It’s the most ✨magical✨ time of the year! .Royal set up is always a survival of the fittest, so we sent in our A team today to take the reins, and they have our “home away from home” for the next ten days ready to go!! We are so excited to get settled in and start horse showing!!Thank you @c.wiggins @alexmitchellequine and @tonynuth! #RoyalMagic #HelpingDreamsComeTrue #WorkHardDreamBig #FiddlersGreenStables #RAWF2024 #WhenTheCountryMeetsTheCity @cwd_ontario @cwd_quebecmaritimes @struck.official @hansenequestrian @blueberryhill_boutique @nobletouchequine @bytownanimalchiro @equipulseperformancetherapy @equusintegral @letterperfectembroidery
Congratulations to @c.wiggins on a fabulous first week in the ring with our new import, #CashGirl8
These two jumped some super rounds to top placings in every class. The future is bright for these two, we are so excited to watch this new #dreamteam develop their partnership! 💖🦄✨
#newkiddo #unicornstatus #sunshineandshowjumping #livingthedream #bigthingscomingforthisgirl #CrownMeadowsHorses #FiddlersGreenStables
@fiddlersgreenstables @cwd_ontario @cwd_quebecmaritimes @struck.official @hansenequestrian @blueberryhill_boutique @nobletouchequine @bytownanimalchiro @equipulseperformancetherapy @equusintegral @letterperfectembroidery
That winning feeling 🙌
Hard to believe this young lady was jumping 0.90 tracks in January and now not only did she qualify and compete at her first Royal Winter Fair, she jumped clean rounds all week in the 1.20 junior jumpers to top placings in every class!! This is a testament to Gen’s incredible hard work, an excellent training program, the constant desire every day to be better than you were the day before, and of course to the Queen herself, the one and only Lady 👑💖🦄!
Congratulations @gen._eq on such a fantastic first Royal and amazing end to your 2023 season, we are so proud of you and all you have accomplished this past year!!
Huge thank you to our amazing team behind the scenes for all you do, @c.wiggins @lolathebaddog @joosterveld. It truly #takesavillage #thankgoodnessforours
#congratulations #thefutureisbright #perfectpracticemakesperfect #hardworkpaysoff #RAWF2023 #DianaMZ #fiddlersgreenstables
@cwd_ontario @cwd_quebecmaritimes @struck.official @hansenequestrian @nobletouchequine @bytownanimalchiro @equipulseperformancetherapy @blueberryhill_boutique @equusintegral @letterperfectembroidery
Proud coach moment! Huge shout out to this girl, @gen._eq, on her move up with her fantastic partner Lady to the 1.20 this past weekend @angelstoneevents!
Gen has come along from barely being able to jump accurately around a 0.90 course five months ago to now jumping clean in her first ever 1.20 class👏👏👏.
These things don’t happen by accident and Gen’s dedication to learning, putting the time in, getting fit, and practicing the right things to help accomplish her goals has truly paid off. We couldn’t be prouder and very much look forward to helping this team continue to skyrocket together 🔥🚀🙌
#studentofthesport #hardworkpaysoff #perfectpractice #getitgirl #proud #theyarejustgettingstarted #thefutureisbright #DianaMZ #angelstonetournaments #fiddlersgreenstables
Only clear rounds for this best boy this week!! We are loving having #theflyingwonton back in the ring down south with us!! Huge thank you to @yasminedp_, @deschenes.cathy and the whole Deschenes-Poitras family for your continued trust with your most precious boy as Yasmine embarks on the next chapter of her educational career!! We are missing you dearly, but are having fun seeing @i.juliawiggins and Winston reunited again!!
This unicorn is proudly offered for sale and is ready to win for his next rider!! 🔥🚀
Please PM for pricing and more info.
#doublecleanmachine #bestboy #lovingit #unicornstatus #yournextwinner #forsale #fiddlersgreenstables #dontmissout
We are very excited to congratulate @mikayla.sancho and @ecuriesnovastables on the arrival of Mikayla’s incredible new mare, Iowa!! We can’t wait to see what amazing things these two accomplish together!! The sky is the limit!! ❤️🚀
#nothinglikeagoodmare #noscopenohope #allergictowood #shes🔝 #fiddlersgreenstables #alltheunicorns
Huge thank you to @lutherteam @lutherjesse @lolathebaddog and @c.wiggins for helping find this incredibly talented young horse and facilitating this #matchmadeinheaven😍🤩
Top level athlete? Or land manatee?
It really depends on if you ask him on GP day or a Monday 🤷🏼♀️😂
#LynnfordAS #heknowswhatswhat #mondayfeels #getitbuddy❤️ #fiddlersgreenstables
Julia Wiggins
Lincoln and @i.juliawiggins jump clean to finish 7th in the $30000 Grand Prix @angelstoneevents this evening!!
#soproud #LynnfordAS #unicornstatus #noscopenohope #hardworkpaysoff #workhardtrainhard #dreamteam #fiddlersgreenstables
#cwdriders #teamred #BHDiva #onlythebest
Nothing beats that clear round feeling 🙌🏼
#sucharush #cabaliero2 #verifiedunicorn #dreamteam #crownmeadowshorses #fiddlersgreenstables #wesleycloverparks #countdownison #almostshowtime
@cwd_quebecontarioeastmaritimes @struck.official @hansenequestrian @bytownanimalchiro @nobletouch88 @equipulseperformancetherapy @equusintegral @blueberry_ardie @letterperfectembroidery
Kanu touches down in Bermuda today!! There sure was a fantastic welcoming party there to greet him! Good luck sweet boy 🥰🤗❤️
#thebestkanoodle #touchdown #islandboy #newlifestartsnow #getitbuddy #livingthedream #crownmeadowshorses #fiddlersgreenstables