Ideal Canine

Ideal Canine Certified Professional Dog Trainer & Licensed Family Dog Mediator located in Mission, BC.

4 Surprising Benefits of Allowing Your Reactive Dog to Sniff More 🐶👃Did you know that letting your reactive dog sniff mo...

4 Surprising Benefits of Allowing Your Reactive Dog to Sniff More 🐶👃

Did you know that letting your reactive dog sniff more during walks can have incredible benefits?

Here’s why you should encourage those nose-to-the-ground moments:

➡️ Eases Stress and Anxiety 🌿 Sniffing is a natural behavior that helps dogs understand their environment. Allowing your dog to sniff during walks can ease stress and anxiety.

➡️ Boosts Mental Stimulation 🧠 Sniffing activates your dog’s brain and keeps them mentally engaged. This is especially crucial for reactive dogs, as it provides them with a constructive activity to focus on, helping divert their attention from potential triggers.

➡️ Expends Energy ⚡ Mental activities like sniffing can be just as exhausting as physical exercise. Allowing your dog plenty of opportunities to sniff can help expend excess energy, leading to a calmer and more relaxed demeanor.

Next time you’re out for a walk, try letting your dog take the lead and enjoy a good sniff! It’s a very simple way to support their mental and emotional health.

What are people saying about Ideal Canine? Well, check out this lovely review. ❤️If you're struggling with your dog and ...

What are people saying about Ideal Canine?

Well, check out this lovely review. ❤️

If you're struggling with your dog and aren't sure where to start... Sending us an email is a great first step to the rest of your life with your dog.

📨 [email protected]

3 Mistakes Dog Owners Make with Their Reactive DogsWhen training their reactive dogs, many owners inadvertently make com...

3 Mistakes Dog Owners Make with Their Reactive Dogs

When training their reactive dogs, many owners inadvertently make common mistakes that can hinder progress.

Here are the top three mistakes and why they can be detrimental:

➡️ Proximity to Triggers One of the most common mistakes is training too close to a trigger. This can overwhelm the dog, making it difficult for them to respond to cues or accept treats. The solution is to increase the distance from the trigger, allowing the dog to feel more comfortable and relaxed, which is crucial for effective behavior training.

➡️ Ignoring Stress Management Owners often overlook the importance of managing their dog's stress levels. High stress can impede learning and worsen reactivity. Incorporating stress-reducing activities can help keep the dog calm and more receptive to training.

➡️ Reactive vs. Proactive Approaches Many owners tend to react to their dog's mistakes rather than preventing them. A proactive approach involves rearranging the environment, having a management system in place and setting the dog up for success. This method helps prevent reactive incidents and allows you to reinforce the behaviours and emotional states that you would prefer.

Your reactive dog doesn't need more obedience 🐾💡Here's the deal. I very rarely do obedience drills when I am working wit...

Your reactive dog doesn't need more obedience 🐾💡

Here's the deal. I very rarely do obedience drills when I am working with a reactive dog because reactivity, simply put, isn't a matter of being obedient vs. disobedient.

Reactivity is rooted in emotion, and forcing a ton of obedience often just creates a false positive without actually addressing the underlying emotional state that is driving the reactive behaviours.

Why Obedience Training Falls Short with Reactive Dogs:

1️⃣ Emotional State Over Behaviour Control 🌈
➡️ Reactive behaviours often stem from fear, anxiety, or frustration. Obedience training focuses on controlling behaviour, not addressing the underlying emotional state.

2️⃣ Suppression vs. Resolution 🔍
➡️ Obedience training can sometimes suppress reactive behaviours without resolving the root cause. This can create a "ticking time bomb" situation where the dog seems obedient but remains stressed.

3️⃣ Stress & Learning 📚
➡️ High-stress levels impair a dog’s ability to learn and perform even familiar verbal cues. Reactive dogs are often too aroused to focus on obedience training effectively.

More Effective Approaches:

1️⃣ Desensitization & Counter-conditioning
➡️ Gradual exposure to triggers paired with positive experiences can change the dog's emotional response to those triggers, reducing reactivity over time.

2️⃣ Environmental Management 🌳
➡️ Avoiding getting too close to known triggers and creating a calm environment can help prevent reactive episodes. Adjust your dog's environment to minimize stress.

