VET info

VET info Online access to a veterinarian during the current pandemic. Accès à un vétérinaire en ligne durant la présente pandémie.

From Dr Enid Stiles, vet at Sherwood Park Animal Hospital

From Dr Enid Stiles, vet at Sherwood Park Animal Hospital

You should follow the same rules for social distancing for your pet as you follow... two meters from people that are not...

You should follow the same rules for social distancing for your pet as you follow... two meters from people that are not in your immediate at home circle. If you are in insolation your pet should be also!!

During the present pandemic veterinary care has been listed as an essential service, and most veterinary clinics will be...

During the present pandemic veterinary care has been listed as an essential service, and most veterinary clinics will be open to treat emergencies. However, if you cannot reach a clinic physically or you have questions I would be happy to help to the best of my capabilities, while respecting both my professional restrictions and public health recommendations. Please send me a private message, I will respond the same day. Thank you, stay safe, and keep your pets home with you! Sincerely, Dr Megan Hlusko, Shefford Qc.

Pendant la présente pandémie les soins vétérinaire sont sur la liste des services essentiels et la plupart des cliniques vont être ouvertes pour traiter les urgences. Cependant si vous ne pouvez pas vous rendre à une clinique en personne ou si vous avez des questions, il me fera plaisir de vous aider au meilleur de mes capacités, mais en respectant les restrictions professionnelles et de santé publique. Envoyez-moi svp un message privé et je vous répondrai la journée même. Merci. Soyez prudent et gardez vos animaux chez vous avec vous. Sincèrement, Dr Megan Hlusko, Shefford, Qc


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