Quarter Circle VR Ranch

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Quarter Circle VR Ranch Horse Ranch featuring Training, Sales and Consignment


Two steps forward and one step back.

Sometimes forward progress is slow.

Everyone of us have these experiences. Do not waiver or lose hope.

It’s part of the process.

Just keep doing the work. If you have to adjust the plan then make the adjustment, but keep moving forward.

Even the smallest steps mean progress.

Know that when it’s hard you are preparing for the greatness that will follow.


📸: Bee Silva Photography


"Why do you use Thoroughbreds for ranch work?"

We get this question a lot--from neighbors, reporters, fellow riders. In most people's minds, a Thoroughbred just doesn't "belong" on a ranch, working cattle. A Thoroughbred is "supposed" to be at the track, or maybe in the hunter ring, or galloping across the eventing cross country course. Many people seem to treat a Thoroughbred wearing a western saddle like a circus sideshow.

But to be a great ranch horse, a horse needs to like to work. He has to be game for long days, difficult country and the worst of weather conditions. He needs to be that horse that waits by the gate to get saddled up even when he knows he might not be back until 14 hours and 20 miles have passed.

A great ranch horse will never say no. He doesn't balk at a rushing creek or a steep ravine. He doesn't back down from an angry momma cow. When you've spent 10 hours searching the brush for a stray steer, he still says "heck yes" when you ask him to run it down.

A great ranch horse needs to be part independent problem solver, part patient trail buddy and part trigger-happy gunslinger. He might go from walking on a loose rein to full gallop and then back to a standstill in all of 150 feet. He needs to pay attention and understand the job at hand and be able to do his part without full time direction from his rider. His brain and his body must be in constant synch with the situation at hand. Ranch work is no place for daydreamers.

Great ranch horses are not just beloved friends, but working partners. They are one of the few horses left that truly have a "real job" to do. There are no blue ribbons for riding eight miles in the cold, pouring rain and wind to go doctor that sick calf. There is no trophy waiting at home when you bring the herd home in a blizzard. There is just the appreciation of a job well done by both horse and man.

If you have ever ridden a Thoroughbred for any reason, you know they possess all of the above attributes. They are all heart, all try and all grit. When you add that to the fact they have been bred for hundreds of years to be the greatest athletes the world has ever seen, you cannot find a better animal to set your saddle on.

So maybe the real question should be "Why would you use anything BUT a Thoroughbred for ranch work?"

Wow! A must see! Catch Rockin' A Mohair the Big Bang Barrel Race this week & weekend! You won’t want to miss what April ...

Wow! A must see! Catch Rockin' A Mohair the Big Bang Barrel Race this week & weekend! You won’t want to miss what April has in stock for you!


To the ladies in a slump,

Four years, that’s how long it’s been since I won a check in the breakaway roping. It’s been a decade since I actually felt like a competitor. Those years of underperforming were full of tears, sweat, goal setting, dreaming, work and more tears and more work and more sweat. Most of the time I felt like I was just filling the pot for someone else to take home a check. Broken barriers, green horses, financial setbacks, pregnancy, postpartum anxiety, learning how to be a rodeo mama, all of those things have been a part of the long journey that got me to this check.

This check is more than just money. It’s proof that you should never give up on your dreams and never sell your saddle. Wipe your tears and keep entering. Get outside and wear out your ropes, shred some straw bales, keep entering and chasing those dreams. Life is too damn short to sit on the bleachers and watch everyone else reach their goals while you reminisce about the good old days of college rodeo.

Slumps are temporary, dreams are permanent. Try to ignore them and they will eat at you forever – you can either push them down deep so you can’t hear them or get on your horse and break out the rope can. The choice is yours.

Slumps are temporary. Dreams are permanent. Don’t let a temporary setback get in the way of your lifelong dreams.



1. One run a day is enough for your horse, rollovers are your friend! This one will make most of your alley issues disappear.

