Niagara Dog Training

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  • Niagara Dog Training

Niagara Dog Training We work hard to be a leading dog training company in the Niagara region. Niagara Dog Training has partnered with the City of St.

Niagara Dog Training provides professional dog training across Niagara: In-home puppy training, group classes, obedience training, aggression/reactivity assessment & management, Service dog training, and board & train programs. We have a team of dog trainers providing professional and effective dog training services, including: obedience, puppy training, behaviour modification, and boarding progra

ms. Our programs feature in-home private training as well as group classes to meet the needs of you and your dog(s). we also offer virtual training and a library of online dog training programs to train anytime, anywhere. We strive for professional development and are continually upgrading our skills and education to provide our clients with the best quality services available. Catharines to offer training programs for residents who are interested in improving their relationship with their dog

Depending on your goals, we can work with you to determine what program is the best fit for you, whether it be assessing and modifying problematic behaviours, establishing structure and boundaries, strengthening obedience, imprinting positive habits in your new puppy, and/or having a trainer take your dog for an in-home boarding program. Teach your dog to walk nicely on leash without pulling, sit, down, stay and come when called. Stop excessive barking, work on housebreaking, crate training, and becoming the pack leader while building a relationship with your dog. Solutions for aggression, nipping, jumping, chewing, accidents in the house, phobias and fears, help with car rides, and more.

🐶🚫 Got a chewer at home? Chewing is a natural dog behavior, but when it turns destructive, it’s time to intervene. Here ...

🐶🚫 Got a chewer at home? Chewing is a natural dog behavior, but when it turns destructive, it’s time to intervene. Here are some proven strategies to help curb your dog's chewing and biting habits:

Provide Appropriate Chew Toys: Make sure your dog has plenty of safe and appealing toys to chew on. Rotate them regularly to keep things interesting!
Supervision is Key: Watch your dog closely and intervene before they chew on inappropriate items. Use a firm 'no' and replace the item with a chew toy.
Exercise and Mental Stimulation: Often, dogs chew out of boredom or excess energy. Regular exercise and mental stimulation can greatly reduce chewing behavior.
Bitter Sprays: Use taste deterrents on items you don’t want your dog to chew. These are available at pet stores and can be very effective.
Training and Consistency: Teach commands like 'leave it' or 'drop it' to manage chewing habits. Consistent training is crucial for long-term success.
For more detailed steps and guidance on stopping your dog’s chewing for good, visit our blog at Let's keep those paws busy with the right stuff! 🐾

In this weeks doggy spotlight we would like to feature Peggy Bundy!Peggy Bundy is a Mixed. 4years oldShe was picked up a...

In this weeks doggy spotlight we would like to feature Peggy Bundy!

Peggy Bundy is a Mixed. 4years old

She was picked up as a pregnant stray in Texas and nursed her pups plus another dogs litter in foster! She's an absolute sweetheart, very easy going loves treats, watching hockey with her little human brother, and going to dog friendly stores for some shopping lol!

Keep up the great work! Send us a picture of your doggy to be featured!

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Classical conditioning isn't just for tricks; it's a powerful tool for helping dogs overcome fears, from people and nois...

Classical conditioning isn't just for tricks; it's a powerful tool for helping dogs overcome fears, from people and noises to new places. The best part? You don’t need to know the root of their fear to help them.

Take, for example, a dog afraid of umbrellas. Whether it's because they've had a bad experience or just find them strange, you can use classical conditioning to change their perception. By associating umbrellas with positive experiences like treats or play, your dog can learn to view them more positively instead of as scary objects.

👉 Here’s how to get started:

Identify the fear trigger (e.g., umbrellas).
Introduce the feared object in a controlled, non-threatening way.
Simultaneously offer a favorite treat or toy.
Repeat the process to strengthen the association.
Want to learn more about using classical conditioning to help your dog? Visit our detailed guide for step-by-step instructions at Let’s turn fear into fondness together! 🐾🎓"

🐶🏠 Finding unexpected puddles in the house from your dog? It can be frustrating, but understanding the reasons behind it...

🐶🏠 Finding unexpected puddles in the house from your dog? It can be frustrating, but understanding the reasons behind it is key to solving the problem. Dogs may urinate indoors due to a variety of reasons like urinary tract infections, anxiety, marking territory, or even lack of proper house training.

