Welcome to the official page of Tiko's Little Chewies, the all natural chewy pet treat that picky eaters love. These small, soft cubes are homemade and filled with all the things dogs love and none of the things you find in cheap mass-produced brands, quality assured by Tiko himself they have no artificial flavors and no preservatives, so please remember to keep them in the fridge or freeze them for long term storage. You can view the ingredient list in this post to make sure your dog agrees with everything included. Thank you for reading and feel free to message the page with any questions, comments or concerns and I will get back to you at the earliest possible time.
Currently, only available in carrot cheddar chicken flavor
$5 - per 120g bag or $9 for two 120g bags
you can message the page or me personally to
arrange dropoff/pickup
(larger sizes and different flavors coming soon, keep on the lookout for page updates)
~~ Tiko and I thank you and greatly appreciate ~~
your business and support