Greetings to all our wonderful clients! We wanted to let you know that we seem to be on track with Kyr being back to work in the salon post-surgery by mid Sept. We are holding off a few more weeks before making any final decisions about dates and once we do we will begin bookings quickly and in earnest, starting with the very long lists we have for Sept-Oct. There are more client requests on the Sept. list than we can accommodate so some folks will bump to October and possibly some to Nov. and we appreciate your patience while we work to catch up. Not sure yet what our strategy will be but we will likely start with nail trims and smaller dogs first and move on from there, along with dogs that we feel are in greatest need at this time and move on to the medium and larger dogs next. We will do our best to get everyone in and back on schedule as quickly as we can, with of course Kyr’s full healing and recovery a priority. If you have any questions please send us a private message. With any luck by the time we are back to work they will have also finished construction on the HWY! Thanks everyone! Enjoy this last bit of summer as we look forward to the beauty of fall and those drives out to the Slate River Valley!