Here’s how you can address and prevent this unwelcome behavior:

Veterinary Check-Up: Rule out health issues by visiting your vet. Conditions like UTIs require medical treatment.
Consistent Schedule: Establish a regular routine for bathroom breaks. Dogs thrive on routine and it can help prevent accidents.
Positive Reinforcement: Reward your dog for doing their business outside. Treats and praise can reinforce good behavior.
Address Anxiety: If your dog pees due to anxiety, identify the stressors and work on reducing them. Consider behavioral training or consult a professional.
Proper Cleaning: Use an enzymatic cleaner for any accidents to eliminate odors that might encourage re-marking.
Need more tips or guidance on how to manage house-training issues? Check out our detailed guide at Let's keep your home clean and your pup happy! 🐕✨

Dreading leaving your dog alone? Have a dog that experiences separation anxiety? (Or a mix of both?)🏠 Here's a tip: star...

Dreading leaving your dog alone? Have a dog that experiences separation anxiety? (Or a mix of both?)🏠
Here's a tip: start with short departures and gradually increase the time away. Praise them for calm behaviour, and they’ll learn that it’s okay when you leave because you will return. No need to hype things up as you leave or return, teach them coming and going is normal and no need to stress, help to build security for you and your dog.
Need more advice? We’ve got plenty at

Bringing a new puppy home? Start their training early to set the foundation for a well-behaved adult dog. Here are some ...

Bringing a new puppy home? Start their training early to set the foundation for a well-behaved adult dog. Here are some essential tips to kickstart your puppy’s training journey:

Begin Early: Start training as soon as your puppy comes home. Puppies can learn basic commands like ‘sit’ and ‘stay’ as early as 7 to 8 weeks old.
Keep It Short and Sweet: Puppies have short attention spans. Keep training sessions brief (5-10 minutes) and fun.
Positive Reinforcement: Use treats, praise, and play to reward your puppy for good behavior. This encourages them to repeat those behaviors.
Socialization is Key: Expose your puppy to different people, pets, and environments early on. This helps prevent fear and aggression as they grow.
Be Patient and Consistent: Consistency is crucial in training. Always use the same commands and rewards to avoid confusing your puppy.
Remember, early training forms the building blocks for your puppy's future. For more detailed puppy training tips, check out Let’s raise happy, confident, and obedient pups together! 🐕🌟

Regular vet check-ups are crucial for keeping your dog healthy, but how often should you schedule these appointments? He...

Regular vet check-ups are crucial for keeping your dog healthy, but how often should you schedule these appointments? Here’s a quick guide:

Puppies: Under a year old should visit the vet multiple times for vaccinations and routine checkups.
Adult Dogs: Annual wellness exams are recommended. These visits can catch health issues before they become serious.
Senior Dogs: Twice a year, as older dogs are more likely to develop health issues that need monitoring.
Behavior Changes: If you notice any unusual symptoms or behaviors in your dog, such as changes in eating habits or activity levels, schedule a visit regardless of their last check-up.
Staying proactive with vet visits can help ensure your dog lives a long, healthy, and happy life. For more detailed guidelines tailored to your dog’s specific needs, check out our advice at Keeping your pup healthy is our priority! 🐾

In this weeks doggy spotlight we would like to feature Tohyah ! Tohyah is a Beagle. He is 1 year old.Keep up the great w...

In this weeks doggy spotlight we would like to feature Tohyah !

Tohyah is a Beagle. He is 1 year old.

Keep up the great work! Send us a picture of your doggy to be featured!

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🐶🍽️ Does your dog turn into a professional beggar every time you sit down to eat? It's a common issue but can be managed...

🐶🍽️ Does your dog turn into a professional beggar every time you sit down to eat? It's a common issue but can be managed with consistent training. Here’s how to stop your dog from begging at the table:

Start Early: Train your dog from a young age to understand that begging is not rewarded.
No Table Scraps: Resist those puppy eyes! Never feed your dog from the table.
Consistent Rules: Ensure everyone in the household follows the same no-begging rules to avoid confusing your dog.
Feed Them First: Giving your dog their meal before your family eats can keep them full and less interested in your food.
Create a Distraction: Provide a toy or a treat-dispensing puzzle to keep them busy while you eat.
Train 'Go to Place' Command: Teach your dog to go to their bed or a specific spot during meal times.
Stick to these tips, and enjoy your meals in peace! For more guidance on training your dog, visit Let’s make dinner time enjoyable for everyone! 🐕👍

🐾🏅 A New Month, A Fresh Start! 🌟🐶 August is the Perfect Time to Invest in Your Dog's Training! 🌻 Join Niagara Dog Traini...

