Merry Christmas from UpDog Training! 🎄🐾
Wishing you and your furry friends a holiday season filled with joy, love, and wagging tails. Thank you for letting us be a part of your journey this year—we can't wait to help make 2025 even more pawsome! ❤️
#happyhowladays #updogtraining #santapaws #merrychristmas
It’s time for Bark to School! Registration opens Aug 19, watch for the class calendar coming soon! Get a jump on registration and fill out the intake forms found online. Core vaccines inc rabies and kennel cough are required for attending, you still have time to get your dogs vaccines up to date before classes start! #updogtraining #sundredogtraining #mountainviewcountydogs #reactivedogalberta #cochranedogtraining #foundationdogtraining #puppystartright #lifeskillsfordogs #dogsofalberta #oldsalberta #sundrealberta #funwithdogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsoffacebook
It’s time for Bark to School! Registration opens Aug 19, watch for the class calendar coming soon! Get a jump on registration and fill out the intake forms found online. Core vaccines inc rabies and kennel cough are required for attending, you still have time to get your dogs vaccines up to date before classes start! #updogtraining #sundredogtraining #mountainviewcountydogs #reactivedogalberta #cochranedogtraining #foundationdogtraining #puppystartright #lifeskillsfordogs #dogsofalberta #oldsalberta #sundrealberta #funwithdogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsoffacebook
Recall is one of the hardest skills for our dogs. How do you get your dog to come back from something super distracting? Be more exciting than the distraction!
Come learn how to build up the value for your dog returning to you when called!
Single introoductory sessions available in August, full recall program coming this September!
#updogtraining #positivedogtraining #dogsofinstagram #dogsofalberta #dogsafety #sundrealberta #funwithdogs
Hot Weather Tips for Keeping Your Dog Cool! 🐾 Hey everyone! With the temperature rising, it's important to make sure our furry friends stay cool and comfortable. Here are some tips to keep your dogs safe and happy during the hot weather. **Hydration is Key-Make sure your dog has access to plenty of fresh, cool water throughout the day. **Shade and Shelter-Provide a shady spot for your dog to rest. Avoid leaving them outside for long periods. **Avoid Peak Heat-Walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening when it's cooler. Hot pavement can burn their paws!**Cool Treats-Offer frozen dog treats to help them cool down. **Limit Exercise-Keep exercise light and avoid vigorous activities during the hottest parts of the day. **Never Leave in Cars-Never leave your dog in a parked car, even with the windows cracked. The temperature can rise quickly and be deadly. **Watch for Signs of Heatstroke-Symptoms include excessive panting, elevated heart rate,drooling, lethargy, and vomiting. If you notice these signs, move your dog to a cooler place and contact your vet immediately. Stay safe and enjoy the summer with your furry friends! #DogSafety #HotWeatherTips #KeepDogsCool #PetCare #updogtraining #sundrealberta Share your own tips or pictures of your dogs stayin cool in the comments 🐾
Updog training has a Summer School Program just for Leash Walking Skills! #looseleashwalking #talkingdog #positivereinforcement #positivedogtraining #updogtraining #dogschool #sundrealberta #dogsofinstagram #dogs #dogsofalberta #doglife #dogbehaviour #certifieddogtrainer #dogschool