After almost two decades, today was my last day of dog walking. I’ve been truly blessed with the best dogs and people, and my heart is full of gratitude for all of you.
There’s an embeddedness that comes with dog walking for this long, an intimate connection with time and place. From the changing of the seasons and daily weather, seeing kids grow up and become adults, and loving so many dogs from puppyhood until they’ve passed on, there is a beauty in this slightly longer view of life. I have pictures of dogs sitting on a large tree trunk that is now the pile of compost you see in the background of this photo. (Trust me to take a selfie with a decomposed log for a goodbye message lol)
For Dog’s Sake! started when I adopted my dog Sky at the beginning of cancer treatment, determining I would need to find something new to do besides camerawork in the film business. I started positive dog training at a time when most were using more forceful methods, and later began walking due to some supportive walkers at the park. I never expected to still be here all these years later.
I’m proud of the advocacy work I’ve done to promote professionalism and dog friendly handling in our industry, sustainable work practices and for our local park. I’m so grateful to my fellow walkers who have always been a truly supportive community, working together and helping each other despite being supposedly ‘competing’ businesses. It has been that way since the beginning.
Mostly I’m grateful and proud to have long-term relationships with the most amazing people and dogs. I don’t know how I got so lucky with the people (human and canine) that surround me. Thank you, thank you!
There will be new projects and adventures to come (stay tuned!), but for now there is just so much gratitude and love for all of you who have been part of my life for so long.
Cindy and Spirit