🐾🏅 A New Month, A Fresh Start! 🌟🐶 August is the Perfect Time to Invest in Your Dog's Training! 🌻 Join Niagara Dog Training and Watch Your Furry Companion Thrive! 🌠

Sharp attention isn't just for show dogs—it's essential for everyday obedience and makes training a breeze. Here are som...

Sharp attention isn't just for show dogs—it's essential for everyday obedience and makes training a breeze. Here are some effective ways to improve your dog's focus:

Start with Short Sessions: Begin with short training sessions in a distraction-free environment to help your dog learn to focus on you.
Use High-Value Treats: Grab your dog's attention with treats they can’t resist. Use these treats exclusively for training sessions to maintain their special status.
Practice the 'Watch Me' Command: Teach your dog to look at you on command. Start by holding a treat near your eye and saying 'Watch me'. Reward them immediately after they make eye contact.
Gradually Increase Distractions: Once your dog masters focusing in a calm environment, gradually introduce more distractions to help them learn to maintain focus in any situation.
Stay Consistent and Patient: Consistency is key in training. Regular practice and positive reinforcement will lead to great results.
Focused training creates a path to a well-behaved pup. Want more tips on training your dog to pay attention? Check out our full guide at Let’s get those tails wagging and eyes on you! 🐕✨

Road trips with your pup should be fun, not stressful! Ensure smooth rides by securing them safely, maintaining a calm e...

Road trips with your pup should be fun, not stressful! Ensure smooth rides by securing them safely, maintaining a calm environment, and taking frequent breaks. Discover our top tips for stress-free car travel with your dog and how to keep them relaxed on the road at .

🐾💡 Did You Know? The Power of Operant Conditioning in Dog Training! Operant conditioning is a fundamental method in trai...

🐾💡 Did You Know? The Power of Operant Conditioning in Dog Training! Operant conditioning is a fundamental method in training that uses consequences to modify the behavior of your dog. It's all about the basic principle: actions followed by rewards are likely to be repeated, while those followed by a negative outcome are not.

Here’s a quick breakdown:

Positive Reinforcement: Rewarding your dog for a behavior increases the likelihood they will repeat it. Think treats, praise, or playtime!
Negative Reinforcement: Involves removing an unpleasant stimulus when the desired behavior occurs. For example, easing pressure on a leash when your dog follows a 'heel' command.
Positive Punishment: Adding an unpleasant consequence after an undesirable behavior. For instance, a firm 'no' when a rule is broken.
Negative Punishment: This involves taking away a liked stimulus to decrease the behavior, like removing a toy when your dog starts chewing it aggressively.
Understanding these principles can greatly enhance your training strategy and deepen the bond between you and your dog. Want to learn how to apply these techniques effectively? Visit for tips and training guidance! 🐕📘

In this weeks doggy spotlight we would like to feature Rosie! Rosie is a Cockapoo. She's 2 years old. She loves treats a...

In this weeks doggy spotlight we would like to feature Rosie! Rosie is a Cockapoo. She's 2 years old. She loves treats and wants to go for walks. Keep up the great work! Send us a picture of your doggy to be featured! Submit here

Walking your dog with a group offers more than just exercise—it's a fantastic way to improve their social skills, reduce...

Walking your dog with a group offers more than just exercise—it's a fantastic way to improve their social skills, reduce anxiety, and build confidence. Here's why pack walks can be a game-changer for your furry friend:

Socialization: Dogs are naturally social creatures. Pack walks allow them to interact in a structured way, learning from each other and understanding pack dynamics.
Mental Stimulation: Navigating different interactions and environments on a pack walk provides excellent mental exercise, keeping your dog engaged and alert.
Behavior Improvement: Regular pack walks can help reduce behavior issues like aggression and fear, as dogs learn appropriate social behavior from their peers.
Physical Health: Alongside the social benefits, pack walks are great for physical health, providing consistent and exciting exercise routines.
Ready to try? Start with a small, manageable group and choose dogs that are known to be sociable and calm. For more tips on organizing a successful pack walk, check out our resources at Let’s walk the walk together! 🐾

Choosing the Right Dog Trainer: What to Look For Finding a great dog trainer is crucial for your pup’s development. Here...

