Seeing a shooting star last night made me remember; Once a little girl looked up at the night sky and wished she would work with horses; after a whole lot of work that wish has been granted.
Now looking at the same night sky in complete awe of its beauty I made another wish; This one will require just as much hard work; because Wishing doesn't make it so.
My horsemanship journey hasn't been only about the horse. It's taken me on a Journey of self growth; Understanding my core values trust,respect, growth, empathy, kindness, honesty, thoughtfulness, authenticity I am working on openness that's a hard one for me, being seen and being heard terrifies me; There are a very few people I turn loose with; and even less people I feel safe to do so; but in order to grow one must feel uncomfortable.
Learning to understanding myself has taken my horsemanship to another level.
Over the past few years
With 1000's of hours listening to podcasts and reading books on psychology and horsemanship and understanding that it is my the self limiting beliefs that have held me back from coaching.
Teaching someone how to ride is easy but teaching someone horsemanship is giving a part of myself to someone; not everyone is willing to work on themselves in order to achieve that connection/partnership with their horse.
Jordan peterson, Gabor matte, Jay shetty,
Brene' Brown, Esther Perel,Robin Sharma,
Jon Kabat-Zinn Mark Rashid, Buck Brannaman. Warwick schiller
Are all people I've been listening/reading