3️⃣ Building Confidence & Resilience 💪
➡️ Engaging in activities that build confidence and resilience, like agility training or nose work, helps improve emotional stability and reduce reactivity.

If you need help with your reactive dog, don’t hesitate to reach out! Together we can forge a new path for you and your reactive dog, leaving reactivity in the past.🐾❤️

📨 [email protected]

A Training Session with Your Dog is Not Wasted If...✅️ You did the best you could ➡️ Each session is an opportunity to t...

A Training Session with Your Dog is Not Wasted If...

✅️ You did the best you could
➡️ Each session is an opportunity to try your best and give it your all, which is ALWAYS valuable.

✅️ You made some mistakes and learned from them
➡️ Mistakes are part of the learning process for both you and your dog. Embrace them as lessons.

✅️ You're taking small steps forward
➡️ Progress might be slow, but small steps add up over time. Celebrate the little victories.

✅️ You did what was right for you and your dog at the time
➡️ Every dog's needs are different. Trust that you know what's best for your dog in each moment.

Keep going, keep learning, and keep growing together! 🌟

Meet Bruce!I am going to be working with Bruce and his mom on laying a solid foundation for their future together. Bruce...

Meet Bruce!

I am going to be working with Bruce and his mom on laying a solid foundation for their future together.

Bruce is going to be a BIG dog, so a lot of the routines that we'll be implementing will be centered around knowing how big he's going to get. So, while some things might not seem like a big deal when it's an adorable puppy doing them (jumping for example), it's not going to be cute when it's a 100lb dog knocking you over. 😆😆

Some of our goals are going to be:

✅️ Manners with guests and inside the home

✅️ Loose leash walking

✅️ Socialization and ensuring he matures into a well-rounded and confident dog

✅️ Manners around mealtime and thresholds

✅️ Building engagement with his mom

Bruce is a lovely puppy - He has a great personality and is very eager train with his mom. I am very excited to be able to assist them as they embark on this new journey together!

🐾 Myths About Canine Body Language 🐾Understanding your dog's body language is key to a strong bond and their well-being....

🐾 Myths About Canine Body Language 🐾

Understanding your dog's body language is key to a strong bond and their well-being. Let's debunk some common myths! 🐶✨

Myth: A Wagging Tail Always Means a Happy Dog

Reality: Tail wagging can indicate excitement, anxiety, or aggression. Position, speed, and direction matter. 🐕🔍
Myth: A Yawning Dog is Tired

Reality: Dogs yawn when stressed or anxious, not just tired. 🐩😴➡️😨

Myth: A Dog Showing its Belly Wants a Belly Rub

Reality: This can be for attention, affection, or a sign of submission/fear. Assess overall body language. 🐾🤔

Myth: A Dog with an Open Mouth is Always "Smiling"

Reality: Heavy panting or lips pulled back indicates stress. A relaxed open mouth shows contentment. 🐶🙂➡️😟

Myth: Licking Your Face is a Sign of Affection

Reality: Licking can mean affection or appeasement. It’s a way to diffuse tension. 🐕💋➡️😓

Assessing a dog's overall body language is crucial. Relying on one aspect, like a wagging tail or an open mouth, can be misleading. A wagging tail might mean anxiety, and an open mouth might indicate stress if combined with other signs like tense muscles or pinned-back ears.

Behaviour Modification vs. Behaviour Suppression in Dog TrainingUnderstanding the difference between behaviour modificat...

Behaviour Modification vs. Behaviour
Suppression in Dog Training

Understanding the difference between behaviour modification and behaviour suppression is crucial for the well-being of your reactive dog. 🐶✨

Behaviour Modification: Behaviour modification involves changing the underlying emotional state that drives a dog's behaviour.

This approach focuses on:
🔹 Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding desired behaviors to increase their frequency.
🔹 Counter-Conditioning: Changing a dog's emotional response to a trigger from negative to positive.
🔹 Desensitization: Gradually exposing the dog to a trigger at a low intensity to reduce fear or reactivity over time.

Behaviour Suppression: Behaviour suppression, on the other hand, aims to stop the unwanted behaviour without addressing the root cause.

