Visit our website to purchase your NewTrix Dog Halter today!
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NewTrix saves lives!
So many people tell us that they wouldn’t be able to walk their dog or enjoy their walks without the NewTrix Dog Halter. We are so proud of our product and are confident it will help you by preventing pulling on your walks! Walk with confidence, walk with NewTrix. #doggosbeingdoggos #dogproducts #doggytheworld #doglife #dogproducts #doggylove #dogoftheday #dogsofinstagram #dogoffacebook #dogs #doggo #dogtraining #dogtrainjngdevice #DogSafety
Check out little Mila from Chile! Her owner is so so happy to use the NewTrix!
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How to put on the NewTrix Dog Halter with Emily and Sadie the Havanese puppy! #dogs #doglover #dogproducts #dog #doggo #puppy #dogtraining #dogsofuk #dogsofinstagram #dogsoffacebook #dogsofusa #dogsofcanada #dogsofgermany #dogwalk #nopull #nopullhalter
How to put the on the NewTrix Dog Halter!
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The NewTrix Dog Halter STOPS your dog from PULLING on the leash!
Walk your dog with calm, kind control. Walk with NewTrix!
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The NewTrix Dog Halter stops your dog from pulling on the leash!
Walk your dog with Calm, Kind Control.
You gotta check out our new website featuring Sadie! Our amazing Spokespup!
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