2. A good farrier is important, cheap isn’t saving you money. What you don’t spend on the farrier, you’ll spend on the vet.

3. Have a good performance vet on your side, the simple shots and coggins vet isn’t going to cut it.

4. A broke horse is a great horse. Teach your horse to do more than just turn circles.

5. You’re as much as an athlete as your horse. Treat yourself like one.

6. Don’t let small minded friends keep you from your goals. Don’t let others opinions keep you from growing.

7. If someone hauls you and your horse, or lends you a horse. Say thank you, return the favor. Buy them a drink, pinch in for fuel, or buy them dinner. It goes a long way!

8. Negativity shouldn’t be allowed in the truck. Positive vibes only.

9. Find a mentor, someone who isn’t afraid to tell you the truth when you need it and don’t want to hear it.

10. If the horse isn’t working or it’s keeping you from growing, it is okay to sell it. Horses are stepping stones.

Stay tuned, over the next few weeks I’m going to hit each of these points in depth and give you the “whys” behind these thoughts. ❤️


Every hard day

Every disappointment

Every tear shed

Every bead of sweat

Every painful moment—

Each one makes the good days better

The winning runs sweeter

Championships more monumental—

The hard days make the good days worth having.


📸: Bee Silva Photography


Update on Bighorn campground

We do not anticipate reopening of the Bighorn campground until the spring of 2023.

We had a positive meeting with government representatives with respect to the reopening and will be working closely with them to create a plan to fix the flooding so it does not happen again.

This will be a very costly endeavour and any donations to help with the project would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for understanding, we can’t thank you enough for the support all of you have brought us.


Mark Your Calendars! The 2022 Annual Horse Rally is Set for Saturday, August 6.

Bring your horses and bring your friends and join us out at Eagle Creek Campground in time for registration from 10:00 am-12:00 noon.

Registration includes one poker hand but additional hands can be purchased. Get out and ride the trails and compete for the best poker hand. Dinner and desert, awards, and campfire to follow.

Pledges of $50 or more get free registration and pledges of $400 or more qualify for the trophy buckle! Pledge forms can be found here:


The event includes our second annual CHILI COOKOFF. Bring your best pot and compete for the title of Top Chili Chef (and prizes of course) If you are interested in competing in the Chili Cookoff, please send us an email with subject line Chili Cookoff to: [email protected] or send us a FB message.
Hope to see you all there! Free registration for two with chili donation!


Be Proud of yourself:
For most of us, this isn’t a career. It’s a hobby that we love so much that we spend all of our free time grinding to get better. You have a full time job, a family and friends. Yet, every chance you get you are chasing your goals and dreams. So be proud of how far you have come. You have worked so hard to achieve what you have. No win is too small to celebrate. Everything you do is a win. You got up early or stayed up late to ride, it’s a win. You worked an extra shift to be able to compete this weekend, it’s a win. You didn’t win anything at the event but you had a lot of fun, it’s a win. Yes, we get so caught up on the tangible things like buckles, titles and checks that we forget to celebrate the small stuff. You have dedicated your time to better yourself and your equine athlete. So the small stuff does matter and it adds up. Your three year old just walked by a puddle without freaking out. It’s. A. Win! So stop being so hard on yourself when things go wrong or don’t go as planned. Because somewhere in that mistake was a win that was bigger than what you were trying to achieve. Don’t be too hard on yourself. We are humans trying to tame 1,000-pound animals without verbal communication. Set backs are going to happen. Failures are going to happen. But you know what we won’t allow? Giving up. You’re not allowed to walk away after you have won so much inside and outside of the arena. So celebrate your small victories because they do matter. And remember, at the end of the day you’re human. You are allowed to make mistakes. Keep grinding and celebrating your small victories. You got this!
-Kayla L.
Photo credit: Holly Long-Jackson


Calgary, please welcome your Calgary Stampede Parade Marshals, Kevin Costner and John Scott!

