You’re so funny trend, Georgie’s version
This trend just couldn’t be ignored lol
This mare arrived at H2O Performance horses with ulcers (having/weaning babies is stressful!) so bad that she was lame and very miserable with people.
We have changed her to an all forage diet, and healed those ulcers, and now she is sweet, and so willing to work. 🥹
This girl…. She’s got a talent for working with horses that most of us dream of.
Nyx will be 16 in May….. she wore a saddle for the first time three days ago, and Maddi sat on her last night for the first time.
Tonight…. Her first ever ride. 🥹
Nyx, we are always proud of you, but wow you’ve blown us away.
And Maddi….. these horses are so lucky to have you 🥹😭
When one of the horses in the barn is dramatic….. or, is she….just… napping?
Miss Niki Pine (aka Georgie) out on the trail with Maddi today…. Every horse girls’ dream 🤩
Despite being the youngest in his class, HollywoodScrtSociety showed like a seasoned pro!
He had all the confidence you could ask of any horse, let alone a 5 month old colt who was at his first show!
For those who missed it, here’s Sy’s walk/jog up in the Halter - Amateur Weanling Stallions and Halter - Amateur Weanling Stallions, Limited classes at the All 2024 American Quarter Horse Congress.
Two top 10 finishes and an LTE of $150
Congratulations to Maddi and Dun It Luminous - 2024 All American Quarter Horse Congress Youth Weanling Fillies Bronze Champions. When your show career STARTS with a Congress Top 3, you know this is going to be special! #congresstop3 #2024weanling #dunitluminous #liloulillattitude #icedplatinum
H2O Performance Horses rolled into the Ohio Expo Centre last evening,and as expected, Lumi & Sy acted like old professionals.
Popped off the trailer calm, cool, collected.
Let’s. Get. It. Started.
#allamericanquarterhorsecongress #dunitluminous #hollywoodscrtsociety #2024weanlings #h2oncoperformancehorses #liloulillattitude #IcedPlatinum #missnikipine #lsclucero #aqha #aqhaproud #foundationbred #foundationquarterhorse #grullafilly #palominocolt #grulla #Palomino #filly #colt #babyhorse #babyhorses #babies #weanlings #weaners #showhorse #aqhacongress #ohio
Ghost Rider requesting permission to fly by….. That’s a negative Ghost Rider….
Lumi thinks it’s time to buzz the tower 🤣
#Lumi or #maverick #topgun #topgunmaverick
And then Lumi said…. How hard can it be? Boys do it…. 💅🏻
Hard working babies
Couldnt resist this sound for today’s All American Quarter Horse Congress prep workout #h2OnCoPerformanceHorses #aqha #allamericanquarterhorsecongress #aqhaweanlings #showprep #grullafilly #canadianquarterhorses #aqhababies #foundationquarterhorseassociation #fqha #foundationbred #growingupshowing #atvexercise #dunitluminous #lumi #liloulillattitude #icedplatinum
It’s hard work being a show horse…. 🤣
We couldn’t resist this sound