Happy gotcha day to my permanent assistant, Josie!
Josie has been my greatest teacher when it comes to dogs. When we first got her she was shut down, wouldn’t walk down the street, got car sick on every ride, and would never dare to hold her ground in any situation. She wasn’t driven like many of the dogs I was used to. Play was a foreign concept to her and her food drive was mild at best. I often felt at a loss with her, like the training I was doing was like trying to jam a square peg into a round hole. As a Great Pyrenees, she wasn’t motivated by many of the things I was used to with other dogs. She forced me to think about dog training differently, to slow down and really work on building her trust, and to appreciate who she was as an individual.
She really has come such a long way in the past four years and I couldn’t be more proud. From a dog who we thought would never be able to get in the car for longer than 5 minutes to a dog who rides with me everyday, and has even travelled across the country with me for trips. To a dog who has helped rehabilitate and teach so many of the dogs who come into my home how to socialize. To a dog who has learned how to move sheep around the ring and work with me even when under pressure. To a dog who has titled in dog sports and continues to make strides in obedience, despite her live stock guardian genetics. To a dog who I can truly take anywhere and know that I can trust her to make good decisions and befriend everyone she meets. I really am just in awe of her and am so proud of the dog she has become and how much we have learned together.
Love you my best girl 💗