This can include:
🔹 Punishment: Using punishment to stop the outward expression of the underlying emotion, without consideration for WHY those behaviours are occurring in the first place.
🔹 Flooding: Overwhelming the dog with the trigger in an attempt to force desensitization.
🔹️ Excessive use of tools: Stimming a dog on an e-collar every time they look at a trigger, or dialing the e-collar up until the dog stops reacting.

Why Avoid Behaviour Suppression? When it comes to reactive dogs, behaviour suppression can create a false positive. Here’s why:
🔸 Shut Down Response: The dog appears calm, but is actually too stressed or scared to react.
🔸 Temporary Fix: Suppressed behaviours often resurface because the underlying emotion hasn’t been addressed.
🔸 Increased Anxiety: The dog’s stress and anxiety can worsen, leading to more severe behavior issues.

Focus on True Behaviour Change By focusing on behaviour modification, you help your dog build confidence and truly overcome their reactivity. This leads to a happier, healthier, and more balanced dog. Not to mention, your dog will love you for it.

If you need guidance on modifying your dog's behaviour, reach out! Let's work together to create lasting change. 🐕❤️

Dog Trainer Red Flags 🚩When choosing a dog trainer, it's important to be aware of certain red flags that may suggest a t...

Dog Trainer Red Flags 🚩

When choosing a dog trainer, it's important to be aware of certain red flags that may suggest a trainer is not a good fit for you and your canine companion. Here are some key things to watch out for:

1. Guarantees Specific Results 🛑
➡️ No trainer should guarantee specific results. Every dog is unique and progresses at its own pace.

2. Lack of Credentials, Certifications, or Reviews ❌
➡️ Dog training is an unregulated industry, which means there are no actual qualifications to do the job! A lack of credentials, certifications or reviews may indicate a lack of experience and/or education.

3. One-Size-Fits-All Approach ⚠️
➡️ Every dog is different. Trainers who use a cookie-cutter approach might not be able to address your dog's specific needs. Avoid trainers who use a rigid, standardized method for ALL dogs.

4. No Continuing Education 📚
➡️ The field of dog training is always evolving. Trainers should be committed to ongoing education to stay updated on the latest methods and techniques. Trainers who don't commit themselves to continuing education may be outdated in their practices.

Choose wisely for the well-being and happiness of your furry friend! 🐾

Understanding Trigger Stacking 🌟🐾What is it?Trigger stacking is when a dog experiences multiple stressors in close succe...

Understanding Trigger Stacking 🌟🐾

What is it?

Trigger stacking is when a dog experiences multiple stressors in close succession, leading to an overwhelming reaction. 🐶💥 Think of it like a bucket slowly filling with water. Each trigger adds more water until the bucket finally overflows. This overflow generally looks like an extreme reaction, disproportionate to the final trigger.

For example, your dog manages to stay calm walking past another dog (trigger #1), then you pass a noisy construction site (trigger #2), but when a car backfires (trigger #3), the combined stress results in the dog lunging and barking excessively. 🐕🚧🚗💥

Managing Trigger Stacking:

✨ Reward Stress Release: When your dog releases stress between stressful moments, they become more equipped to handle life's daily stressors.

🌳 Decompression & Relaxation: Sniffy walks in quiet locations, food scatters, and practicing relaxation will help calm and regulate your dog's nervous system.

🎉 Create Positive Associations: By creating positive associations, things that your dog finds scary become less scary over time. Think of it this way: I'm afraid of spiders, but if every time I saw a spider, someone handed me $100, my feelings towards spiders would definitely change!

Understanding and managing trigger stacking can significantly improve life with your dog. By recognizing the signs and taking a proactive approach, you can help your dog live a healthier and happier life. 🐾❤️

🚫 STOP using food to lure uncomfortable dogs closer to people 🚫Using treats to coax a nervous dog towards people can see...

🚫 STOP using food to lure uncomfortable dogs closer to people 🚫

Using treats to coax a nervous dog towards people can seem like a good idea, but it often leads to dangerous situations, including potential bites. When a dog is lured closer than they're comfortable with, their stress can build up, leading to an explosive reaction as soon as the food is gone.

Here's the thing, your dog probably wants the food… But what they don't want is any type of interaction with the person. They will approach in order to get the food, but once the food is gone? The chances of a bite can be quite high because the dog is simply too close to the person and your dog is going to want to drive the person farther away from them.

