4 Paws Training & Pet Services

4 Paws Training & Pet Services Dog Training and Pet Services Pet Services

We dog lovers are committed to giving our K9 family members lots of love and the best possible care.

Dog Training

4 Paws provides puppy training, adult dog training, and dog sports classes such as obedience, rally-obedience, and agility to the Richmond Hill, Aurora, Vaughan, and Newmarket areas of York Region. With our busy lives it can be difficult to ensure your dog receives the loving attention, and exercise he/she needs to be happy and healthy when you can’t be home. That’s where 4 PAWS can

help. We offer a full line up of training, personal care, and professional services as well as top quality pet care products. Our Services:

Group Training - Agility, Rally & Traditional Obedience, Puppy classes, PWD Water work training, All levels from beginner to advanced competitive preperations. Private Training available for all types of classes listed above



Dog Walking & In-home Visits

Canine Good Neighbour (CGN)


Oxyfresh Pet Care (ie shampoo, conditioner, ear cleaner & oral care)
Mountain Dog Food Distributor (Raw Feeding)
Auum Omega 3

Huge congratulations to Tan and Gracie on their qualifying for agility nationals  they are a fabulous time - first time ...

Huge congratulations to Tan and Gracie on their qualifying for agility nationals they are a fabulous time - first time trying out for the nationals and they did it so proud of them fyi Gracie is a from my kennel - BigBay baby.

Fall training classes will start up week of Sept 11th----classes for beginner puppies - adult dogs through to dog sports...

Fall training classes will start up week of Sept 11th----classes for beginner puppies - adult dogs through to dog sports such as agility - obedience/Rally obedience as well as Canine Good Neighbour preparation and testing plase e mail me at [email protected] for detials and to review best fit class for your training needs!
Classes held at Richmond Green in Richmond Hill (indoors)

Fabulsou info fro all dogs owners especiall teaching dog to self settle-

Fabulsou info fro all dogs owners especiall teaching dog to self settle-

"Wait did you just say don't walk my dog? Are you crazy?!" . . . actually, I'm pretty sane (on most days, don't ask my kids or husband they...

Totally agree and as my studenst know these are NOt allowed in my training clases

Totally agree and as my studenst know these are NOt allowed in my training clases

Retractable leashes allow dogs more freedom to sniff and poke around on walks, but there are many downsides to this type of leash.

Beat the winter blaahs! -  attend one of our training classes with your furry friend!   Lots to choose from - including ...

Beat the winter blaahs! - attend one of our training classes with your furry friend! Lots to choose from - including obedience/manners - agility- rally obedience - Canien Good Neighbour training and testing - classes for puppies and adults! -here is the schedule! private mesage me for more details or to enroll-

a must read for  all dog owners!

a must read for all dog owners!

By Dogs Naturally Magazine in Bordetella, Vaccine Articles and News

The duration of immunity for Rabies vaccine, Canine distemper vaccine, Canine Parvovirus vaccine, Feline Panleukopenia vaccine, Feline Rhinotracheitis, feline Calicivirus, have all been demonstrated to be a minimum of 7 years by serology for rabies and challenge studies for all others.

In the Duration of Immunity to Canine Vaccines: What We Know and What We Don’t Know, Proceedings – Canine Infectious Diseases: From Clinics to Molecular Pathogenesis, Ithaca, NY, 1999, Dr. Ronald Schultz, a veterinary immunologist at the forefront of vaccine research and chair of the University of Wisconsin’s Department of Pathobiological Sciences, outlines the DOI for the following vaccines:

Minimum Duration of Immunity for Canine Vaccines:

Distemper- 7 years by challenge/15 years by serology
Parvovirus – 7 years by challenge/ 7 years by serology
Adenovirus – 7 years by challenge/ 9 years by serology
Canine rabies – 3 years by challenge/ 7 years by serology

Dr. Schultz concludes: “Vaccines for diseases like distemper and canine parvovirus, once administered to adult animals, provide lifetime immunity.” “Are we vaccinating too much?” JAVMA, No. 4, August 15, 1995, pg. 421.

Yet vets continue to vaccinate annually. Dog owners feel that their vets are doing their dogs a great service by vaccinating every three years instead of annually – why do we allow it when these studies were done over thirty years ago and have been replicated time and again by other researchers?

Ian Tizard states: “With modified live virus vaccines like canine parvovirus, canine distemper and feline panleukopenia, calicivirus, and rhinotracheitis the virus in the vaccine must replicate to stimulate the immune system. In a patient that has been previously immunized, antibodies from the previous vaccine will block the replication of the new vaccinal virus. Antibody titers are not significantly boosted. Memory cell populations are not expanded. The immune status of the patient is not enhanced.

