A huge mistake people make when training their dog is moving past this point of louring too quickly. When dogs are out of this structured simple practice, that's when they get sloppy. This is the best way to start puppy training or clean up old commands. Use the louring technique to precisely teach your puppy the position, timing and motivation you want when working with them. If your dog is conditioned to this louring technique, then it becomes a helpful tool to have in your back pocket when keeping your dog's attention on yourself in distracting environments. #dogsofinstagram #dogconditioning #dogs #dogsofinstagram #doglover #dogoftheday #doglife #balanceddog #balanceddogtraining #balanceddogtrainer #balanceddogs #dogtraining #dog trainer #dogtrainers #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogtrainingadvice #behaviormodification #trainingday #trainingdogs#trainingdays #trainingdog
My entire job revolves around behaviour modification in dogs. While structure, leadership and training is important... giving adequate exercise is where you should start! No matter how much work you put into creating a calm and well mannered dog nothing will make as much of a difference as providing proper exercise using all of the dogs instincts and draining their pent up energy. #dogsofinstagram #dogconditioning #dogs #dogsofinstagram #doglover #dogoftheday #doglife #balanceddog #balanceddogtraining #balanceddogtrainer #balanceddogs #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainers #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogtrainingadvice #behaviormodification #trainingday #trainingdogs #trainingdays #trainingdog
#This is the best way to be consistent on your outingsno matter if you have food rewards and it will shapeyour dog's behaviour. To put it simply, whateverbehaviour your dog is giving when they get what theywant, is what they will repeat. So if you allow them topull wherever they want, that is actually thebehaviour you are positively reinforcing by accident.Instead wait until they are in the heel position, haveslack in the leash and give you eye contact beforemarking and then releasing them to go wherever they want. It's hard to know how often and when is the right time to let your dog out in front of you and to sniff. I let my dog out of heel and able to just decompress and be a dog often but only when he earns it. When your dog is pulling away from you, that is not the time to allow them to go wherever they want but instead wait until they give you the behaviour you want. This can become a fun game to encourage your dog to pay attention to the handler and add mental stimulation to the outings. This is a great way to make your dog feel as though they aren't stuck by your side and frustrated every time you call them to heel. Instead they don't hesitate to come to you when called because they know they will soon get released again to sniff. Your dog will quickly learn that focusing on you and staying by your side earns them the freedom that they desire! dogsofinstagram #dogconditioning #dogs #dogsofinstagram #doglover #dogoftheday #doglife #balanceddog #balanceddogtraining #balanceddogtrainer #balanceddogs #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainers #dogtrainingtips #dogtrainersofinstagram #dogtrainingadvice #behaviormodification #trainingday #trainingdogs #trainingdays #trainingdog