Massasauga Imports

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Massasauga Imports Canadian reptile importer, breeder & distributor. Serving Canada for 25+ years.

African Rainbow Crabs (Cardisoma armatum) have recently arrived and are available for purchase. This Crab is best to be ...

African Rainbow Crabs (Cardisoma armatum) have recently arrived and are available for purchase. This Crab is best to be housed individually. Breeding in captivity is near non existent and is difficult to achieve. This is an animal that can be kept in terrestrial setting as well as aqua terrestrial. This species can be more water tolerant than Moon Crabs from Caribbean.

Crabs are funny creatures that are active and display a plethora of interesting behaviors. Being relatively inexpensive offer a interesting choice for a pet that is fascinating and will not break the bank.

Yellow Ackies or Spiny Tail Monitors (Varanus acanthurus) are native to Western Australia and are well known in reptile ...

Yellow Ackies or Spiny Tail Monitors (Varanus acanthurus) are native to Western Australia and are well known in reptile community. As there are no exports out of Australia, all animals are captive bred. This is a very interesting lizard, very smart (for a lizard) tame and inquisitive. If you are looking for a pet that is constantly doing something and you specifically do not want Bearded Dragon, that may be a lizard for you. Quite hardy and interactive. We have right now 2 on hand for immediate sale, but breeder has 18 more ready to go.
As most of the captive bred monitors, they are not inexpensive lizards. But by comparison to others, they are in the lower range of what other species commend.
This species rarely comes into availability for us. Christmas is a special time and prices for them are attractive. Give them a shot.

Second species to drop out of breeding program is Budgett Frog. We have 2 males one female available. Both Ornates and B...

Second species to drop out of breeding program is Budgett Frog. We have 2 males one female available. Both Ornates and Budgetts were selected for breeding purpose. Genders are confirmed. All you need is to set up a mood 😜
Like with Ornates, Budgett s will be only sold as a group. It makes sense for a breeder to take a group. 2.1 is a minimum required to think of successful reproduction. For anyone thinking that you only need a pair, think again.
At the end, one male and one female breeds, but you need multiple males to get to that point. This is why I won't split groups. Worse case (well, not so worse from my perspective) I tell wifey I tried to ffer them for sale, but I failed.
You frog keepers understand what I am talking about. There are never too many frogs in your collection! (except if you successfully reproduce them and they are eating you out of your house). 😁

We are fearless here. We fear no one but our wives! So, word from wife is: with new breeding project of Fringe Tree Frog...

We are fearless here. We fear no one but our wives! So, word from wife is: with new breeding project of Fringe Tree Frogs, something is got to go.
That order is affecting two species of frogs I planned on breeding. One of them is Hi Red Ornate Pacmans. 2 males and 1 female.
They will be listed on site and are only available as a group. No single animal sales. Female is massive, probably largest I have seen. Female is the one that have small green elements, males are all red.
If you want to know more email, or call me directly.

Fourth Toad is not a toad at all. It is a frog, but it is being called toad for some strange reason. This is certainly o...

Fourth Toad is not a toad at all. It is a frog, but it is being called toad for some strange reason. This is certainly one of most fascinating amphibians you can find.
It looks alien. Its flat chiseled head and tiny eyes guard huge mouth that splits scull in half. Its front leg fingers have extra sensory nerve endings on their fingers. Frogs can feel and taste with their hands. This frog has a lateral line, just like fish and can detect swirls and changes of pressure in the water, essentially allowing animal to hunt blind in the murky water. Its powerful well webbed feet can propel it quickly through water.
They look like a dead leaf floating in the river.
It has most fascinating way of caring for young - yes mom takes care of eggs! And as a testament to alien nature of this frog, their young never go through tadpole stage. This is one of very few frogs that experiences direct development. And finally this frog can give people nightmares, because it is a strong trigger for trypophobia.
Do you know the toad I am talking about?
One and only Suriname Toad also known as P**a p**a frog.
We have 5 on hand, both genders. Be quick, they will not last.

Third toad we received is one of most colorful species of toads. African Green Toad - Bufo boulengeri. I like it mostly,...

Third toad we received is one of most colorful species of toads.
African Green Toad - Bufo boulengeri. I like it mostly, because it reminds me of the European Green Toad from my native Poland. Very pretty, particularly females with contrasting beige and green patches, Males are less colorful. This is small to medium size animal and requires much smaller tanks when compared to Marine Toad or Colorado River Toad.
If you like toads, this is one to have in your collection. This one and Tree Climbing Toad.

Our second featured Toad is Colorado River Toad - Bufo alvarius. This is the largest native Toad in the USA (Marine Toad...

