Someone once said ‘I defended you because I thought you would never quit.’ And while I never would quit, I also never want to be in spaces where new handlers are being trashed out of jealousy. I intend to make a welcome space for all. Regardless of their background, socioeconomic status, whether they run other breeds, or whether they run mix breeds. I don’t want to be in rooms where new people are being attacked just because they are new people. #3rstockdogs #stockdogtraining
We had one heck of a year
#3rstockdogs #stockdogtraining #sheepdog #cattledog #walter #rush #jovee #blanche #eltoro #nico
The dog is shown its possibilities, he learns what life is like for a good dog and is invited to walk in a rational world whose farthest boundaries are defined by grace.
The dog is shown its possibilities, he learns what life is like for a good dog and is invited to walk in a rational world whose farthest boundaries are defined by grace. #sheepdog #bordercollie #3rstockdogs #cowdogs #stockdogtraining #cattledog
Walter, Blanche and Rush
#303Ranch #stockdogtraining #bordercollie #nodaysoff #stockdog #Walter #RoughCoat #jovee #jo
Rule # 65
Never stop working. #nodaysoff #Walter #303Ranch #stockdogtraining #bordercollie #stockdog
Up and coming
Walter Blanche & Rush
Perfection is the enemy of progression
Start where you are and with what you have. No matter the context. Perfection is the enemy of progression. Conditions are never perfect. You are never perfect. Get moving. Take action. Measure your skills and abilities only against where you were yesterday.
Love what you do
It’s true. When you love what you do it isn’t work. Any person who brings up stockdogs around me usually regrets it we will never stop this conversation because we love it so much. #303Ranch #stockdog #stockdogtraining #bordercollie
These two are off to their new ranch tomorrow. Gonna miss them both. I maybe bought them a stuffy and I don’t think they ever used a dog toy ever 😂
Nice crew we have going on #3rstockdogs #stockdogtrainingonline #stockdogtraining #sheepdog #stockdogs #app #bordercollie #herdingdogs #303Ranch #yll
Excuses are for that weak
If you want it; work for it. #noexcuses #nodaysoff #sheepdog #stockdogs #herdingdogs #bordercollie #stockdogtraining #stockdogtrainingonline #app #yll