Follow our Parade Marshals to Stampede Park for FREE entry until 1:30 p.m.


The saddest thing I’ve ever seen…⁣
Is a woman on a horse ⁣
that does not believe she is good enough to be there.⁣

Do not compare yourself. There is only this moment, this horse. Your hands, seat, voice and leg, define the parameters of the entire world for this horse.⁣

What anyone else is doing, or has ever done, does NOT matter.⁣
Whomever it is that you look up to — or feel less than —⁣
Is in turn, looking up to another rider, wishing to aspire to that level. So be content where you are… You are blessed!⁣

YOU are your only competition… Just be better today than you were yesterday. Try hard for this horse you ride and try hard for yourself. Most of all, enjoy this time; Every moment. Every stride. Every cue that is answered with a response. ⁣

Cherish this partnership… ⁣
Know, that you are exactly where you are supposed to be… ⁣



“Surround yourself with people who get it”

As I get older, and as I get closer I get to accomplishing some major life goals, the more I have realized how important it is to surround yourself with people who are supportive in all phases of your life.

The learning phases. The growing phases. The struggling phases. The winning phases. The losing phases. The enjoying life phases.

This is especially true for those who have extravagant dreams and goals. The ones who are bound and determined to get what they want out of life, and those of us who seem to have “tunnel vision” to get there.

So many of us start from the bottom and have to sacrifice greatly to make progress towards our goals and dreams. It’s not fun to miss out on things. It’s not fun to feel guilty. It’s not always fun when you pour every ounce of yourself into your dreams.

Do you see the forrest? Or the trees?

You will lose people along the way.

You will leave people behind.

You will also gain the people who are meant to be on your journey with you.

The more blood, sweat, tears, long days, exhaustion, and time you put into something… the more dedicated and disciplined you will become, and the less others will understand.

When you decide to seriously step on the path of building a business or chasing some insanely large goal, you will miss out on a lot of things your friends and family DO NOT think you should ever miss. They can make you feel guilty, and if you continue to “surround” yourself with those people, you will be mentally and physically exhausted.

I’m not saying get rid of your friends and family. I’m not saying you should not try to explain this life to them, but there will come a time you have to make a decision. If I have learned anything from standouts, successful business people, athletes & champions in all aspects of this world, if you want to win at the highest level, if you want to accomplish huge things, and if you want to live your dream… There can only be ONE PRIORITY.

If you have people in your life that are chasing their own dreams, you’ll notice the conversations are a little different. Everyone is supportive, they hold you accountable, and they continue to push you towards your goals even when you’re ready to throw in the towel.

As for your friends and family that might not understand, you can only explain your unusual life to them so much before you stop and let it go.

Stop explaining yourself to people who don’t want to understand. Stop explaining yourself to the people who don’t support you. Stop explaining yourself to the people who could care less wether you reach your goals in life. These people most likely don’t understand because they have no dreams and goals to work towards.

At the end of the day, most people don’t want to see you succeed. People are always ready to watch you fail. Prove them wrong.

You don’t have to feel guilty about your dedication to whatever your passion is, enjoy the journey and keep crushing your goals sis! ✌🏼

This article was co-wrote by myself and someone who chooses to stay anonymous. We are all struggling with our battles, so keep your head up and keep going.


Welcome. if you can dream it, think it or imagine it, we can lift it, build it and make it happen for you. With a building this big and permanent seating for 500, let your drams run wild. 


All ages welcome!

Special Speaker: Dawn Marie Brendan giving an introduction to breakaway roping & dummy roping tips.

5$ Burger, Drink & Chips/Salad

Socialize, Meet the Board Members, Rope the dummy or Heal-o-matic!

Will have door prizes and can get your memberships tonight!!!!!

Looking forward to seeing everyone!!!

