Ticket price
1 Ticket $10
5 Tickets $20
10 Tickets $40
20 tickets $50
Money can be sent to [email protected] with your name and phone number in the comments.
Hosting 50-50 fundraiser for our beloved dog Tucker. Tucker a couple days ago wasn’t feeling well and in his distress ate the rug by our front door. As Days passed, we started noticing him vomiting up the fiber strands, eating less and acting out of the ordinary. Today my partner and I took him to the vet and come to find out he has a blockage seen in the xray. Without immediate surgery his chances of surviving are not good.
Although we are both employed full time and work hard everyday. This is a huge financial surprise and we are asking for your help to put a dent into tuckers medical bills. If we could raise $3000.00 that would help us tremendously and we could cover the rest.