The craziest part of the DemDogz team (B Bug) has been working hard on behavior issues and showed off his training today wile helping with a training session.
Wow! 2 weeks flew fast with this beautiful boy, Oliver came in with some leash reactivity, especially towards small dogs. Having a hard time socializing and with minimal to terrible recall, especially if a deer had came across our path.
Oliver now can be trusted to go on off leash pack walk has fantastic recall. I even called him off him pray drive for deer, I'm so proud. He now can be watched nicely and his overstimulation with seeing other dogs or coming in contact with small dogs is controlled. With his parents doing continuous training following his instructions and keeping up with work, he is going to have a fantastic future and be able to fully work through his reactivity.
As of now he has graduated his 2-week board and train and I can't be any more proud of this beautiful boy.
Look at this sweet lady now with so much more confidence she is now making new friends and enjoying her training walks in new areas.
This little character (Chance) had a 3 day stay here, Chance and Nugget had a blast playing and socializing.
-35 and on my day off but that doesn't mean my in-house dogs don't need exercise so it is treadmill and indoor training Day ya! Then we can relax for a bit ☺️
Always have to B sure everyone gets what they need in a daily. B bug loves his tredmill walks, he will get on and sit down wait for me to get him heard up and started.
Safety note I never leave him in supervised, you always have to be present in the moment when you are working with dogs and equipment or for this case your dogs are working on equipment.
Oliver doing his morning work out
Miley Onyx and Perry all out for an ice walk since our weather finally gave us a break. Perry was so happy to get out all Gear it up to stay warm!
When it's to cold for little paws out side theres always a solution to give our pets what they need. B enjoyed his play train trip to the pet store. He enjoyed saying hi to all the staff, practice his basic obedience and play with his toy as we worked all wile being I appropriately secured on his leash in a store.
What a fun day 2 small pack walks today, perry was so happy to get out with his buddys (Onyx, and Oliver) play and be silly. Nugget got to enjoy a walk with Millie and Oden enjoying every minute. that's six dogs. That'll sleep good tonight!
Many people ask why I put boots on my dogs and my answer is why not! We wear shoes to protect our feet why would I not protect my dogs feet.
They don't always where the boots out ;However, if we are going to encounter road salt or other harmful material that may hurt or irritate my dogs paws then I put the boots on.
Puppy play and joining the play walk Oden the sweet golden cross. They had a blast on their walk today making new friends jumping walking and playing being silly pups and enjoying the day.