After the second rabies vaccination, re-administration of rabies vaccine does not enhance the immune status of the patient at one or two year intervals. We do not know the interval at which re-administration of vaccines will enhance the immunity of a significant percentage of the pet population, but it is certainly not at one or two year intervals. Tizard Ian, Yawei N, Use of serologic testing to assess immune status of companion animals, JAVMA, vol 213, No 1, July 1, 1998.

“The recommendation for annual re-vaccination is a practice that was officially started in 1978.” says Dr. Schultz. “This recommendation was made without any scientific validation of the need to booster immunity so frequently. In fact the presence of good humoral antibody levels blocks the anamnestic response to vaccine boosters just as maternal antibody blocks the response in some young animals.”

He adds: “The patient receives no benefit and may be placed at serious risk when an unnecessary vaccine is given. Few or no scientific studies have demonstrated a need for cats or dogs to be revaccinated. Annual vaccination for diseases caused by CDV, CPV2, FPLP and FeLV has not been shown to provide a level of immunity any different from the immunity in an animal vaccinated and immunized at an early age and challenged years later. We have found that annual revaccination with the vaccines that provide long-term immunity provides no demonstrable benefit.”

Why then, have vets not embraced the concept of lifelong immunity in dogs?

“Profits are what vaccine critics believe is at the root of the profession’s resistance to update its protocols. Without the lure of vaccines, clients might be less inclined to make yearly veterinary visits. Vaccines add up to 14 percent of the average practice’s income, AAHA reports, and veterinarians stand to lose big. I suspect some are ignoring my work,” says Schultz, who claims some distemper vaccines last as long as 15 years. “Tying vaccinations into the annual visit became prominent in the 1980s and a way of practicing in the 1990s. Now veterinarians don’t want to give it up.”

The report of the American Animal Hospital Association Canine Vaccine Taskforce in JAAHA (39 March/April 2003)3 includes the following information for vets:

Misunderstanding, misinformation and the conservative nature of our profession have largely slowed adoption of protocols advocating decreased frequency of vaccination'; ‘Immunological memory provides durations of immunity for core infectious diseases that far exceed the traditional recommendations for annual vaccination.

‘This is supported by a growing body of veterinary information as well-developed epidemiological vigilance in human medicine that indicates immunity induced by vaccination is extremely long lasting and, in most cases, lifelong.’

Both the AAHA and the AVMA must do more to “step up to the plate” says noted immunologist, Dr. Richard Ford. But the reality is the vets do not have to listen to the AAHA or the AVMA and it appears the state veterinary medical boards are not interested in enforcing vaccine schedules, opting to leave it up to the individual vet.

Dr. Bob Rogers hired a Chicago based law firm and initiated a class action suit for pet owners who were not given informed consent and full disclosure prior to vaccination administration. His article entitled “The Courage to Embrace the Truth”, states “While attending conferences like WSVMA and NAVMC I have asked over 400 DVMs from various parts of the country if they attended the seminars on New Vaccination Protocols. I was told by all but one, “I don’t care what the data says, I am not changing.” One DVM here on VIN even said “I am not changing until the AVMA makes me change.”

It seems that pet owners are against the wall when it comes to vaccination. The obvious conclusion is that pet owners who are concerned about the long term health of their companion animals must take it upon themselves to research vaccines, duration of immunity and vaccine dangers. At the very least, question every vaccine that goes into your animal – but none of the above information indicates you will get an honest or well-informed answer.

Be your dog’s advocate – protect him with knowledge and by taking a stand against unnecessary vaccination. His life may depend on it!

Fall classes  schedule update-----next programs start Mon Oct 17th  and Thurs Oct 27th   space is still available in pro...

Fall classes schedule update-----next programs start Mon Oct 17th and Thurs Oct 27th space is still available in programs on both dates- classes inclue Puppy Intro class- "First Paw Print", 4 Paws on the Ground program for pups and adult dogs with some prior training AND our most popular program Leaping Forward - for older pups and adults (Agility, Rally obedience and Canine Good Neighbour skills) contactd [email protected] 905 773-1123 for more information or to register!

I am hosting (through my 4 PAWS Training company) a Canine First Aid & CPR Certification Course! This comprehensive 1 da...

