Quality time with Medusa
Hanging with with my best girl this morning. Didn't expect to see these guys but it was so awesome to see. Proved as an excellent training opportunity. Great distractions at a distance.
Ask us about our 3 different training packages and how they benefit your long-term relationship with your dog.
I never say a command more then twice lol Medusa was in zen mode here so it took a few seconds to register what I was asking. Furniture!! Yes I allow my dogs on furniture! Didn't used to but I decided I would test the the ideologies behind dogs on or off furniture. I don't see any difference in relationship or behavior myself. I do teach them an off command so I can move them If needed. Medusa loves her kitchen chair time lol has since a tini pup.
Working close to distractions.
Beautiful day to be out doing some training!
Construction right across the street proves as a great distraction. She checks out a few times briefly with a head turn. I can't get much closer then this while keeping her engaged with me right now. After this session I gave her a small break inside then did some exposure therapy at the end of the driveway.
Meat ball reps
Meat ball reps for engagement work. Breakfast! 🐾
Crate commands
I love establishing a crate command for my dogs. I don't expect it to be flawless but I expect them to run to their crate when I say "kennel up". This provents any struggle to get your dog crated quickly if you need to leave the house for a bit or if you need them to spent some time crated for whatever reason.
Medusa was always fed by hand to build engagement with me and learn I'm the source of fulfillment for her. Now I feed her in her crate and use different food rewards during training. I always encourage puppies to be fed by hand from day one onward. Until that relationship is built, than move on to the next level.
I love feeding time!!! Such excited happy pups!
Keeping focus. April 5th 2022
My personal dog Medusa at 6.5months.
We have been struggling with engagement, meaning keeping %100 of your dogs interactive focus on you as a handler.
Environment is the biggest issue for engagement I find. In the house it's typically pretty easy to have that mental focus. Outside gets more challenging and then any new environment even more so.
We are slowly moving forward into new environments now. I prepare myself first by picturing what I want to see the bog do during training. Holding that mental picture during training I find helps that connection between you and your dog. See what your picturing mentally, Mark it! Reward!