Choosing the Right Dog Trainer: What to Look For Finding a great dog trainer is crucial for your pup’s development. Here are key factors to consider when hiring one:

Certifications and Experience: Look for trainers who are certified and have experience in the field. Credentials from recognized organizations like the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT) are a good sign.
Training Methods: Ensure the trainer uses positive reinforcement techniques, which are effective and build a trusting relationship between you and your dog.
Specializations: Depending on your needs (puppy training, behavior modification, agility, etc.), check if the trainer specializes in those areas.
References and Reviews: Ask for references or read online reviews to get insights into their effectiveness and how they interact with clients and their pets.
Observation: If possible, observe a training session. This can give you a good idea of their training style and how they handle dogs and their owners.
Choosing the right trainer can make a huge difference in your dog’s life. For more tips on finding the perfect fit for your furry friend, visit us at Let’s train smart and create happy, well-behaved pups together! 🐾

Join Our 6-Week Puppy Group Classes!Is your pup ready to learn and have fun? Our 6-week Group Program is the perfect opp...

Join Our 6-Week Puppy Group Classes!

Is your pup ready to learn and have fun? Our 6-week Group Program is the perfect opportunity to build a solid foundation for your puppy’s training journey!

✨ Program Highlights:
🐕 6 Group training sessions with our Professional Trainers
💻 'Building A Foundation' online program to start learning before classes begin
🔄 Techniques to enhance your dog's focus on you as the handler
🐾 Master Loose Leash Walking
📋 Learn key obedience commands: Heel, Sit, Down, and Recall
🐶 Structured socialization in a safe, controlled environment
🎉 Enjoy fun activities with your pup while improving your training skills
⏰ Each session is 45 minutes long

PLUS, join our Pack Walks for additional practice and socialization!

📅 Spots are limited! Secure your place today and start your puppy on the path to success!

Got a gardener on your hands? Dogs dig for many reasons—boredom, hunting instincts, or just for fun! Learn how to curb t...

Got a gardener on your hands? Dogs dig for many reasons—boredom, hunting instincts, or just for fun! Learn how to curb this behavior with strategies like providing more exercise, creating a designated digging spot, and using distractions. Dig deeper into our tips on how to stop them at

🌞🐕 Stay Cool, Pup: Your Summer Heat Safety Guide! Hot weather can be tough on our furry friends. Here's how to protect t...

🌞🐕 Stay Cool, Pup: Your Summer Heat Safety Guide! Hot weather can be tough on our furry friends. Here's how to protect them from heat stress and heat stroke:

Hydrate: Keep water bowls full and carry water on walks.
Time Your Walks: Go out in the cooler morning or evening hours.
Provide Shade: Make sure there are cool, shady spots for your dog to relax.
Recognize the Signs: Look out for excessive panting, drooling, or lethargy.
For a quick rescue from the heat, visit our tips page at Let’s make this a safe summer for all dogs! 🐾

In this weeks doggy spotlight we would like to feature Oogie! Oogie is a Old English Bulldog. He is 3years old. Oogie lo...

In this weeks doggy spotlight we would like to feature Oogie! Oogie is a Old English Bulldog. He is 3years old. Oogie loves to run through the snow and eats it but never likes to get his paws wet from the rain! He loves jumping through the leaves and is definitely a cuddle bug. Keep up the great work! Send us a picture of your doggy to be featured! Submit here

Training is about more than just teaching your dog commands—it's a journey of understanding and connection. 🎓🐾 With prof...

Training is about more than just teaching your dog commands—it's a journey of understanding and connection. 🎓🐾 With professional training, you'll learn how to redirect inappropriate actions and reinforce positive behaviors using positive, rewards-based methods. This approach strengthens the bond between you and your dog, creating a balanced and well-behaved companion. Experience the benefits of professional training and unlock the full potential of your dog today! 💪🌟

Free Pack Walks every Thursday at 7pm for the summer season.All people and dogs are welcome. Add your name on the websit...

Free Pack Walks every Thursday at 7pm for the summer season.
All people and dogs are welcome.

Add your name on the website or send a message for all the details.

Ready to achieve potty training success? Look no further! 🎯✨ Niagara Dog Training is here to help you unleash the power ...

Ready to achieve potty training success? Look no further! 🎯✨ Niagara Dog Training is here to help you unleash the power of potty train finesse. Our dedicated trainers will provide you with the tools, techniques, and support needed to conquer this essential training milestone. Say goodbye to accidents and frustration, and say hello to a clean and well-trained pup. Visit us now and let's make potty training a success story! 🐶💪

Does your dog show signs of aggression? It's a challenging behaviour but can often be managed with the right approach. T...

