Good Boy Dog Training

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Good Boy Dog Training Obedience and behaviour training you can trust in Edmonton, Alberta. Group classes & private training

We offer group classes and private training options for you and your dog.


Biggs and I are working on a few things in this video. On exiting the house, he was really blasting out the door determined to go full steam ahead. So, I worked on building a routine for him that when we exit, he stops with his feet on the door sill, without a verbal cue, waiting to be released. What you can't see behind the door is me resetting back to step one every time: putting on the collar and leash. We're also working on releasing from that position and immediately reengaging with me (rather than assuming focus time is over).

Finally, we're working on a quick turn around cue, helping him learn that we may change direction even when he's most excited to go forward. I'm making sure to put a lot of value into following me, which he clearly gets by the end. I think this was about ten minutes overall.

*Just a note, it's really not necessary to have your dog stop and wait at every door. I chose this for this dog because he was having specific trouble engaging with me on a walk right from the exit point. For my personal dogs, I have this rule for one of them, and not for the other. That choice all depends on your needs and the choices your dog is making when left to their own devices.

Did you know? We have the lowest trainer to dog ratio in the city in our group classes. This means that you get more dir...

Did you know? We have the lowest trainer to dog ratio in the city in our group classes. This means that you get more direct coaching, more hands on help, and more support on specific problems. We have an max of six dogs in class, and two trainers ready to help you out.

Here are just a few quick shots from the last month (I wish I had more, but I try my best not to spend the class behind the camera, despite all the ridiculous cuteness I'm surrounded with!).

I'm excited to announce that we'll be hosting Predation Substitute Training - Simone Mueller for a seminar at the end of...

I'm excited to announce that we'll be hosting Predation Substitute Training - Simone Mueller for a seminar at the end of the summer. Simone's approach to working through predatory behaviour in dogs is fascinating, effective, and force free. She's coming all the way from Germany to deliver a two-day seminar, including some live work with demo dogs. This seminar is geared toward professional trainers. However, keen dog owners may be interested in this opportunity as well.

I hope you're able to join us for August 31-September 1st in Edmonton. Early bird pricing is in effect until April 15. We also have some Super Early Bird tickets still available - those are limited and when they're gone, they're gone! You can find details about the seminar at the link below. CEUs are pending and hotel options will be posted as soon as possible. Please note that payment plans are also available through the website.


Sage is a dog with some big feelings about other dogs. His reactions tend to be abrupt and loud, and being a strong boy, he's pulled his person over in the past. Even in the absence of other dogs, he really wants to get places fast and visit every single tree he passes. Our first couple of sessions were focused on learning to walk nicely. This lesson was centered around creating a quieter, more focused response to the sight of another dog. Here is just a couple of minutes of work. If you're working on reactivity with your dog, there are a lot of little things to think about, but once you get the hang of things, it comes together beautifully.


A quick video of introducing tug play to a young puppy. I am usually teaching a few things at once when introing this. Tug can be a delightful way to play with just a few easy rules. My tug rules for the puppy are:

1) The game starts when I give a cue (take it, get it, or similar). Trying to make me start the game by trying to grab the toy or bite through my hands doesn't work. This rule helps prevent puppies from sn**ching anything they perceive to be a toy out of hands.

2) Teeth on skin ends the game. Set them up to have good aim by presenting the biteable part of the toy clearly. Two hands spaced apart, presenting the toy in between, usually works best.

3) Dropping when given a cue. I almost always reward a drop by restarting the game.

My rules for myself, which are just as important:

1) Tug is a game with some inherent conflict, and it works best for play and training if you take the conflict out of it. You shouldn't feel like you're arguing with your puppy. Make the game fun by letting them win often. Act goofy, wiggly, and loose yourself. Pretend to fall over because they tugged SO hard. When possible, invite them to return to you after they win instead of trying to sn**ch the toy back (and notice that when I do take it back, I'm not being intimidating and I'm keeping it playful).

