La tv en couleur
*** UPA 2017 Convention Schedule ***
Sept. 7-9, 2017
Country Inn and Suites
Cookeville, TN..
Thursday, Sept. 7, 2017
3 p.m. Check in starts at Country Inn and Suites
4-5 p.m. Check in to the Convention, Meet and Greet.
Set up Auction Items.
5 p.m. Welcome, Questions and Answers, Round Table Discussion
6 p.m. Pizza, Salad, KFC dinner, UPA sponsored at the motel
7 p.m Presentation by Loretta Smith
9 p.m. BOD meeting
Friday, Sept 8, 2017
9-3 Triple W Exotic Animal Auction $5 admission
9-3 Alternative Trip to Appalachian Center for Arts and Crafts
3:30 pm. Golden Coral UPA Sponsored Dinner
6 p.m. Annual UPA Fund Raiser Auction: A night of fun and laughter, lots of peafowl related items will be auctioned off. If you want to donate items for the auction to help the UPA please contact.
Loretta Smith 740-935-6556 or mail things to
5156 U.S. Highway 52 West
Stout, OH 45684
Thank you in advance for participating in this important fund raiser for the club.
Saturday, Sept 9, 2017
8 a.m. Trip to Cu***ng Falls over look
10:30 a.m. Get the Scoop on P**p
Bill Vinduska will be teaching a Hands On workshop on doing Fecals for your birds. Bring your microscopes if you have them, get hands on training, and learn by doing!
12:30 p.m. Lunch on your own.
1:30 p.m. Phil Phillips Presentation
3 p.m. Convention Wrap up and Evaluation.
Pre-registration for UPA members (before 8-23-17) is $50 per person or $80 per couple. If you're not a UPA member and wish to pre-register, add $30 to the above and you'll also get a 1-year membership to the UPA and receive the full-color magazine. To pre-register, send your payment along with your name, address, phone and email to Loretta Smith, 5156 US Hwy 52 West, Stout OH 45684. This can also be done online via Paypal.
Registration at the door is $60 for UPA members or $95 per couple. If you're not a UPA member, we'd love to have you join us. $30 will be added to the above registration fee and you'll receive a 1-year membership to the UPA.
Any questions or concerns, please call or text Loretta Smith 740-935-6556
Country Inn and Suites, Cookeville, TN, (931) 525-6668 Reservations are filling up. We have a block of rooms. Please call soon to register. They will hold these rooms until Aug. 15, then they will be open to the public. They sell out each weekend in the fall so call soon. Let them know you are with the UPA to get the group rate of $99 plus taxes.
Pets are welcome for an additional $15 per pet per night. NO PEAFOWL are allowed in the building.
If you come early or stay over, other points of interest in the area are;
DelMonaco Winery and Vineyards, Baxter, TN
Cream City Ice Cream and Coffee House, Cookeville, TN
The Train Depot, Cookeville, TN
Crawdaddy's West Side Grill, Cookeville, TN