I am hosting (through my 4 PAWS Training company) a Canine First Aid & CPR Certification Course! This comprehensive 1 day program is being presented by Mary MacKay and Bronwen Field of Pawsitive Reproduction- Learning First Aid skills and CPR is one of tthe most important things you can do as a dog owner--- - IT CAN SAVE A PETS LIFE!
DATE: Sunday June 26th 9-4 LOCATION: Richmond Hill
Registration and details----see attached flyer
NOTE- space is limited and will fill up fast - registration deadline is June 5th call Mary McaKay at 905 926-3608 or e mail [email protected] to register

So many people have this chalenge with their dogs- hope this is helpful!

So many people have this chalenge with their dogs- hope this is helpful!

Join Thousands Of Students Already Learning

As taught in my classes--dogs need to learn that to see a dog does NOT mean they get to go to the dog!   in fact tis pat...

As taught in my classes--dogs need to learn that to see a dog does NOT mean they get to go to the dog! in fact tis pattern of dogs dragging their owners toward an approaching dog is a LEARNED behaviour taught by well meaning owners who when they get a puppy think it should go to meet and greet every dog hat passes by- they think it is part of socializing their puppy-----the truth is this teaches some very bad and in fact dangerous habits to the dog/puppy----in doing this dogs learn to pull toward other dgos- interestingly one of the most common concerns I hear from owners is their dog pulls toward other dogs----and is overly excited near them----it also teaches dogs that they can take charge of tthe situation ie LEAD their owner- Instaed teach your dogs/pup to walk past other dogs-----you can apply a common command such as LEAVE IT or lets go! guide them away and reward with praise or treat for focusing on you- Additionally if you choose to do a meet and greet- have your dog learn a patern of sitting calmy beside you- using sit/stay command also rewarded appropriatley --as they are near anoother dog---have them focus on you then give permission to greet the oother dog------NOTE- NEVER APPROACH A DOG THAT IS ON A FLEXI/RETRACTIBLE LEASH! -

Congratulations to all the 4 PAWS Training students and their families on your accomplishments - Thank -you for selectin...

Congratulations to all the 4 PAWS Training students and their families on your accomplishments - Thank -you for selecting 4 PAWS Training the Readers Choice for Best Pet Services in Richmond Hill for 2015

4 PAWS Training and Pet Services has been awarded the Best Pet Trainer in Richmond Hill - Reader's Choice award for 2015...

4 PAWS Training and Pet Services has been awarded the Best Pet Trainer in Richmond Hill - Reader's Choice award for 2015 through the Richmond Hill Liberal---we are so honoured! Thank you to all our wonderful families and their fur babies for choosing 4 PAWS training for your training and pet services needs. It has been our pleasure to serve you and the Richmond Hill community for the past 15+ years.

From puppy training - through manners -obedience -rally - agility CGN and water work training - we have loved every minute of being a part of helping you and your dog have fun while learning


Announcing my annual WATER WORK training program --specifically for PWD's - great for pups or adults dogs!
-beginner and advanced program offered-
Dates; Saturdays- April 2 9 16 and May 7th - land training PLUS we will hold in water sessions as well dates TBC-
Location Richmond Hill-
No sure about WATER WORK - check out www.4pawstraining.ca and read Frances and TBear story on our home page of their experience with Water Work---- It trully is the most fun you can have with yor PWD!
Registration and more info- email me at [email protected] or send me a private FB message - space is limited so book soon!

Got the winter blaahs?    Come on out to one of our training classes and have some fun with your fur baby!   Lots of opt...

Got the winter blaahs? Come on out to one of our training classes and have some fun with your fur baby! Lots of options to choose from - Agility- manners, obedience, rally obedience and Canine Good Neighbour! Classes start week of March 7th -note No classes week of March 14th due to March break---see flyer for details - send private message or email [email protected] for more info or to register

Good explanation of various forms of rewarding including clicker but restricted to clicke- and how to icnorprate each of...

Good explanation of various forms of rewarding including clicker but restricted to clicke- and how to icnorprate each of them into your training

Which is best; a clicker, a marker word or just handing over a cookie when the dog does something which makes us proud? Ask yourself what are the goals for the training session. If you're working o...


As a dog owner, I'm sure you have been in the situation where your dog had to meet another dog he didn't know.  If you haven't yet, you will.


Neutering, and the age at which a dog is neutered, may affect the animal’s risk for developing certain cancers and joint diseases, according to a new study of golden retrievers by a team of


Please, please, don’t be that dog owner. I hate to say it, but I’ve seen from repeated experience (and I’m certainly not alone) that “My dog is friendly!” often seems to mean, “Oopsie, I can’t control my dog(s) so basically you and your (potentially terrifie…

Wishing all our students past and present a wonderful 2016---i hope to see you in 2016 at one of our training programs- ...