2) Tug games tap into your dog's prey drive, so to get the best results, the tug should act like prey. Wiggle it AWAY from your dog, low to the ground, in small, fast movements. Go from being stationary to abruptly moving. If it looks like a squirrel trying to dodge a dog, you're doing it right!


A cold weather reminder. There are lots of options for puzzle toys, including using bowls you already have or things around your house. Yesterday I put kibble inside an empty coke box, taped it shut, and let my dog go to town. Always supervise to be sure they aren't consuming the box itself (most dogs won't). He had a great time and burned enough energy to keep us both sane.

Meet Herb, Buck, Siku, and Tundra. If you can't tell, Siku and Tundra are having the BEST time together. There were some...

Meet Herb, Buck, Siku, and Tundra. If you can't tell, Siku and Tundra are having the BEST time together. There were some wise words from Tundra's owner in the last puppy class of her set today: "I've learned to look for progress, not perfection." Such a true thing when training dogs! All of these dogs and their people made great progress in classes, and I hope to see them all again!

[DISCOUNT CODE - NOVEMBER]Have you been here? Reactivity issues, which include barking, lunging, whining, and snapping a...


Have you been here? Reactivity issues, which include barking, lunging, whining, and snapping at other dogs while on leash or through a fence, can be very stressful on both the dog and their humans. Resolving reactivity requires an approach that looks at the dog's whole life and experience, not just their behaviour on a walk. This is one of the most common problems that we help people with, and it's something that can be worked through with patience and dedication. In fact, winter is often the best time to do this, as fewer dogs are out on walks, giving you more space to work!

Our training packages are designed to give you the repeated support that you'll need to work on this. Check out the link below for details, and take advantage of our payment plan option if needed. Until the end of November, use the discount code NOVEMBER (I know, creative) for $50 off a private training package, our gift to you!

*Note: This image has been AI generated, as it would not be ethical for us to set dogs up to fail for a photo op.

A reminder: We have Puppy Party classes running for the next five weeks! You can sign up for one class or all of them. T...

A reminder: We have Puppy Party classes running for the next five weeks! You can sign up for one class or all of them. These classes are one-hour play groups with a trainer. Sign up for multiple classes at once to get a discount on each class (code: PARTYTIME). These classes are always a blast and your trainer will spend much of it pointing out body language and helping you learn about what good play looks like.

Link to register is in the comments!

There's a huge range of sociability in dogs, from deeply shy to off-the-wall excited. Most dogs fall somewhere in the mi...

There's a huge range of sociability in dogs, from deeply shy to off-the-wall excited. Most dogs fall somewhere in the middle, leaning toward moderately social with some selectivity about who and what they like (just like us!). All of this starts with genetics, but beyond that, our dogs' experiences as puppies have the largest effect on their long-term sociability.

Learning social skills with other dogs is about a combination of positive, safe experiences, and support in developing their understanding of polite interactions. Unfortunately, dog parks are not an ideal place to have these experiences, as they're a mystery bag of dogs every time you show up. Day cares can be an appropriate place to learn, provided they are specifically set up for puppies, and have a very knowledgeable team with a low ratio of dogs to people. However, the ideal place to learn is in a puppy class! Classes provide the best of all the worlds - a trainer is present, all the owners are present, and everyone can be on the same page about helping puppies have a good experience.

We have set up a new set of Puppy Party classes, which are one-hour play groups with a trainer. If you register for multiple classes at once, you can receive a discount per class (more details on the registration page). These classes are always a blast and your trainer will spend much of it pointing out body language and helping you learn about what good play looks like.

Link to register is in the comments!

A couple of puppies learning to wait to be told they can grab food. This skill is very helpful as it transitions over to...

A couple of puppies learning to wait to be told they can grab food. This skill is very helpful as it transitions over to tables, floors, and counters, and can even be used to teach dogs to refuse food offered by strangers or children.

Cute little Isla in Puppy Prep School!

Cute little Isla in Puppy Prep School!

