These two did spectacular at their first show together can’t wait to see how they progress over the summer. Best part is that she never lost her smile even in the super hot weather
When your pony knows it all (and then some) and you’re still learning how to jump the patterns what better way than to go back to basics and do it over rails.❤️
It’s been awhile but I thought I’d post a short video of Picco with his rider getting back into jumping.
We took Ella out for a short ride with everyone. She’s such a good girl
This duo had a fabulous end to their season coming home with a reserve champion ribbon in the cross rails.
Road to recovery, Sophie got her second shockwave treatment today, vet says it’s looking good we’ll know more after her next visit. Of course her field buddies were upset she left the field so all ran back to check her out and make sure she was okay
Sophie enjoying her treat ball while she’s on her stall rest.
Happy 10th birthday to Sophie, I can’t believe we’ve hit double digits. You have so many amazing qualities like your mother did, the best one is your love for people and being a social butterfly.
Felicity and Frosty’s first show together
All you need to do is have a little faith, trust and a bit of pixie dust sometimes to get over your fears, today was a big step in the right direction so proud of this duo
Testing Chyme’s bravery, this pony likes to try new things and so does her rider even if she doesn’t always admit it. Having fun is the key to riding
Hailey and Sophie starting to get ready for show season, this duo keeps getting better and better and learning how to become a great team
Cass and Iris jumping their first 2’6” course, it’s not a bad start by show season they will be killing it
What’s cuter than Frosty and her little kid doing their first course? Watch out for them this summer, they really do make a cute pair.