We are small family owned ranch located outside Sherwood Park, AB specializing in human to animal interaction. Here at the ranch we have many rescue animals that we love, spoil, rehabilitate, and offer a forever loving home. We also enjoy working with special needs individuals for therapy and interaction with the animals. Pony Parties, bunny parties, alpaca visits, you name it, we are at your ser
vice!! Our unique business will put an endless smile on your everyone's faces when the animals arrive at your function. Below is a brief description of our services but packages can be customized according to your party. Please see our website for pricing. We book far in advance, we start booking in January for spring, summer, and fall parties (deposit required upon booking to reserve your spot). THE BIRTHDAY PONY:
Our birthday pony or unicorn (if you prefer) comes right to your party for 1 hour. Have fun grooming, decorating, taking photos, and leading the pony around. We also bring bunnies for the last portion of the hour for everyone to snuggle. (max 6 kids).
Same as above except two ponies and extra staff (max 12 kids). BUNNY PARTY:
We bring bunnies to your event for 45 minutes of snuggle time (max 12 kids). ALPACA PARTY:
We bring two alpacas to your event for 45 minutes to get up close and personal with an alpaca. Our alpacas even love selfies and are quite the characters. ANIMAL THERAPY:
One of our favorite things to do, we go to special needs facilities and care homes for socialization with our animals (one of the most therapeutic things on earth).