Have you ever heard a horse make a noise during exercise that isn’t normal and wondered what is causing it? During a recent Dynamic Endoscope exam, we were able to capture this audio. #dynamicrespiratoryendoscopy #doyouhearwhatihear #grossenbacherequine
Ever wonder what kind of changes we see in the upper airway when performing a Dynamic Respiratory Endoscope? #dramaticdynamics #equineupperairway #dynamicrespiratoryendoscopy #grossenbacherequine
Have you ever been confused about the difference between Tie Forward surgery and Tie Back surgery? #everybreathyoutake
During a Dynamic Respiratory Exam; this rare condtion presents with the horse’s epiglottis elevating off the soft palate and retroverting into the aireway with each inspiratory breath. The epiglottis then returns to normal postion with each expiration.
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Dorsal displacement of the soft palate (DDSP), commonly known as “flipping the palate”, presents as a prevalent upper airway issue in racehorses, often necessitating the use of a Dynamic Respiratory Endoscope for definitive diagnosis.
Although upper airway inflammation and immaturity may contribute to the condition, it's noteworthy that many mature horses experience palate flipping or instability without signs of inflammation. Particularly during high-speed exertion, the soft palate tends to billow and lose stability, potentially flipping on top of the epiglottis, thereby partially or fully obstructing the airway.
The obstruction is typically accompanied by a distinctive choking or gurgling sound, prompting the horse to suddenly decelerate. However, in most cases, the palate returns to its normal position with a swallow, and by the time the horse is examined with an endoscope upon returning to the stable, the airway may appear normal.
There are several treatment options for patients diagnosed with DDSP. Conservative management strategies, such as employing a tongue tie, figure-eight noseband, or altering the bit, can often prove successful in addressing DDSP. Surgical treatment options include a Sternothyrohyoideus Myectomy (Llewelyn Procedure), and/or a Tie Forward.
Follow us @grossenbacherequine on Facebook and Instagram as we take a closer look the equine upper airway through dynamic respiratory endoscopy and the conditions that can now be diagnosed; as well as some of the treatment options.
#equineupperairway #dynamicrespiratoryendoscopy #overgroundendoscopy #upperairwayanatomy #poorperformance #equinerespiratoryhealth #performanceexamination #DDSP #palatalinstability #inspiratorynoise #expiratorynoise #tieforwardvstieback #whatsthatnoise #doyouhearwhatihear #tiewhat #tiewhere #medequus #grossenbacherequine
A dynamic respiratory endoscope on a horse is performed to evaluate the function and health of its upper airway while the horse is exercising. This procedure is essential for several reasons:
- Assessment of Functionality: It allows veterinarians to observe the movement and function of the structures within the upper respiratory tract, such as the larynx, pharynx, and soft palate, during exercise. This is crucial because abnormalities or dysfunction in these structures can affect the horse's breathing and performance.
- Diagnosis of Respiratory Conditions: Dynamic respiratory endoscopy helps in diagnosing various respiratory conditions that may not be evident during resting evaluations. Conditions such as laryngeal hemiplegia (roaring), dorsal displacement of the soft palate and an epiglottic entrapment can be identified through this procedure.
- Tailored Treatment Plans: By accurately identifying the specific respiratory issue a horse is experiencing, veterinarians can develop targeted treatment plans to address the problem effectively. This may include surgical interventions, medical management, or adjustments to the horse's training and management regimen.
- Performance Optimization: Identifying and addressing respiratory issues can significantly improve a horse's athletic performance. By ensuring proper airflow and function of the upper airway, horses can breathe more efficiently during exercise, leading to better stamina, endurance, and overall performance.
Overall, dynamic respiratory endoscopy is a valuable diagnostic tool for assessing and managing respiratory conditions in horses, particularly those involved in athletic activities where optimal respiratory function is crucial for performance.
#equineupperairway #dynamicrespiratoryendoscopy #overgroundendoscopy #upperairwayanatomy #poorperformance #equinerespiratoryhealth
#performanceexamination #DDSP #RLN #epiglotticentrapement #palatalinstability #epiglotticretro