Board of Directors

Must move young stock

Must move young stock

“Kayla’s Thunder” Reg Papers in hand Jockey Club Mare 16/16.1 HH Jumping prospect - Sky is the limit Totally restarted off the track, English and western has been patterned a little on barrels as well. Nice buttons, smooth gaits, Fluent transitions, lead changes and an easy ride. Turns on the ...


📢 We are ONE month away from the Bowden Daze Pro Rodeo weeekend!

🌟 Friday July 15th
7pm CPRA RODEO & caberet with Brayden King
{6:30pm Sheep Riding & Wild Pony Race}

🌟 Saturday July 16th
10am Bowden Daze Market at Paterson Community Hall
11am Bowden Daze Parade

7pm CPRA RODEO & caberet with Dustin Farr
{6:30pm Sheep Riding & Wild Pony Race}

🌟 Sunday July 17
12pm Bowden Jr Rodeo

🤠 Free Camping at the rodeo grounds all weekend!
🤠Jr Rodeo, Sheep Riding & Wild Pony Race entries June 28th 4pm-9pm *🕓 TO 🕘🔉*


We have no words. AND we have a lot of words.

Nancy Leischner and Super Trooper are Calgary Stampede bound!

We are so proud of them. Nancy has been with us since the beginning, believing in our products and trusting us with her horses nutrition from the very earliest days of Roan & Co. We are honoured to have her as a representative of our brand and can’t wait to cheer them on in COWTOWN.

We would also like to do a big shoutout to Roan & Co. teammate Val Gillespie - her and Murphy finished in the top 10 against the wolfiest pen Canada has to offer 🐺

2️⃣3️⃣ days until CS but hey who’s counting 🤩🤩🤩

We’ve made it back to The Semi Finals!

We’ve made it back to The Semi Finals!

A rare opportunity presenting itself!

A rare opportunity presenting itself!


It is not often that I have stock items come up for sale these days but I am working towards creating more of an inventory as well as completing customs so fingers crossed this will become more of a regular thing!

This tie dye breast collar is absolutely stunning and the blues are even brighter in person. Since it is tie dye - the exact dye pattern can not be replicated making it 100% one of a kind!

You do not want to miss out on this one! Someone’s horse is going to turn heads.

🔥 $270 + $20 shipping anywhere in Canada.

36”, 11 strand mohair breast collar. Base done in dark brown and tye die. Detailing done in abiquiu blue, sandstone, and dark brown.


The draw for the Calgary Stampede LBR Qualifier is in the comments below. Contestants, please fill out your bio information before June 10th! (Check your email)


We are looking for volunteers for barrel setters and gate personnel for the Calgary Stampede Qualifier, Monday June 13th and Tuesday June 14th.
Please message me if you are available and I will get you in contact with Toni Dixon.


Let’s talk about head-shy horses.

It’s still usually viewed as a behavioral problem that needs to be trained out.
While sometimes that may be the case, it certainly isn’t always.
At the very least, there are measures that can be taken to make the training process much easier.

Even if, let’s say, a horse endured physical abuse to their head at one point in time.
Maybe they were hit or handled roughly, maybe they were ridden in ill-fitting bridles, maybe they were worked in biomechanically incorrect postures for long periods of time (behind the vertical in particular), maybe they have a history of pulling back when tied, or even just pulled back once.

We may think of the emotional trauma that they likely still carry with them that keeps them from feeling safe in their own head, but what about the residual physical restrictions?
It’s something that’s often overlooked if there aren’t obvious signs of trauma.

Let’s also not forget that the birthing process itself can—and often does—create restrictions in the head and neck, if not the whole body.
This is why this work is so helpful for the youngsters!

Take a look at this simple sketch of the cranial nerves I snagged from google, which doesn’t even entirely show the intricacy of the these nerves.
This doesn’t show the veins and arteries that weave themselves throughout the head.
It doesn’t show the spinal cord having to make its way through the atlanto-occipital joint, aka the poll, without restriction.
It doesn’t show the fascia.
It doesn’t show the vital glands that live in the brain.
It doesn’t show the skull itself and all the bones it’s comprised of, including teeth.
Let’s remember, all of these components must have their own free motility in order to function properly.

