Thank You Alison for sharing your fun video of Harry practicing some impulse control in one of the Games in the Dry Land course. Harry is hilarious. And I know his Dry Land work has definitely helped the two of you get that pace on livestock :-) This post was shared in the private FB group for the course alumni but Alison allowed me to share here as well. I love Harry's enthusiasm for everything!!! www.thetalkingdog.ca
A nice example of starting out on a three point drive. It's true the handler is influencing the cows in this position but needs to be there to make sure the dog doesn't sneak between and get to the head. Every strong heading dog will try 😁. But it really helps teaching this to help the dog to learn to stay behind on the drive.
PSA before the long weekend! This pic is funny, but an actual stoned dog is really not. 😑 Please always mind your butts or stash, and don't leave anything where your pup can get it, just like you wouldn't for a child. Our vet let us know this has become more common with legalization, and dogs have been brought in showing signs of illness like vomiting, loss of bladder and bowels, fear, anxiety, and lack of coordination. Your dog didn't decide to chill out with some weed, and they may be frightened or made sick by what they experience, so always be careful just like you would with alcohol or junk food.
Pressure work in herding
Some small pen work with loads of pressure. How important it is for the dog to take his head off the stock to release pressure in a tight space. Nice work Harry and Alison 🤩🤩👏👏👏
Some nice gate practice. Calm entry into the trial arena is so important. Impulse control for dogs anticipating a high drive activity such as herding is so valuable. The "gate game" starts as puppies and helps build your relationship and your expectations of your dog. No need for up down games or other distractions. Down is a nice simple request and if you've taught it in a positive way, it should be easy to achieve nice patience at the gate 😁
Gate games on our regular walk. We are all a little rusty😅. Special is playing the deaf card... While she's 13 and a half, she really does still know what down is... 😂❤️