Our second featured Toad is Colorado River Toad - Bufo alvarius.
This is the largest native Toad in the USA (Marine Toad is an introduced, non native species) This species has much thinner skin than most of toads. It almost looks frog like. Toads eat variety of pray ranging from insects to frogs, lizards and small mammals.
Colorado River Toads are unique in another way. They are excellent jumpers. My adult group kept in the past was able to escape from nearly 3 ft tall enclosure on a nightly basis. They just jumped out of tall pen and went on foraging around warehouse.
This toad has a lot of character and remains one of my most favorite Toads.
You will require large unit to house toads in and they would need to have cover on top

Toads, toads and more toads!I love toads! They are amphibians with most beautiful eyes. Their temperament is great and t...

Toads, toads and more toads!
I love toads! They are amphibians with most beautiful eyes. Their temperament is great and they are quite interactive. Most are good choices for beginners, but some require sophisticated set up. Incidentally that one is not really a toad but actual a frog, but what do I know. It has been called toad by locals and name stuck.
First is a Marine Toad aka Cane Toad. The group we have are imports from Florida and they do not grow to massive sizes as their South American Cousins from Suriname and Guyana do. They look identical to those tropical monsters. but they are much smaller today. They are a good beginner toad. Keep in mind their potential size when selecting terrarium.

Large shipment of new animals has just arrived. There are new amphibians, lizards and long awaited Rough Green Snakes av...

Large shipment of new animals has just arrived. There are new amphibians, lizards and long awaited Rough Green Snakes available. Please make sure you check full availability on our website. If you forgot your login, please contact us for a refresher.
Green Anolis, Green Tree Frogs, Fan Foot Geckos, 3 species of Toads and one that is called a toad but is clearly a frog.
In next few days each species will be posted separately with pictures showing all the glory of our new arrivals
We expect our lot of Rough Green Snakes will not last long. If you blink, you will miss it 😉

We have just received new shipment of Guyana Pink Toe Tarantulas. This is one of the species highly recommended for begi...

We have just received new shipment of Guyana Pink Toe Tarantulas. This is one of the species highly recommended for beginners due to their hardiness and easy demeanor.
This is a tree spider that builds elaborate funnel nests along the branches and tree trunk. This species may be kept communally.
Supply is limited. Login into site to see what else arrived. Plenty of Goodies 😉
While you browsing for Pink Toes, do not miss Curly Hair Tarantulas, adult females Orange Knee tarantulas and Colombian Giant Bird eaters and more...

Attention Glass Tree Frogs enthusiasts! I am arranging for last shipment of captive bred amphibians and reptiles from Ni...

Attention Glass Tree Frogs enthusiasts!
I am arranging for last shipment of captive bred amphibians and reptiles from Nicaragua this year. As a result I am trying to gauge the interest in the species I want to bring in. If you would like to buy or secure particular species for yourself, please log into the website and click on species interested and select -Notify me upon availability"
If you do that two things are going to happen. You will give me an indication how many people are interested in particular animals and as soon as we post availability, you will receive email informing you about it, so you can pull the trigger and order the animal.
I am being told Cochranella granulosa may be part of that import!
There will be also Strawberry Dart Frogs, Red Eye Tree Frogs and Black And Green Dart Frogs available as well as many other animals from there.

Our first clutches of Bearded Dragons eggs are starting to appear.  We are excited that the first ones already started w...

Our first clutches of Bearded Dragons eggs are starting to appear. We are excited that the first ones already started with many more to follow.
This is not normal and you do not see Dragons laying eggs in the middle of brumation months. Everyone has mating and clutching happening around April - May. So why we see eggs now?
We have taken a closer look at the environmental factors that regulate breeding season in Australia. We managed to obstruct natural clues and increase the factors that put animal into breeding season out of synch with naturally occurring stimuli. In a way, we have successfully reverse seasons.
This is a second consecutive year we were able to do it and I hope we can pull successful season again.
This is a good news for all that want to be able to get baby dragons all year round, rather than seasonally.
We are not the first to do it, I know breeders in Europe have done it before, but we are surely pioneering it in Canada.
We also managed to offset breeding for the Ball Pythons and colubrids like Cornsnakes and Mexican Black Kingsnakes. Reports of hatching baby Corns and Baby MBK were made last week.
Certainly, these are exciting times. Stay tuned for more news and breeding announcements.

MEXICAN BLACK KINGSNAKES and bunch of CORN SNAKES have just completed their 3rd frozen thawed meal and are ready to find...