Think of how our halters and bridles are hanging right on many of these tissues, across the most highly innervated areas in the body.
The nosebands that are often too tight.
The flash nosebands that have no business being on a horse at all, in my opinion.
The horrible posture that we commonly see horses ridden in, even in supposedly high levels, for extended periods of time.

There are so many reasons for horses to be head-shy that it’s amazing to me there aren’t more of them.

So you’ve got a head-shy horse?

This work is thorough in seeking restrictions, whether they’re physical, emotional or energetic. Usually there are all of these components involved.

There are lots of great modalities out there, though I do lean toward craniosacral therapy and indirect osteopathic techniques, as they address all of these tissues.

The restrictions are in the clear?

Proper education is incredibly important.
My go-to recommendations for this are without a doubt are Patrick King, Warwick Schiller, Amy Skinner and Justin Haefner, all of whom take into consideration the emotional and physical state of the horse as they develop them.

In the meantime, I just encourage you to consider the intricacies of the horse.


As a HUGE thank you for reaching 500 followers on this page, and to all the wonderful people and friends I’ve gotten the chance to meet in person and online I have decided to offer these brand new pack of 2XCOOL Professional Choice Size Mediums and a brand new set of Professional Choice Bellboots Size Mediums

To enter in this giveaway you must be 👉🏻👉🏻
Following this page The Tack Barn
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Sharing to your story and tagging the page will give you 1 extra entry!

Contest will also apply on our Instagram page “huroncountytackbarn”
A third entry can be made through Instagram!

This applies Canada wide!

Draw will take place May 4th!

Good luck to everyone 🙂

Jessie Vandenbroek graciously donated back her 2021 - 30 Days Training Benefit Auction with us to “Glendas Cancer Suppor...

Jessie Vandenbroek graciously donated back her 2021 - 30 Days Training Benefit Auction with us to “Glendas Cancer Support Auction” for 2022 on Facebook.

The value of this is $500 Gst included Canadian
Includes Board & Hay, 30 days under saddle

• Refreshing
• Miles
• Issue Fixes
• General Training
• Legging Up
• Exposure and Hauling

If you would like to join the support group to bid, please do so. So fabulous to continue to see people supporting others!

It’s HAPPENING !!!! ✨🥂

It’s HAPPENING !!!! ✨🥂


Back for 2022, the Calgary Stampede Ladies Barrel Racing Qualifier will give competitors the opportunity to run for a chance to compete at the 2022 Calgary Stampede Rodeo. The event will take place June 13 – 14, 2022 at the Daines Rodeo Ranch, Innisfail, AB.

•Round One Monday, June 13th
•Semi Finals and Final Round, Tuesday, June 14th
•Top 4 to advance to The Calgary Stampede, July 8th-17th.

The Calgary Stampede is WPRA approved. If a non WPRA card holder qualifies for CS at the CS Ladies Barrel Race they will need to buy their card to compete at Calgary.


TIZ DIAL ME CHROME ✨“Foxy” came from a close friend of mine, who’s journey brought them to Australia to start a new life...

“Foxy” came from a close friend of mine, who’s journey brought them to Australia to start a new life, So I am thankful to have been entrusted with her care and ownership.

We’ve had our ups and downs, but she really is like looking into a mirror; and humbled me that way from the start. I always know I can entrust her with an adventure or loose cattle … and she certainly keeps me on my toes on occasion. We’ve had our ups and downs, but I can say I trust her now more than most of my horses when it comes to our seasonal mountain excursions! She is, my “Go to” these days for many things.

Trying to get a nice photo of this handsome boy is a harder feat than I thought! But I really do get the sweetest client...

Trying to get a nice photo of this handsome boy is a harder feat than I thought! But I really do get the sweetest clients, even if they’re all over me for some scratches after a great days work!


Bowden, AB





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