❗️ Here's why it's risky:

➡️ It forces the dog into a situation they're not ready for.

➡️ It can cause the dog to associate people with stress, rather than positive experiences.

➡️ It increases the risk of a defensive bite as the dog feels cornered.

✅ What to do instead: Focus on your dog's comfortability, not just closing the distance between the dog and the person. Use can still use food, but toss have the person toss the food away from themselves. This shows your dog that they can get the treat without feeling pressured to approach. Over time, this method builds positive associations and trust at your dog's pace. It also communicates to your dog that you understand and respect their boundaries.

FAQ  #1 🐾✨What are your credentials or certifications?📜 I attended a 12-month in-person program through Good Dog Academy...

FAQ #1 🐾✨

What are your credentials or certifications?

📜 I attended a 12-month in-person program through Good Dog Academy in 2017 and was certified as a Professional Pet Dog Trainer.

📚 I completed Kim Brophey's LEGS Applied Ethology Family Dog Mediation Professional Course. I am both a certified and licensed Family Dog Mediator.

🏅 I have received the following certificates of completion:

➡️ Michael Shikashio's Aggression in Dogs Master Course

➡️ Using Enrichment to Treat Aggression

➡️ Play Way! For Reactivity and Aggression Challenges

➡️ Canine Enrichment & Affective State with Shay Kelly
..And more...

🔍 And as your dog trainer, I am committed to completing a minimum of 40 hours a year of upgrading and continuing my education. So, keep checking back to see what new credentials and certificates I add to this list!

✨️🐾 Progress Over Perfection 🐾✨When it comes to dog training, remember that progress is far more important than perfecti...

✨️🐾 Progress Over Perfection 🐾✨

When it comes to dog training, remember that progress is far more important than perfection. Here’s why focusing on progress can make all the difference:

✅️ Individual Pace 🐶

➡️ Every dog learns at their own pace. Celebrate the small steps forward to keep both you and your dog motivated, whether it’s mastering a new cue, improving behaviour, or building trust.

✅️ Embrace Mistakes 🐾

➡️ Mistakes are part of the process. Both you and your dog will have off days, and that’s okay. Mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow.

✅️ Strengthen Bonds 💖

➡️ Building a strong bond with your dog is the ultimate goal. Training isn’t just about "obedience"; it’s about enhancing your relationship and life together. Celebrate all progress, no matter how small.

Keep your eyes on the progress, not perfection. Every bit of progress brings you closer to having a well-behaved, happy, and confident dog. Enjoy the journey and cherish each moment of growth together! 🐾💕

In my stories recently, I asked if people knew the difference between high drive and high arousal in dogs and which type...

In my stories recently, I asked if people knew the difference between high drive and high arousal in dogs and which type of dog people thought they had. So, here's a post breaking it down for anyone who wasn't sure! 🐾✨

High drive refers to a dog with a strong motivation to perform specific tasks or behaviors. This is often a result of their genetics. High drive dogs are focused, persistent, and enthusiastic. 🏃‍♂️🎯 These dogs are also generally getting appropriate amounts of sleep and rest. 😴

High arousal refers to a state of heightened excitement and emotional intensity. This can look like an inability to settle down, anxiety, and hyperactivity. 🌀😱 High arousal isn't usually linked to a specific motivation or task. It is more of a generalized state of overexcitement or stress. 😬

So... How can you tell if your dog is high drive or high arousal? 🤔

Observe their focus: The high drive dog will be intensely focused on a task, whereas the high arousal dog might seem overly reactive and scattered. 👀🐕

Context matters: High drive expression is in response to specific things related to their genetics and training. High arousal can be triggered by a wide variety of environmental factors and may even seem "random". 🌍

Can your dog calm down?: Assess your dog's ability to calm down. High drive dogs can often settle once the task at hand is complete. High arousal dogs, however, may struggle to calm down and relax without our help. 🧘‍♂️🚶‍♂️

Understanding the difference between drive and arousal is super important for being able to provide the proper care and training for your dog. The high drive dog and the high arousal dog often need different things! It is important that the high drive dog gets the stimulation that they need and that the high arousal dog gets the support they need to be able to settle and manage their excitement and stress. 🐶💤✨

How Daily Routines Can Dramatically Reduce Your Dog's Stress 🐶💖Establishing a daily routine for your dog is one of the m...

