This page is all about connecting with others who love their CatFam as much as I do. I encourage ppl to post pics of their Cats and anything else that has to do with cats, especially Cat art !! Im also an artist and my cats inspire me non stop Id LOVE to see how they inspire others too ! Im hoping that through this page I can also help street cats become fixed and vaccinated. So important to try t
o take care of the ones that are already out there. All of my have been rescued, I actually rescued my first cat at the age of 3 lol I was at my cottage with my grandmother and Snowball was wandering near my cottage so we brought him home and that was that, he lived a wonderful long life. Thats when my love for cats started. I have 3 but live with 5 as my Mom has two. My oldest is a Maine Coon named Burt he is almost 18 years old and Ive had him since 6 weeks old, I rescued him from a really bad home life, then there was Monkey and Pharoah they were Sphinx I adopted them from a cat rescue, They passed a few years ago but the 7 years they were with me were sooo special,then a few months ago I went to pick up dinner from my local restaurant and there was Tuxedo she was sooo friendly I scooped her right up and that was that, Turns out I got waay more than I bargained for lol she had a litter of 4. I kept a boy who I call Jedi he looks exactly like his Mum, my brother took his grey and white sister, my friend took the other boy and my Mom is keeping the long hair black girl who we named Salem. Everyone has settled with eachother so nicely.