One of the major forms of enrichment available to your dog is social enrichment. Socializing is mentally stimulating, of...

One of the major forms of enrichment available to your dog is social enrichment. Socializing is mentally stimulating, often physical, and fills your dog's emotional cup. While this can often look like play time with other dogs, many dogs have better experiences socializing with people, and this is often easier to arrange.

The most important things to look at when choosing social opportunities for your dog is to consider their preferences, the possibility for the unexpected, and whether the situation allows them to put their best paw forward. What works for one dog may not be suitable for the next, so it's important to evaluate your dog as an individual. Some dogs will thrive in a busy family holiday setting, or on an outing to a patio. Others would really be happier at home with one or two familiar guests.

As we approach the holiday season, it's a great time to start making a plan for how to keep your dog comfortable. I know for many people it feels strange to not include their dog in celebrations, so you hereby have permission from all four of our trainers to feel okay leaving your dog at home, setting up an area in your house for your dog that's off limits to guests, or whatever else they need to not feel overwhelmed. If you need any help, check out our private training packages. Please note that we may only be able to get you in for one appointment before Thanksgiving, but we can certainly get you in for more before Christmas!

Collars, Harnesses and Head Halters Oh My!When it comes to walking a dog on leash who pulls it can be a very difficult e...

Collars, Harnesses and Head Halters Oh My!

When it comes to walking a dog on leash who pulls it can be a very difficult experience. Your arms hurt, you no longer enjoy walking your dog, and excessive pulling on a collar can cause injury to the dog’s body.
So, how to we make walking easier? Well, what you use can play a big part in helping you and your dog on walks. For strong pullers we generally recommend a harness or head halter. We will go over each and what is best below.

Y-style harnesses: we recommend these with a dual clip option. This means it has a D-loop on the back and chest of your dog. This gives you a multipurpose harness as it will help with walking and let you tether your dog in your vehicle. It also doesn’t restrict your dog’s shoulder so they can keep their natural stride. These harnesses will take the pressure of your dog’s neck and not cause any spinal or shoulder issues for your dog. These are great for helping to prevent pulling.
T-style harness: we don’t recommend these harnesses as they will cut across your dog’s shoulder so they can’t fully extend their legs when walking. They can cause irritation and rubbing on your dogs’ skin; as well as possible spinal and shoulder injuries. They are not recommended for helping prevent pulling.
Head halters: is like that of a horse halter but for dogs. They go over the bridge of your dog’s nose and turn your dogs head to the side. It is recommended if you are going to use one of these to slowly introduce with positive reinforcement as most dogs don’t like things on their face.

Choosing the right gear is only part of the solution for pulling, but gives you a little more leverage and makes the process easier for you. After you find the right equipment, you will need training, patience, and practice to turn your dog into loose leash walking pro.
If you have a dog who pulls we cover loose leash walking in our group classes as well as private training.

Fall always just feels like school to me! Take a look at our next set of group classes, starting October 3rd, to polish ...

Fall always just feels like school to me! Take a look at our next set of group classes, starting October 3rd, to polish up a few things for your dog or start training with your new puppy. Our Puppy Prep School class is on sale for $199 for the next week, so register soon to hold your spot!

Edmonton has a brand new emergency veterinary clinic located on the northwest side of the city! We're very lucky to have...

Edmonton has a brand new emergency veterinary clinic located on the northwest side of the city! We're very lucky to have access to multiple options here. Add Boreal Veterinary Centre to your contact list, just in case.

Other options in Edmonton and area are Vet ER, and Pulse Emergency in Sherwood Park. Please note that Guardian is no longer functioning as an emergency clinic at this time.

Ramen wants to invite you to to Puppy Party class tomorrow morning! Come spend an hour doing puppy play time, with other...

Ramen wants to invite you to to Puppy Party class tomorrow morning! Come spend an hour doing puppy play time, with other socialization activities added as time permits. This class is supervised by experienced trainers that will help you learn what you're seeing during play, and make sure that your puppy is supported in learning positive play habits. Puppies are separated by size and play style as appropriate. Register at the link below!