How Daily Routines Can Dramatically Reduce Your Dog's Stress 🐶💖

Establishing a daily routine for your dog is one of the most effective ways to reduce their stress and anxiety. Dogs, like humans, thrive on predictability. When they know what to expect, they feel more secure and relaxed in their environment. This sense of predictability can significantly reduce stress levels and promote overall well-being.

A consistent routine provides structure and stability in your dog’s life. When daily activities such as feeding, walking, and bedtime happen around the same time each day, your dog can anticipate what comes next. This anticipation helps them feel in control and less anxious about the unknown. In contrast, an unpredictable schedule can lead to confusion and stress, making it difficult for your dog to relax and feel safe.

Predictable patterns in their daily activities can help prevent behavioural issues. When dogs are stressed or anxious, they may exhibit unwanted behaviours such as excessive barking, chewing, or aggression. A regular routine minimizes these stressors, leading to a calmer and more well-behaved canine companion.

The predictability of a daily routine is a simple yet powerful tool in ensuring your dog's happiness and reducing their stress. By providing a stable and predictable environment, you can help your dog feel more secure, relaxed, and content. 🐾💕

✨️🐕 Meet Cash! 🐕✨️I'm going to be working with this sweet boy and his family over the next few months to tackle the foll...

✨️🐕 Meet Cash! 🐕✨️

I'm going to be working with this sweet boy and his family over the next few months to tackle the following:

➡️ Reactivity towards several types of triggers

➡️ Building overall confidence

To do this, the game plan is going to be:

✅️ Boost engagement with his owners

✅️ Games, fun, more games, and more fun

✅️ Counter conditioning and desensitization

✅️ Creating predictable patterns

✅️ Supporting Cash in learning to relax

I am very excited to be able to support Cash and his family in helping him grow confidence and become the very best version of himself.

🥵Tips for Hot Weather🥵Keeping your dog safe and comfortable during hot weather is crucial. Here are some essential tips:...

🥵Tips for Hot Weather🥵

Keeping your dog safe and comfortable during hot weather is crucial. Here are some essential tips:

💧Provide Extra Water💧

Dogs can get dehydrated quickly in hot weather. Always have fresh, cool water available to keep them hydrated and healthy.

🚶‍♀️Avoid Midday Walks🚶‍♀️

The midday sun is the hottest and can cause heatstroke. The sun will also heat the pavement up to unsafe levels for your dog's paws. Walk your dog early in the morning or late in the evening when temperatures are cooler.

🐾Use Paw Protection🐾

Hot pavement can burn your dog's paws. Use paw wax or dog booties to protect their feet from the heat and prevent injuries.

Keep these tips in mind to ensure your dog stays safe and enjoys the summer!


🐾❤️ Why Most Dog Owners Fail at Leash Training, and How to Fix It ❤️🐾 Leash training can be one of the most challenging ...

🐾❤️ Why Most Dog Owners Fail at Leash Training, and How to Fix It ❤️🐾

Leash training can be one of the most challenging parts of dog training. Dogs aren't born knowing how to walk on a loose leash and it really goes against their instincts and natural movement! Naturally, our dogs move faster than us. Asking them to slow themselves down and go at our pace can be a big challenge! Our dogs come programmed to want to explore and sniff and chase. Expecting them to ignore all of the interesting sights and smells along the walk is a BIG ask.

Here are three common reasons why many dog owners struggle with leash training and how to fix them:

1️⃣ Lack of Patience

➡️ Loose leash walking is a complex and difficult skill for many dogs to master. It takes a lot of time, patience, and consistency to truly master.

✅️ Be patient and persistent. Training takes time, so break sessions into short, manageable practices. Celebrate small successes and gradually build up to longer periods of loose leash walking.

2️⃣ Not Giving Permission to Go Sniff

➡️ If we are using a verbal cue to tell our dogs when they need to stay by our side, we also need to give them permission to go sniff and be a dog.

✅️ Incorporate a release cue, such as "Go sniff," to let your dog know when it's okay to explore. This provides mental stimulation and makes walks more enjoyable for your dog, balancing training with natural behavior.

