🎆 Happy New Year!! 🎆
New Year, New Classes!
We have sorted out our schedule for the first couple sessions in 2024 😊
✨️In-Person Classes✨️
Mondays - starting February 5th
7:00pm - Out&About - 4 weeks - $90
Sundays - starting March 17th
1:30pm - Walking Impulse - 4 weeks - $90
2:00pm - Loose Leash Walking - 6 weeks - $135
2:30pm - Excited Pup - 4 weeks - $90
Mondays - starting March 18th
645pm - Focus Class - 4 weeks - $90
745pm - Tricks in the World - 4 weeks - $90
Mondays - starting May 6th
6:30pm - Puppy Preschool - 4 weeks - $90
7:30pm - Lifestyles - 4 weeks - $90
Tuesdays - starting May 7th
6:00pm - Walking Group - 5 weeks - $112.50
7:00pm - Reactivity: Moving Forward - 5 weeks - $150
8:00pm - Basic Impulse Control - 4 weeks - $90
Wednesdays - starting May 8th
6:45pm - Loose Leash Walking - 6 weeks - $135
8:00pm - Focused Walking - 6 weeks - $135
Thursdays - starting May 9th
6:45pm - Walking Impulse - 6 weeks - $135
8:00pm - Dogs on the Patio - 4 weeks - $90
✨️Online Classes✨️ $100 per class
January -
☃️Tuesdays - Beat Cabin Fever With Tricks - 1 spot
☃️Wednesdays - Reactivity- 1 spot
February -
❄️Mondays - Everything Puppy!
❄️Mondays - Loose Leash Walking
If you are interested in a class, spots are limited!
You can sign up by messaging us or emailing [email protected]
New Class Descriptions!
🔥Excited Pup - Does your pup get so over excited by dogs, people, other animals.... really anything? Do you need help with them being more under control - not jumping on people/dogs, not pulling towards anything and everything, not trying to jump out of their skin as soon as they see something fun?
🔥Tricks in the World - This class uses the world to do some fun tricks! We will work on tricks towards trick titles, some parkour type of tricks, fitness tricks, flashy tricks, and how to use things you find in everyday life for some fun tricks! These also really work your dog's brain and body!
🔥Lifestyles - Want your dog to be less of a jerk and instead a dog that friends and family are impressed with? This class will work on all sorts of exercises, behaviours, and management tips so that your dog has a good understanding of your rules!
🔥Walking Group - This class is for dogs that are okay at walks but need some more confidence, need a bit more work around distractions, need to make them more fun, or looking to work on some more walking etiquette. This class will involve group walks at different locations.
🔥Focused Walking - Have a dog that spends the whole walk sniffing? Or zig zagging back in forth? Or busy watching sideways as you walk? This class is all about getting you back in the picture on your walks and having your dog be more focused!
🔥Dogs on the Patio - Want to be able to take your dog out for a beer or some nachos on a dog-friendly patio? Or attend a cookout with friends? This class will work on Impulse control and exercises to help you take your dog out! The final class *may* end up attending a local patio!