The Alberta Provicial Governement, under the Minister of Forestry and Parks, and the Rangeland Department, have decided to begin removing wild stallions and darting 90 mares with a 3 year contraceptive, by implementing a new 2023 wild horse management framework that is using "imposed" (non-scientific) (extremely low) poulation thresholds to trigger their culls.
It has been widely proven that the wild horse population was already in decline through natural causes and predation. There is no need for further intervention, .... unless of course, you have a reason to want to speed up the decline. Personal agendas such as the one of our Minister, who is an Outfitter for big game hunters, is certainly to be considered as a driver for quicker population declines. This is without a doubt, a blatant conflict of interest on the part of this Minister, and he should be immediately removed from this portfolio.
With less than 1500 wild horses roaming the Foothills of Alberta, the Government is aiming at 1100, as the first major reduction level. They will not stop until the wild horse population is no longer sustainable, which will lead to eventual extinction. Total eradication was their original plan a decade ago, until the advocates stood in the way. The time in NOW, to do that again.
Here all the contacts;
Smith, Danielle, Honourable Premier,
Office of the Premier Executive Branch
307 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2B6
Phone: 780 427-2251
E-mail: [email protected]
Loewen, Todd, Honourable
Minister of Forestry and Parks
323 Legislature Building
10800 - 97 Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5K 2B6
Phone: 780 644-7353
E-mail: [email protected]
Simieritsch, Rob Executive Director
Lands Delivery and Coordination South
Forestry and Parks
Phone: 403 297-8713
[email protected]
Alexander, Mike
Director, Rangeland Conservation and Stewardship Section
Range Conservation and Stewardship Section
Forestry and Parks
Phone: 403 382-4299
[email protected]
Cartwright, Kelsey
Rangeland Program Specialist
Range Conservation and Stewardship Section
Forestry and Parks
Phone: 587 574-9930
[email protected]
Alberta Ethic Commissioner:
Office of the Ethics Commissioner
Suite 1250, 9925 - 109 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5K 2J8
Telephone Number: (780) 422-2273
Fax Number: (780) 422-2261
Email: [email protected]