3️⃣ Not Using High Value Rewards

➡️ Dogs need strong motivation to learn new behaviors, especially something as challenging as leash walking.

✅️ Use high-value rewards like tasty treats or a favorite toy to reinforce good behavior. Reward your dog frequently during training sessions to keep them engaged and motivated.

With patience, clear communication, and the right rewards, you can transform your leash training experience. Happy walking!


✨️🐾 This or That 🐾✨️Does your dog prefer playing fetch or tug? 🤔Comment below! 👇👇👇

✨️🐾 This or That 🐾✨️

Does your dog prefer playing fetch or tug? 🤔

Comment below! 👇👇👇

🌞July with your dog 🐕 As we move into July, now is the time to reflect on the previous month with your dog and set some ...

🌞July with your dog 🐕

As we move into July, now is the time to reflect on the previous month with your dog and set some new goals for the following month.

For me, July is going to be about:

Training mindfully: Being present and immersing yourself in the journey, rather than hyper-focusing on the end goal. ☮️

Celebrate the small victories: Every step forward is progress and deserves to be celebrated. Don't sell yourself short. 🥳 🎉

Release narratives and methods that no longer serve you and your dog: All that negative self-talk about yourself and your dog, whether it's doubt or just feeling down about where you're at in your training journey, release it. Those labels you put on your dog like, stubborn, a jerk etc., release it. If something in your training plan isn't working, release it. Anything in life with your dog that doesn't feel aligned with the life you'd love to have with them, release it.❤️🐕

Meaningfully connect with your dog: Spend some time with your dog and just be with them. So much of our training and play ends up being transactional in nature. Spend time with them without expectations. Do something you both enjoy. 🏞🐕

Take some risks in your training: Having you been hesitating on taking that next step, or beginning to train that new behaviour? Just do it! ✨️

Be grateful for what you have while training for what you want: Appreciate the journey and all of the progress you and your dog have made. 🐶

Juju used to struggle to settle and it drove me absolutely crazy. Juju was always pacing, jumping on counters, trying to...

Juju used to struggle to settle and it drove me absolutely crazy. Juju was always pacing, jumping on counters, trying to destroy pillows, and chewing on blankets. She even climbed on bookshelves and the dinner table, attempting to steal things off the top of the fridge. She would even chew on the doorknobs and if she had access to the laundry room, she was biting and thrashing the laundry detergent jug - Sending laundry detergent flying everywhere!

I wanted Juju to be free to roam the house with me, but it was becoming an extremely frustrating experience. I knew I had to do something to teach her how to chill. However, I didn’t want to rely on "place" work because, frankly, it usually requires a TON of micromanagement and I don't want to micromanage my dogs. On some level, I think it's kind of mean knowing she's crated overnight and for periods during the day to then expect her to lie down in one place in the living room. That is far too much confinement, be it a crate or a dog bed, in my opinion.

I set out to shape relaxation. My goal was for Juju to be free to move around the house as she wanted and to relax wherever she chose—whether it was the couch, a dog bed, or the floor. The important thing was for her to learn that relaxing was a choice. My hope was that by providing her with agency in this situation, she would realize that relaxing feels good and would opt for relaxation over running around the house causing chaos.

I videoed the first two weeks of our training and then continued working with her for another two weeks. The difference is incredible! You can find these videos for free on YouTube - Message me for the link.

Juju has become a dog that I love living with, without all the micromanagement and forcing her to stay in one spot. She's a relaxed, happy companion, and our home is a much calmer place. No more pacing. No more destructive behaviour. No more frantic, always-on-the-move energy.

If you're struggling with a high-energy dog like Juju, know that there is hope. With patience and the right approach, you can help your dog find their inner calm and create a peaceful environment for both of you.

Had such a great session yesterday with Billie!Billie is the housemate of the other Rottweiler I have been working with,...

Had such a great session yesterday with Billie!

Billie is the housemate of the other Rottweiler I have been working with, Walter.

They are both working on the basics. They're strong, powerful dogs and their owners would like to be able to walk them at the same time.


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Monday 07:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 07:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 07:00 - 19:00
Thursday 07:00 - 19:00
Friday 07:00 - 19:00




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