler to learn what works and what doesn’t work for that particular dog in that particular situation. Good boy, Benji! ❤️🐾
**I am not a professional dog trainer.**
I am saddened to hear that this sweet boy has passed away. 💔 I am blessed to have been a part of his life, if only in a small way. He was the gentlest, goofiest, sweetest boy around, and he will be missed forever by his loving family and all that knew him. I’ll never forget his squeals and wagging tail whenever I came to the door, and his endless love of chasing after his favourite orange squishy ball. Rest in peace, Mr Z. ❤️🐾
This is the latter half of my very first walk with Lola. After only 15 minutes of gently redirecting her to not pull, she’s walking beautifully by my side, with a loose leash. I’m so proud of this sweet senior lady. Good girl, Lola❤️🐾
Value-added dog walks❤️🐾
This was my very first walk with Miss Lola. She’s a lovely senior dog with the ability to learn my style of loose-leash walking, which means not pulling. Notice how she’s a bit nervous and trying to figure out what I’m asking of her, but she catches on right away. She’s learning that I will not be pulled down the street, and that she can trust me to gently redirect her. I’m looking forward to spending more time with her and establishing a consistent routine. I am not a professional dog trainer. But I will certainly use techniques and strategies that I have learned over the years to encourage appropriate behaviour while out and about in the community, and customized to each dog’s personality and abilities.
Some days feel like this!! So many floofs. I love them all ❤️🐾
** I am not a professional trainer.** This is beautiful loose-leash walking with Hero. We were in a low-distraction area, with no cars/people/bikes/rabbits to deal with. When he gets ahead of me, I simply stop, and wait for him to check in. When he looks at me to check in, I reward him with a “yes.” I don’t yank him back to me or give a sharp correction. There’s also no need for constant monkey-chatter. Keep it simple. Once this is consistent and comfortable for him, we can start to practice in a higher distraction area. Good boy, Hero 🐾❤️