Does your dog show signs of aggression? It's a challenging behaviour but can often be managed with the right approach. The key to success lies in behaviour modification led by a professional trainer.

Here’s a quick guide to managing aggression:

1. Seek Expert Help: Work with a qualified professional who specializes in behavioral issues.
2. Assessment is important: Having a professional canine behaviour specialist work with you to gather the dog's history, profile, strengths and triggers, as well as details re: any attempted or successful bites
Management vs "fixing" behaviour. Ensuring safety is #1.
3. Behavior Modification rewards good behaviour (like calmness and obedience) rather than punishing the bad. Counter conditioning, desensitization, and planned exposure are some approaches consider.

Incorporate things your dog loves such as treats, toys, and praise to encourage and reinforce good behaviour.

Remember, safety first! Always ensure you and others are safe when handling aggressive behaviours. For more detailed strategies and expert guidance, visit

🌐💡 Discover the Convenience of Online Dog Training! Remote training isn't just a trend—it's a flexible, effective way to...

🌐💡 Discover the Convenience of Online Dog Training! Remote training isn't just a trend—it's a flexible, effective way to teach your dog from the comfort of your own home. Benefits include:

Flexibility: Schedule sessions that fit your lifestyle.
Comfort: Train in a familiar environment where your dog feels at ease.
Consistency: Maintain regular sessions easily without the hassle of travel.
Personal Attention: Get tailored guidance specific to your dog’s needs and your training goals.

Start your journey to a better-behaved pup today and see the difference firsthand. For more info, visit Let's make training convenient for you and fun for your dog! 🐶🖥️

🐶🔊 Why do dogs bark and how can you gently stop it? Dogs bark to communicate: alerting, excitement, or even anxiety. Her...

🐶🔊 Why do dogs bark and how can you gently stop it? Dogs bark to communicate: alerting, excitement, or even anxiety. Here’s how to manage it:

Exercise: Keep them active to reduce excess energy.
Remove Triggers: Limit exposure to things that cause barking.
Quiet Command: Teach them to respond to a 'quiet' cue.
Positive Reinforcement: Reward them for quiet behavior.

Struggling with barking? We’ve got more tips and expert advice on our website: Let’s make peace, not noise! 🐾

Hey dog parents! 🐕‍🦺 Remember, daily walks are so much more than just a way to burn off energy. They're perfect for ment...

Hey dog parents! 🐕‍🦺 Remember, daily walks are so much more than just a way to burn off energy. They're perfect for mental stimulation and strengthening your bond. Just think of it as quality time that keeps your furry friend happy and healthy. Need some walking tips? Swing by for some great ideas. 🌿

🐕💡 Did You Know? Unlocking Dog Training with Classical Conditioning! This method helps your dog associate a neutral stim...

🐕💡 Did You Know? Unlocking Dog Training with Classical Conditioning! This method helps your dog associate a neutral stimulus (like a bell) with a positive response (like getting a treat). It’s great for:

Building Positive Responses: Pair commands with rewards to encourage good behavior.
Easing Anxiety: Use positive reinforcement to help your dog feel comfortable in new situations.
Simplifying Training: Lay a foundation that makes advanced learning easier.
Want to learn more about classical conditioning? Check out our expert training tips 🧠🐾

👔 Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads and dog dads out there! Your strength, love, and care make every day better...

👔 Happy Father's Day to all the amazing dads and dog dads out there! Your strength, love, and care make every day better. Today, we celebrate you and your incredible bond with your families and furry friends. 🌟❤️🐾

Properly socializing your puppy can set the foundation for a well-adjusted adult dog. Socializing involves introducing y...

Properly socializing your puppy can set the foundation for a well-adjusted adult dog.
Socializing involves introducing your pup to a variety of people, environments, and other animals in a positive manner, helping them develop into confident and happy adults.

Benefits of early socialization include:

Reduced Behavioral Issues: Well-socialized puppies are less likely to develop aggression and fearfulness later in life.

Improved Human Interactions: They learn to interact positively with humans, making them friendly and adaptable.

Enhanced Play Skills: Socialized dogs understand how to play and interact, which can make training and recreational activities more enjoyable.

Start socializing your puppy early and often! For tips on how to do it safely and effectively, visit Let's help your puppy grow into a sociable and well-mannered dog! 🐾



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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