Reminder for hot weather days: if you cannot comfortably rest the inside of your wrist on the pavement for seven seconds...

Reminder for hot weather days: if you cannot comfortably rest the inside of your wrist on the pavement for seven seconds, it is too hot for your dogs feet to handle! Seek out shaded areas and grass to walk on, or use enrichment to keep your dog busy indoors.


Sometimes our behaviours are strange and unpredictable from our dogs’ perspective. Put yourself in their paws; dogs need space and respect, just like us. This is especially important to note with children, who often unintentionally make dogs uncomfortable. It’s important for you to model positive interactions with your dog for your kids and to supervise them (eyes on them!) when they’re together. Any dog is capable of biting if they feel like they have no other choice.

SUMMER CLASS ALERT!This summer, we're offering some shorter-form classes for those dogs ready to take their skills outdo...


This summer, we're offering some shorter-form classes for those dogs ready to take their skills outdoors, and we're bringing back Puppy Parties!

Puppy Plus: In this 3-week class we’ll guide you through practice out in the community, with a focus on loose leash walking skills and exposure to new places. Class starting Thursday, June 15th at 6:00 PM.

Good Boy Street Smarts: From walking politely on a busy sidewalk to keeping their cool during greetings to waiting patiently at a corner, we’ll target the skills your dog needs to work on, and help you polish up your dog’s outdoor skills to a sparkling finish! Class starting Thursday, June 15th at 7:15 PM.

Puppy Party is back! After a 6 month break, we are excited to offer our drop-in puppy socialization classes again. Classes starting Sunday, June 4th at 10:00 AM.

Links to each class in the comment section!

Congratulations to our recently graduated Puppy Prep School Students: Sonic, Toffee, Kane, Dani, Otis, and Cocoa!How cut...

Congratulations to our recently graduated Puppy Prep School Students: Sonic, Toffee, Kane, Dani, Otis, and Cocoa!

How cute are they?!

Consent is key! Just like we are taught not to touch others without asking, it's important we give our dogs the same res...

Consent is key!

Just like we are taught not to touch others without asking, it's important we give our dogs the same respect. Dogs can't use words to say "no, thank you", so it's helpful if we can provide them opportunities to opt out of things when needed.

During playtime with other dogs, we can check to see if things are going well with a consent test. Remove the more playful dog and see what happens. Does the remaining dog move towards the dog that was removed and try to continue playing? We have consent! If the remaining dog opts to move on to something else, chances are they needed a break.

We can also perform consent tests in other situations. When petting a dog, stop for a moment and remove your hands. If the dog immediately leans into you or moves towards your hands for more scritches, they are giving you the go-ahead to continue. If they walk away, we know they've had enough.

Try this out the next time your dog is playing with their friends, when you're greeting them, or grooming them. And pay attention to their body language! Does your dog have a tell-tale sign that you know means "I'm done"?

Motivators: treats and toys and praise, oh my!We are often asked if it's possible to train a dog without using food. The...

Motivators: treats and toys and praise, oh my!

We are often asked if it's possible to train a dog without using food. The truth is, food is the easiest thing to use for training, because we can use plenty of it to practice many repetitions. Your dog needs to eat anyway, we might as well put it to good use!

You many find certain foods are less motivating to your dog. Crunchy biscuits tend to be less interesting than soft training treats. Cheese or diced hotdog may trump everything. Take this into account when training in a new or difficult environment. If you're asking for harder work, you'll have to pay more!

That being said, dogs are motivated by plenty of other things. A good game of tug or fetch may be their kryptonite. A nice massage and "what a good boy!" may make them melt. Getting to sniff a tree or greet the person who's approaching might be the ultimate treat. There are plenty of rewards all over the place, use them to your advantage!

You don't have to bribe your dog with food or have treats on you 24/7. But we also can't expect our dog to work for free, just like we wouldn't! Phase out treats slowly, replace them with other rewards, and surprise them with something delicious every once in a while!

