So proud of him. Check out @nisiandlisi and her YouTube channel to see how much progress we've made.
Duke likes to hop up to eye level to greet humans. He doesn't understand why humans aren't super into this style of greeting...
He's learning, though, that 4 feet on the floor is super rewarding.
The love of my life scared the bajeezus out of me yesterday morning. What I saw was the collapse and the confusion. I was sure it was a seizure which, at his age, was that the case it would have potentially been time for some difficult decisions.
This was not a seizure. Thankfully. Take a look at his eyes. What you see here is nystagmus. It's linked to vestibular problems. This is sad but markedly less scary. Old dogs are more prone to vestibular dysfunction for a variety of reasons. In his case, those floppy cocker spaniel ears have been hiding a (in the words of my vet) "gnarly infection."
In hindsight, I've maybe noticed some balance issues forming over a couple of weeks. I just chalked it up to old muscles. Yesterday, I had a crash course in the variety of vestibular issues a dog can have, the causes, and how to identify what's going on inside based upon the nystagmus pattern.
We are treating the infection now. My old fella is going to be ok. I'm hoping that sharing this can help fellow dog owners identify the problem if they encounter it. It looks a lot like a seizure the first time they lose their balance. The key is the eyes.
Special thanks to @west.vets for always taking such good care of us and to Dr. Greep for taking the time to expand upon my understanding of the pathological and anatomical happenings inside my dogs ears.
#olddog #vestibular #seizuresindogs #earinfection
Christmas boarding season is generally my busiest time of the year, reach out if you are planning to board your dog over the holidays.
Also, if you are dreading incorporating your pup into family activities this year, 6 weeks is a lot of time to create some new behavior so that everyone can enjoy themselves. Perhaps once a week at Prairie Dog Academy could get you set up to feel proud about your dog at family gatherings.
See my website for details.
Beagles love to be burrowed and cozy.
I couldn't believe how much pep he got in his step when the sweater went on.
#lethbridgealberta #dogtraining #boardandtrain #puppyschool #nisiandlisi #dogboarding #beagle
Done properly, we can teach any dog that the crate is a purely positive, rewarding, safe place.
I wouldn't dare leave her in a crate, not yet at least, but 10 minutes of crate games had her asking for more.
Such a beaut. Love her so much.