Wishing all our students past and present a wonderful 2016---i hope to see you in 2016 at one of our training programs- classes start week of January 4th - visit our web site at www.4pawstraining.ca for details

Fall Training Classes - Our next programs start the weeks of Oct 26th and Nov 9th-  a few spots remaining for our Monday...

Fall Training Classes - Our next programs start the weeks of Oct 26th and Nov 9th- a few spots remaining for our Monday and Thursday evening classes- including puppy foundations class- obedience/manners- our dog sport class-and Canine Good Neighbour -CGN- all classes held in Richmond Hill - visit www.4pawstraining.ca for details or to register or send PM or call 905 773-1123

Hoping we can all keep this in mind as we work with play with and love our dogs!

Hoping we can all keep this in mind as we work with play with and love our dogs!

This was posted in a group this morning. I don't know who created it so I cannot give credit but want to be clear that we are not claiming it for our own. Just wanted to share it as it makes sense. Changing the way we think about the behaviour of others, changes how we react to it. If anyone knows who to credit this to please let me know -

Fall Canine Good Neighbour (CGN) sessions--Oct 17th and Dec 5th---in Richmond Hill -  includes practice/coaching session...

Fall Canine Good Neighbour (CGN) sessions--Oct 17th and Dec 5th---in Richmond Hill - includes practice/coaching session and testing-
Preparing for and then taking the CGN is a fabulous way to reinforce basic command - build your relationship with your dog AND ensure your k9 buddy has great manners both in public and at home! details in attached flyer-


Presenting our Spring Training Schedule----classes start May 11th--get out and have some fun in the sun with your k9 buddy - these outdoor classes are held in Richmond Hill---choose from variety of programs- new puppy classes- Or manners - obedience - Canine Good Neighboour and Agility for older pups and adult dogs- classes held Monday and Thursday evenings- send private message or call 905 773-1123 for details or to register

Congratulations to all our students at this year's PWD Water Trial training program- You did a fabulous job with your PW...

Congratulations to all our students at this year's PWD Water Trial training program- You did a fabulous job with your PWD's at our first class yesterday----here is what you have to look forward to- pics below are from some of our students who attended last years program as they competed in their first water trial - and yes you too can be ready not only to trial but to earn your first title!


I am so proud to congratulate 4 PAWs Training student Lea Hansen and her 2 PWDS Navi and Fergie on their wonderfull Rally- O trial debut- this past weekend - both dogs earned their Novice CKC Rally titles - Fergie in 3 straight runs- Fergie went on to earn her first leg toward her Advanced title- along the way Fergie and Navi earned 3 perfect 100 scores - 3 -2nd placements and 2 -3rd placements-
Well done Lea- I am thrilled for you -you are so dedicated and work so hard - most importantly you demonstrate such a fabulous relationship with your dogs - (FYI Navi and Fergie are both Drewsar Per Reg'd PWD dogs)

INTERESTED IN TRYING RALLY O? we offer weekday and evening and weekend programs- Rally-O is a fun way to build your bond with your dog reinforce manners and basic commands and learn advanced skills---you and your dog will love it - whether just for fun or with the goal of progressing to trials - e mail me at [email protected] for more info or to register


4 PAWS Training hosted the 2nd in our current CGN testing days- Congratulations to the follow attendees on earning their CGN certification---Melodie and Alegria-- Carolynne and Gypsy and Dahlia- Joanne and Scout - Abby and Atticus - our next CGN practice and test day is January 10th---12:30 Location- Richmond Green- Richmond Hill- [email protected] for details or to register - future dates to be scheduled Feb- June-

Its that time of year for holiday get aways and winter escapes- ---check out our boarding . day care and grooming servic...

Its that time of year for holiday get aways and winter escapes- ---check out our boarding . day care and grooming services- e-mail me - [email protected] for details or to book appointments

Congratulations to the 4 proud owners and their dogs  who earned their Canine Good Neighbour title this past weekend wit...

Congratulations to the 4 proud owners and their dogs who earned their Canine Good Neighbour title this past weekend with 4PAWSTraining in Richmond Hill. You did a wonderful job- demonstrating your lovely relationship with your dogs and commitment to developing the skills for your dogs to be well mannered members of the community !

Our NEXT CGN practice and test session is Saturday Nov 6th in Richmond Hill - space is limited so contact me ASAP to reserve your spot - see contact details and event info in flyer below


Richmond Hill
Richmond Hill, ON


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