As we happily step into 2025 (and we wish you a great year), here is a little recap.
In 2024 we walked over 2885km (that is over 3 million steps) over 880 hours of activities, at an avg speed of 3.2km/h, ascended 47km had 2 "aaw, what a cute pup" per day, 989 squirrels ran up a tree and many wagging tails.
Westcoast Woof thanks all 2024 clients and their pets and we're looking forward to more walks and pawdventures with you and are ready to meet n greet and accept new clients, no matter breed, age, energy level and amount of shed fur and muddy paw prints we end up finding in the pup mobile, after your pups walk with us :).
Daily walks, pack walks, overnight care, drop-ins, puppy walks etc available.
We are insured and licensed