DNA disease testing is extremely important for Labrador Retrievers. One in three dogs are a 'carrier' of EIC or PRCD - it is that common! If your breeder isn't doing DNA testing, it’s quite certain they will breed two carriers together at some point and be producing puppies with these incurable diseases. We test ALL our dogs to ensure ALL of our breedings will produce puppies free from the genetic diseases (as described on the DDC Veterinary & Genomia websites) listed below. While these diseases cannot be cured, it is possible to eliminate their occurrence through genetic testing!
• Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM) - inherited disorder characterized by muscle weakness and exercise intolerance.
• Cystinuria - a metabolic disorder that can cause stones in the urinary tract. Most usually found in males and occurs in approximately 70 breeds.
• Degenerative Myelopathy (DM) - is a degenerative disease of the spinal cord, characterized by muscle weakness in the hind limbs eventually leading to paraplegia.
• Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC) - a genetic syndrome where affected dogs show signs of muscle weakness, incoordination, and life threatening collapse when participating in just 5 - 15 mins of strenuous exercise or activity. Signs become apparent in young dogs and can range from dragging of the hind legs to complete collapse.
• Progressive Rod-Cone Degeneration (PRCD) - affected dogs first become night blind, and then progress to cataracts and total blindness.