Now taking new dog walking clients Tues, Thurs and Fridays!
Do you know anyone who needs pet care? Please share!
Hey friends, As we each learn to tolerate the new normal, I recognize that some of you may need a new plan for pet care. Whether it's a biweekly walk or playdate or bringing your pet to the vet while you work, our team is happy to help! With a new Co-Vid safety plan in place, we are grateful for your continued support. Message me or call 905 630 2029 anytime!
A message brought to your by Quincey and Cathy
Duck training anyone?
We are still trying to rest Quincey's sore paw so we thought duck training would work!
Modified exercise when your dog has an injury
Despite her injury Quincey can still get her exercise. Here she is holding her ball, maintaining the heel position, and offering me good eye contact! All mentally challenging and tiring for her as she rests her sore paw!
Helping heal her injury toenail
We are still nursing Quincey's sore foot. While she's not super excited about soaking her foot for 5 minutes in epsom salt, she enjoyed the high reward treats she gets after it's done!
Do I exercise my dog if she has an injury? YES! Just modify!
Quincey hurt her foot this past weekend and she loves her exercise! Today we changed her normal routine to help her heal while still getting her exercise in. Instead of the normal run and swim and sniff for squirrels and bunnies, we worked on training reminders and exercised her mind more than her muscles!
Teaching the heel command (plus impulse control)
Maintaining the heel position is hard but important work! Nice work Quincey
Reminding your Pup of the importance of the RECALL command
Working on recall is one of the most important skills a dog needs. We help Griffin maintain this skill by reminding him during our walks! Watch his great eye contact and his sit at the end too!
Helping them learn how to control their impulses
Helping your pup learn to control their impulses requires consistency. I find one or two things most days to remind Quincey that she has to have my permission before she does something. Over time, she will genralize this to other things (with my encouragement). This keeps her safe and helps build the trust between us!
Share or tag any of your friends who have a dog with similar challenges. Small, consistent reminders will improve any dog's behaviour long term. I promise.
Reminding older dogs that they need to LISTEN (impulse control)
Does your Pup do what they want and ignore you? I suggest building "impulse control" reminders into some of your daily routines. Griffin needed some reminders today to listen and "watch me" more (not do whatever he wanted). I began his 60 minute dog walk appt with a warm up that combined the things he loves (his ball and play) with the training reminder he needed. His family asked me to remind him he needs to behave differently.
Share or tag this with any of your friends who have a dog with similar challenges. Small, consistent reminders will improve the Pup's behaviour long term.