MEXICAN BLACK KINGSNAKES and bunch of CORN SNAKES have just completed their 3rd frozen thawed meal and are ready to find new homes.
We delay our pairing to offset availability time. We can offer you baby snakes when others are either too big or sold out. This is a first trickle, there will be more, as other baby snakes are just around the corner with their 3rd consecutive frozen thawed meal.
Check availability now. Mexican Black Kings quantity is limited.

Baby Bearded Dragons in OCTOBER?! With us, absolutely!  Thanks to reversing seasons on some of our dragons, we can provi...

Baby Bearded Dragons in OCTOBER?!
With us, absolutely!
Thanks to reversing seasons on some of our dragons, we can provide you baby dragons at a time, others are already sold out. We are hoping our main event will be in time for Christmas, but today we can offer you selection of juvenile dragons.
Check availability on line

We still have 3 juvenile Beaded Lizards from last year breeding.  First two are siblings, third one is somewhat related....

We still have 3 juvenile Beaded Lizards from last year breeding. First two are siblings, third one is somewhat related. (they are cousins, lol).
We do not intend to breed adults this year, so they are last Beaded Lizards available in 2024-2025. Fair warning, because of the nature of those animals, you would need to convince me you can handle them safely, Preferably you already have other species or are familiar with them through ownership of other dangerous animals.
Beaded Lizards, while absolutely gorgeous and very interactive, are dangerous and are restricted in most municipalities, so please make sure, yours is one that does not restrict them. You also need to have skills to deal with these large and dangerous reptiles.
I will ask and try to verify if you can keep them legally where you live and if you have experience needed to take care of them. It is not like you can re-home them when they get bigger.
I will provide copies of original CITES import and train of transactions up to the sale of those juveniles, so those animals will be eligible for export permits and their offspring will be exportable as well.

Mexican Black Kingsnakes and plethora of Corn Snakes just started to hatch!We usually delay breeding season for our Drag...

Mexican Black Kingsnakes and plethora of Corn Snakes just started to hatch!
We usually delay breeding season for our Dragons, Ball Pythons and Colubrid snakes.
Idea is to have stock, when everyone is already out. While we did not breed any Ball Pythons this year, we have just started hatching Cornsnakes and Mexican Black Kingsnakes. As you can see in attached pictures corns are poking heads and Kingsnakes are getting out of their eggs.
There are 2 more clutches of MBKs to hatch, so we will have about 15-20 snakes available in about month time. They will go fast, they always do, but this forward note will help you get ready, once they complete 3 frozen thawed meals and hit inventory for sale.

New frogs are available for sale now!You all knew about our reproductive successes with Red Eye Tree Frogs and White's T...

New frogs are available for sale now!
You all knew about our reproductive successes with Red Eye Tree Frogs and White's Tree Frogs. Babies have reached proper size for shipping and we already made them available. I have also brought in Amazon Milky Frogs.
Many of you asked for them and a fellow breeder had some available. Now they are here.
As you can see from pictures all are about same size.- roughly size of a quarter.
They should not be kept together. While they are same size now, they will grow at different rates and to different sizes. You can keep multiples of same species together, but house separate species separately.
Weather for shipping is favorable and frogs were priced to go. You may consider taking advantage of the offer now. We will be selling majority of our production out of country, so until that happens, please enjoy low prices :)

From frog to froglet in 2 months. This is our first successful breeding and raising of Red Eye Tree Frogs. I have to say...

From frog to froglet in 2 months.
This is our first successful breeding and raising of Red Eye Tree Frogs. I have to say this was exciting project that rendered us about 180 frogs that are growing well. They will be offered for sale once they get the size of a quarter coin. That should be sometime next week or week after next.
In pictures you can see how mass of eggs transforms into a larvae, then tadpoles and finally froglets. Give it a year, and those froglets will breed for us again :)
This species is rarely bred in tank, we usually get animals that are bred under controlled environment, but still coming from Central America. Not that there is anything wrong with that , but some purist regard tank bred animals better than imports. To all purists out there, we got them.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00




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Servicing the Reptile Industry for 25+ Years

Massasauga Imports established in 1993 is a wholesale company dealing with exotic reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. We offer a variety of captive bred and choice import animals for the pet trade. We also stock a full line of feeder insects and rodents for the animals that we sell.

Located a short drive outside of Toronto, we ship all live products with our own temperature-controlled fleet of the trucks to majority of the Southern/Central Ontario locations on a weekly basis. Some locations are serviced twice a week. Where we do not ship with our own trucks, we use a network of couriers and airlines. We specialize in air transportation and controlled climate surface delivery. We have one of the best records for on time, safe delivery anywhere in the country, any time of the year, any weather condition.