What is your dog's kryptonite, other than food?

The Great Debate: Collar vs. Harness?Neither is "bad" per se, and there are uses for both. A collar is handy for holding...

The Great Debate: Collar vs. Harness?

Neither is "bad" per se, and there are uses for both. A collar is handy for holding identification, but can put pressure on the delicate structures in your dog's neck if they tend pull while on leash.

A harness can be helpful in taking pressure off of the neck, but can make it more comfortable for a dog to pull. We recommend a harness with an attachment point on the chest (often called a front-clip harness) if your dog tends to take you for walks. Attaching the leash to the front of the dog's body will give the handler more leverage than if the leash is attached to their back. As long as it's fitted properly, you'll likely feel a big difference just by incorporating one.

Another tool used for walking is a head collar or halti. These work like a bridle on a horse to give the handler an attachment point near the front of the body; under the dog's chin. These are sometimes mistaken for muzzles, however, a halti does not prevent barking, eating, drinking, or biting. A halti is not our first recommendation, as it will need to be desensitized before use to avoid the dog fussing with it on walks.

None of these tools TEACH your dog to loose leash walk, but a well designed and well-fitting harness may help make the process of a bit less painful for both of you.

Do you use a collar, harness, or halti to walk your dog?

Does your dog get scheduled meals, or are they free-fed? Free-feeding is when we leave food available for the dog anytim...

Does your dog get scheduled meals, or are they free-fed?

Free-feeding is when we leave food available for the dog anytime they'd like. This may seem like a good idea at first, but there are many benefits to feeding their meals on a schedule!

- Potty training: if you are trying to potty train a puppy, predicting bathroom breaks can be difficult if you're not sure when they last ate.

- Weight control: it's much easier to manage your dogs weight with portioned meals. Many dogs overeat if left to their own devices!

- Emergencies: *Knocks on wood* If your dog needs an urgent procedure, your vet may need to know if and how much your dog has recently eaten before proceeding.

- Food value: When food is available 24/7, it becomes less valuable. If you ate lobster dinners every meal, you wouldn't view them as a treat anymore!

We recommend offering the food to your dog at their scheduled mealtimes, and picking it up after about 20 minutes, whether they have finished it or not. Don't worry, a healthy dog won't starve themselves! It may take some getting used to, but your dog will start to learn their new schedule and you'll both reap the benefits.

Of course, if you dog has a medical reason for needing to be free-fed, follow your vet's advice!

Do you use a marker when training your dog? One of the first things we practice in our classes is marker timing. A marke...

Do you use a marker when training your dog?

One of the first things we practice in our classes is marker timing. A marker is a word or sound that tells your dog they did the right thing, and they've earned a reward. Accuracy is important; if your timing is off, you could be rewarding an unwanted behaviour. If you can master your timing, it becomes super clear to your dog what is expected of them.

We often get asked about clickers; are they are beneficial or a waste of time?
We find them super helpful! They are more accurate than we can often be with our words, and the sound is more consistent than our voices, especially if you have many voices in your home! They can be cumbersome for some folks, in which case using a verbal marker is totally fine. "Yes", "nice, or "good" make for great marker words; we recommend sticking to one syllable for the most accuracy!

If you've never tried a clicker, give one a go! They're affordable, and super easy to get started with. It's a common misconception that a clicker must be carried around everywhere once the dog is clicker trained. You can easily switch between verbal markers and a clicker!

What is your marker word? If you've used a clicker, what have you taught with it?

Happy Valentine's Day! Please enjoy this box of chocolate [labs].

Happy Valentine's Day! Please enjoy this box of chocolate [labs].


Opening Hours

Monday 12:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 12:00 - 21:00
Wednesday 12:00 - 21:00
Thursday 12:00 - 21:00
Friday 12:00 - 21:00
Saturday 12:00 - 21:00
Sunday 12:00 - 21:00




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